Blackberry (Nectar)

Blackberry (Nectar)
  • Breedeur: Nectar Seeds
  • Variété Originale: Original
  • Type de graines disponible: Régulière
  • Parents: nc
  • Origines: nc
  • Génotype: Indica / Sativa
  • Temps de flo. Indoor: 8 semaines
  • Temps de flo. Outdoor: nc
  • Commercialisation:
  • Odeur: Moyenne
  • Signaler Variété

This very sweet strain smelling after bilberries and has its roots in north California.

Blackberry was spread before as cutting for some time and reached fast a cult status!


Since the strain was available nearly only as cutting, the seeds gone rare and never gone into the sale!

Nectarseeds had the luck to get a few seed and invested a lots of time to bring an ingenious sort back to life!


The plants spread a very intensive bromine berry flavour and pleasure the gardner with a very uniform stature!