- Breedeur: Amadeus Genetics
- Variété Originale: Original
- Type de graines disponible: Régulière
- Parents: Green Dragon x Sour Blue Thai
- Origines: Espagne
- Génotype: Dominance Sativa
- Temps de flo. Indoor: ~56 jours
- Temps de flo. Outdoor: ~56 jours
- Commercialisation:
- Odeur: Très forte
- Signaler Variété
After the Green Dragon and the Sour Blue Thai have proven themselves in terms of quality, taste and effect, the combination of a regular male and female where a logical step. The sweetness of overripe fruit flavors and the motivating and exhilarating high of SBT in combination with the spicy taste and the body pointed painkiller Green Dragon high are marks of this hybrid.
Plants vary in both direction of both parents. In general, they seem a bit stockier than her mother (SBT) and respond well to topping with the formation multiple head buds.
Stretch: 120%
Indica/Sativa: 40/60
Taste: overripe fruits, spicy,very intense
High: well balanced indica / sativa high with couchlock potence
Medical use: relaxing, crative, promotes sleep in high doses
Flowering time: 50-60 days