- Breedeur: No Mercy Seeds
- Variété Originale: Original
- Type de graines disponible: Féminisée
- Parents: Silver Pearl W.K. x Unknown Strain
- Origines: nc
- Génotype: Indica
- Temps de flo. Indoor: nc
- Temps de flo. Outdoor: nc
- Commercialisation:
- Odeur: Moyenne
- Signaler Variété
About the genetics of the Snow White are going a lot of wild stories. Even we are not sure, we going out from a selected Silver Pearl (W.K.) and probably a mutation.
Fact is that Snow White is delivering an extreme amount of resin and going hand-in-hand with a high THC-percentage. Apart from that this plant is also giving quantity. Because of her high percentage of THC, it’s not an idea to smoke this if you still have to function (like in daytimes...). Very well known in Dutch Cannibis culture...