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À propos de Tony-D-Passion

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    Jeune CannaWeedeur

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  1. Hi Indi, yes, we do hope to expand our regular seed collection but I can't guarantee that it will include Skywalker. In the last couple of years we have introduced 2 new regular varieties, Orange Hill Special (Orange Bud x Californian Orange and White Widow x The Ultimate. We have remained committed to regular seeds since 1987, and we will continue to be. However, we have to be realistic at the same time. There is no point releasing every variety as regular seed because very few people buy them. I mentioned before, regular seed accounts for just 2-3% of what our customers want t
  2. Bonjour Juan We invented cannabis seed feminisation in the 1990’s, and since then we have been able to refine and improve the process, but we fully accept that the first generation of feminized seed had issues, we have spent a great deal of time since then working hard to adjust and then fine-tune the process. Very few of the seed banks and breeders wish to get into the detail of exactly how they do the feminisation and which ‘tips and tricks’ which they have learned along the way, you will see different techniques, timings and approaches. Actually, its more complicated than technical qu
  3. Hello everyone, I am Tony from Dutch Passion. I would like to thank AlexMurphy for his help, my French is not really very good these days. We send all of you our best wishes. For those of you that are not familiar with us, here is a brief overview of what Dutch Passion is doing these days. We began in 1987 making us one of the original seed companies. These days our work is in 5 main areas 1. Regular seeds (un-feminised). We maintain around 15 original varieties in regular seeds even though they account for just 2-3% of our sales. This isn’t really a business for us its a