- Breedeur: Chimera Seeds
- Variété Originale: Original
- Type de graines disponible: Régulière
- Parents: Craigs'Skunk/Blueberry x DJ Short Blueberry
- Origines: nc
- Génotype: Indica / Sativa
- Temps de flo. Indoor: 50 à 60 jours
- Temps de flo. Outdoor: Début Octobre
- Commercialisation:
- Odeur: Moyenne
- Signaler Variété
Environment: Indoor/Outdoor
Genetics: the Dom x DJ Short Blueberry
Flowering time: 50-60 days
Harvest Time: Early-October
Height: 60-90cm / 120+ cm
Yield: 570 gr / 680 gr
From the same mother as the original super-stoney Schnazzleberry. Perfect for SCROG or bush gardens. Expect bud-laden branches with a healthy stretch when flowered. Ripening of the large calyxes and huge dark amber trichomes kicks into full force at 45-50 days. Additional days add intensity to the already numbing high. Excellent for vaporization and production of connoisseur quality black hash. Flower clones short or prune seed plants twice to control height.
the Dom = Blue Domino = Craigs Skunk x Blueberry