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Billets posté(e)s par animalxxx

  1. animalxxx
    Je viens de retrouver ça dans mon dossier, source : jesaisplus ?
    Pas grand chose à noter, à part qu'ils utilisent toujours les photos de l'époque de Neville/TSB, 15ans après!














  2. animalxxx
    D'abord un gros merci à @Mackennaï qui a retrouvé ce catalogue et l'a scanné, je lui pique (avec autorisation) juste pour centraliser, source de base  ici:
    Taggué 1994, car pas d'autre date indiqué.
















  3. animalxxx
    Ola que tal!
    Merci aux votants, Mgr Barbarin, Christine lou-boutin et Jay-zus, big up à vous  ? (les 4 autres, dsl pour vous ? )
    J'ai pas la date exacte du catalogue, (récup en 2008 ou 2009), j'attends la confirmation du patron.




















  4. animalxxx
    On commence par The Seedbank, en 1985, petit rappel pour ceux qui l'ignore, c'était la seedbank de Neville.






    On y retrouve des classiques, Skunk, Afghanne, mais aussi la northern lights, ainsi que quelques cross à base de landraces (jamaican, nigerian, thai..)
  5. animalxxx
    Après une victoire écrasante de 6 votes (soit la moitié des votants), vous avez choisi (ou pas) Serious Seeds, 2006 donc, et déso encore pour le spanish.
    Au passage 2ème sondage, plus évident (ou pas²) :








  6. animalxxx
    Un an et 486 vues plus tard, IL revient , toujours armé de son fidèle K-naune ! 
    Et pour plus d’interactivité, toi aussi tu peux jouer! (enfin les 4 qui vont lire ça )

    A vot' bon ❤️ , merci

  7. animalxxx
    Tout d'abord merci à tontongato qui m'a transmis le pdf de 1989
    Pas énormément de nouveauté, une hawaiian/NL1 , des hybrides à base de Kush , on peut noter quand même la Garlic Bud, ainsi qu'une photo d'un mâle NL2
















  8. animalxxx
    Après Neville et TSB , voici SSSC , qui a une variété très connu chez nos voisins québécois, la m39. A noter quand même une sativa paraguayenne et une philipaine (thx tontongato ), assez rare pour le soulever.







  9. animalxxx
    Originally published in High Times May 1990
    Un petit article de 4 pages, avec des photos des différents samples de l'époque




    A noter que Gilbert Shelton est l'auteur de la B.D "The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers" .
    ps: dsl si ça déforme un peu, mais au moins on peut lire
  10. animalxxx
    Je mets les 2 d'un coup, vu la taille énorme de celui de 91

    Sensi Seeds 91:



    edit: catalogue en Anglais, merci Charly@SensiSeed.


    Oui c'était long hein^^
    SENSI SEED BANK - Catalog '96 :


    Visitors to the Sensi seed Shop in Amsterdam will undoubtedly have noticed the large-scale renovation of the shop. A shop has meanwhile opened in the Groningen and the Sensi Seed Shop in Rotterdam has also been renovated. The condifence of our customers has enabled us to further fulfil the wishes of growers and other interested people.
    Grow it and you'll know it !
    Go to Sensi for quality. Our pride is, of course, our extensive seed collection exclusively produced by the Sensi Seed Bank. For years, our seeds have dominated the High Times Harvest Festival. During the 1994 festival, a jury of no less than forty connoisseurs was unanimous: in all categories the Sensi Seed Bank won the first prize. Grow the best: grow Sensi!
    In some countries it is forbidden to import hemp seeds. If you want to take seeds with you into other countries, you'll have to check the local customs regulations. Failure to do so might endanger your safety. Sensi Seed Bank B.V. does not accept any responsibility for violations of customs regulations.
    Sensi Seed Bank B.V. does not accept any product-liability.
    Prices are subject to change.

    Shiva Shanti
    This Afghani with its penetrating Indica aroma is one of the best yielders in the collection. Due to its top indoor performance combined with a pleasant taste and high the Shiva Shanti is one of four most popular varieties.
    Flowering: 50-55 days
    Height: 100-130 cm.
    Yield: up to 125 gr. - fl.60.00

    Jack Herer
    (Cannabis Cup winner 1995)
    This multiple hybrid is the result of many years ot selective breeding, combining 3 of the strongest varieties known to man.Even though we are regularly put under pressure by obsessed growers to give pedigree details, I'm afraid that just as with the Coca Cola recipe this Sensi variety will have to remain a secret. This variety produces so much resin that even the branches bristle with stalked glands.
    Flowering: 50-70 days
    Height: 150-180 cm.
    Yield: up to 125 gr.
    Art.Nr. 2310 - fl. 275.00

    Northern Lights
    (Cup Winner pure indica 88/89/90)
    An absolute must for the indoor grower! For the last couple of years the Northern Lights has dominated the various Harvest Festivals. Through selective breeding we have succeeded in producing one of the most powerful plants in the world. On top of that, we have developed a strain highly adapted for indoor growing: short, stocky plants that produce maximum yields in the shortest possible time.
    Flowering: 45-50 days
    Height: 100-125 cm.
    Yield: up to 125 gr. - fl.200.00

    Black Domina
    This full blooded Indica with large bracts will soon have you on your knees and begging for more. This harsh overpowering lady simply gushes sticky resin to which most men seem to have a fatal attraction.A word of warning: this powerful compact Indica has had a devastating effed on many a man, leaving them apparently beaten and whipped with a strange smile on their faces.
    Flowering: 50 days
    Height: 100-130cm.
    Yield: 90-120 gr 2305 - fl. 250.00

    Silver Haze
    (Cup champion 89)
    Although the cerebral high of the Sativa is preferred by many, indoor growers aren't too fond of this type: Sativas get very tall, take a long time to finish off and produce skimpy yields. We have spent yeats searching for a superb Indica/Sativa hybrid suited for indoor growing. By crossing the Haze, the most powerful Sativa in the world, to a nondominant Indica we managed to get the height and flowering time of the plant down to an acceptable level and still retain the unique Sativa qualities of the high. The result: the Silver Haze, winner of the '89 High Times Harvest Festival. Don't expect top yields but top quality that will excite the true connoisseur.
    Flowering: 65-75 days
    Height: 150-180 cm.
    Yield: up to 100 gr. - fl.200.00
    Indoor mix
    This time, at the request of many people, we have chosen to include an indoor mix of mainly Indica strains in our assortment. This package contains forty seeds, the choice is yours. You will definitely find a good parent in this collection. - fl.100.00

    Northern Lights #5 x Haze
    (Cup winner mostly sativa 90,94 and champion 94)
    A sensational cross between the world's best Indica and Sativa strains resulting in a very potent variety with an extreme Sativa high. At the 1994 Harvest Festival, this smash hit was way ahead of its competitors. Very suitable for an ebb and flow table. As soon as the cuttings begin to take root, the plants can be put into flowering. Higher yields compensate for a longer flowering period.
    Flowering: 65-75 days
    Height: 150-180 cm.
    Yield: up to 150 gr. - fl.250.00
    Big Bud
    (Cup Winner mostly indica 89)
    For sheer yield and hybrid vigor, this is the best yet. The plants surprise even experienced growers. Huge buds, excellent resin, taste and high. Somewhat variable, approx 1 in 4 females will be an extreme heavy yielder, with the longer-floweing plants giving the biggest yields.
    Flowering: 50-65 days
    Height: 110-150 cm.
    Yield: up to 150 gr. - fl. 160.00

    Hawaiian Indica
    (Cup Winner pure indica 94)
    Aloha! Enjoy the tropical sensation indoors. We have crossed a selected Hawaiian lady with our Nortern Lights. The result is a potent variety with a fresh aroma and a high yield, amply compensating for a longer flowering period. For many, this was THE surprise at the 1994 Cannabis Cup.
    Flowering: 60-65 days
    Height: 120-150 cm.
    Yield: up to 125 gr. - fl.125.00
    This is a 4-way hybrid of our best indoor strains. Although somewhat variable in growth pattern, all plants were fast flowering and of very high quality. The seedlings tested from this hybrid had some of the sweetest, most balanced tastes and highs that we have yet produced.
    Flowering: 45-60 days
    Height: 100-150 cm.
    Yield: up to 100 gr. - fl.150.00

    Afghani #1
    Our top Afghanis have been used for this variety. Characteristic are the big, dark, Indica leaves, their strong aroma, sturdy stems and high yield. A must for the Indica connoisseur. At the 1994 Harvest Festival this new variety immediately seized the second place in the indica category.
    Flowering: 45 days
    Height: 100-130 cm.
    Yield: up to 125 gr. - fl.90.00
    Hindu Kush
    After years of inbreeding and backcrossing the Hindu Kush is now available as a pure strain. The seedlings are very even and consistent, an excellent indoor variety for crops from seed. Wonderfully potent, but not devastating, very mild for an indica.
    Flowering: 45-50 days
    Height: 115-130 cm.
    Yield: up to 90 gr. - fl.100.00
    African Queen
    (Not included in the '96 Sensi Catalog!)
    We have crossed our best South African strains to make this vigorous Indica/Sativa hybrid. The strain produces resinous buds with a sweet, fresh taste and excellent potency.
    Flowering: 50-60 days
    Height: 120-150 cm.
    Yield: up to 100 gr. - fl.75.00

    Super Skunk
    (Cup Winner mostly indica 90)
    This plant is especially developed for Skunk lovers. We have crossed our best Skunks to their Afghani ancestors. Brush against this plant and the room becomes immediately filled with a powerful Skunk aroma. Despite the smell a very pleasant high with a little more body to it than the Skunk #1. One of the winners of the 1990 High Times Harvest Festival where it clearly defeated Skunk #1.
    Flowering: 45-50 days
    Height: 120-150 cm.
    Yield: Up to 125 gr.
    Finishing date in greenhouse: mid-October
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 500 gr. - fl.80.00
    Skunk #1
    Originally an Indica-Sativa hybrid, Skunk #1 is now one of the most consistently performing true breeding strains in the world. Skunk #1 produces large buds with a very high calyx-to-leaf ratio. An excellent choice for the greenhouse.
    Flowering: 45-50 days
    Height: 120-150 cm.
    Yield: Up to 100 gr.
    Finishing date in greenhouse: mid-October
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 500 gr.
    Skunk Kush
    A hybrid between our best Hindu Kush and the famous Skunk #1. It has the distinctive qualities of Skunk and the unique pungency of Kush together in a vigorous, even blend. Excellent greenhouse performance.
    Flowering: 50-60 days
    Height: 110-140 cm.
    Yield: up to 100 gr.
    Flowering in greenhouse: end of October
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 500 gr. - fl.150.00

    Shiva Skunk
    (Cup Winner mostly indica 88)
    This cross between Skunk #1 and Northern Lights #5 is one of the most reliable varieties that we have ever produced. Excellent hybrid vigor and yield make this one a snap to grow. Works superbly indoors as well as in a greenhouse. Taste and high are similar to Skunk #1, a rich sweet pungency, but with more resin and better yield. High calyx to leaf ratio, you can almost throw those scissors away as very little manicure is required. An absolute must for beginners or experts. During the 1994 Cannabis Cup, the Shiva Skunk was the runner up in the Sativa/Indica category, just behind Silver Pearl.
    Flowering: 45-55 days
    Height: 125 cm.
    Yield: up to 125 gr.
    Finishing date in greenhouse: end of October
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 500 gr. - fl.120.00
    Sensi Skunk
    A strong plant with that typical Skunky taste and high. It has a high calyx-to-leaf ratio with large, full buds (donkey dicks). Its excellent yield makes this one an absolute must for the greenhouse grower.
    Flowering: 45-50 days
    Height: 120-150 cm.
    Yield: Up to 100 gr.
    Finishing date in greenhouse: mid-October
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 500 gr. - fl.35.00

    California Indica
    A fine blend of sweet orange flavoured Californian strains, combined with a skunky hash flavoured Indica.
    A versatile plant which performs well under all conditions. The more heavily branched specimens tend to be the big yielders.
    Flowering: 45-50 days
    Height: 100-130 cm.
    Yield: up to 125 gr.
    Flowering in greenhouse: mid-October
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 500 gr - fl.80.00

    Juicy Fruit
    An Indica/Sativa cross of the highest order. Both sides of the Indica and Sativa spectrum are fully expressed in this variety. The sweet aroma comes from our most delicious Thai. This rarefied type was originally very difficult to work with, but we eventually found the ideal cross. Expect big yields from this one, with an exceptionally rich sweet aroma.
    Flowering: 50-60 days
    Height: 140-180 cm.
    Yield: up to 150 gr.
    Flowering in greenhouse: end of October
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 750 gr. - fl.180.00

    Silver Pearl
    (Cup Winner Indica/Sativa mix 94)
    The mother of our famous Silver Haze now for sale as a separate strain! This 3 way hybrid contains Early Pearl, Skunk #1 and Northern Lights. This hybrid is quicker and sweeter than the Shiva Skunk. Excellent indoor and greenhouse results. Plants exhibit frosted resinous characteristics of the Northern Lights #5 and the sweetness and calyx-to-leaf ratio of Early Pearl/Skunk. One of our favourites and in 1994 the winner of the mixed Indica/Sativa category.
    Flowering: 45-50 days
    Height: 100-125 cm.
    Yield: up to 100 gr.
    Finishing date in greenhouse: end of Sept.
    Yield in greenhouse: up to 500 gr. - fl.125.00
    Early Pearl
    Early Pearl has always been one of our most popular outdoor varieties. Wonderfully sweet and resinous, the plants have a mostly Sativa dominated growth pattern, with excellent potency. Very mold resistant, even during the worst season.
    Finishing: end of Sept.
    Height: 2-3 m.
    Yield: up to 400 gr. - fl.100.00
    A very early strain from South Africa. Durban is a compact Sativa with a sweet aroma and an up high. One of the most reliable early outdoor varieties, it will produce chunky, solid buds even during the worst season. If you haven't tried Durban, you are missing out on one of the easiest-to-grow, highest-quality early varieties in the world.
    Finishing: end of Sept.
    Height: 1.5-2.5 m.
    Yield: up to 400 gr. - fl.100.00

    Ruderalis Skunk
    Ruderalis is an early-flowering variety that grows wild in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. We have used the early flowering characteristic of Ruderalis to improve the outdoor performance of some of our best varieties. The advantage of a Ruderalis hybrid is that approx. 50 % of the seedlings will begin flowering at the 5-7th internode, regardless of the photoperiod (finishing date Sept. 1). The other half of the seedlings will be much later (October).
    Finishing: Sept-Oct.
    Height: 2-3 m.
    Yield: up to 300 gr. - fl.80.00
    Early Girl
    This is a mostly Indica variety, one of the earliest in our collection. Very potent, medium yield, with a hashy taste and aroma. These compact plants will tend to grow to one main stem. An ideal choice for your balcony!
    Finishing: mid-Sept.
    Height: 1.5-2 m.
    Yield: up to 250 gr. - fl.100.00
    Early Skunk
    An excellent hybrid between Skunk #1 and Early Pearl. Outdoor growers are ususally dissatisfied with the finishing date of the regular Skunk strain. The Early Skunk finishes about 2 weeks earlier than Skunk #1 due to the influence of the Early Pearl. The influence of the latter is also noticeable in the smell and the high: sweet and smooth. On top of that: the strain combines a good yield with mold resistance.
    Finishing date: Oct. 1
    Height: 2-3 m.
    Yield: up to 500 gr. - fl.60.00

    source catalogue 96'
  11. animalxxx
    4ème et dernier catalogue de The Seed bank, 1990.
    La silver pearl et silver pearl/haze arrivent dans ce catalogue, tout comme la garlic bud. Le reste des variétés étant déjà présent dans les catalogues précédant.

























  12. animalxxx
    Bon bin on continue encore avec The Seedbank, nous voila en 1988.










    Du lourd encore cette fois ci , G13 (sous forme d'hybride) , NL/haze, nl5/skunk (alias Shiva Skunk, la photo étant encore utilisé par Sensi y'a pas si lontemps que ça).
    Have fun
  13. animalxxx
    On continue, toujours avec The Seedbank, 1987 cette fois.
    Les pages ne sont pas dans l'ordre, mais bon ça change pas grand chose.
    On peut voir arriver la big bud, la hashplant, la early pearl, ainsi que le fameux clone de NL#5, sans oublier une belle cristation sur la EPxSk1 .












    edit petit ajout de 3 pages manquantes :