- Breedeur: World of Seeds
- Variété Originale: Original
- Type de graines disponible: Régulière et Féminisée
- Parents: Pakistan x Rudéralis
- Origines: Non précisé
- Génotype: Hybride ruderalis
- Temps de flo. Indoor: 45 à 55 jours
- Temps de flo. Outdoor: autoflo
- Commercialisation:
- Odeur: Faible
- Signaler Variété
This new cross between Pakistan and Ruderalis gives a new autoflowering indica characteristic. The aspect shown is from the well known Pakistan Valley with the autoflowering appreciated because of its rudelaris genotype. It is actually an Pakistan Valley with a reduced size but with an independent photoperiod. A new special treat for lovers of this legendary variety.
Exclusive for indoors. Outdoors the crop is reserved for the months from may/june when the photoperiod is on its maximum.
Linage: Landrace proceeding from Pakistan re-crossed with Rudelaris.
Genotype: indica-rudelaris 100%
Hight: 40-80 cm
Wight: Limitated to what one stem can proporcionate. It is not recommended to do cuttings with autoflowering strains.
Growing phase: its growing phase depends on its flowering phase.
Flowering phase: 45-55 days indoors and outdoors. Its flowering does not depend on a photo period.
Production:100-150 gr /m2 indoors
Resistance to mildew: High
Resistance to plagues: Middle/ High.
Irrigation tolerance: It does not like to many irrigations because of its rudelaris genetic. Fertilization is tolerated specially in advanced phases of flowering.
Medical value: High
Smell: Hash
Taste: Noble wood
Effect: very narcotic, almost devastating.
THC Level: 20%