
  1. Labbe2000


    CannaWeedeur Confirmé

    • Points


    • Compteur de contenus

      2 179

  2. O0face


    CannaWeedeur Confirmé

    • Points


    • Compteur de contenus

      1 260

Contenu populaire

Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 14/07/2021 dans Commentaires de l’image

  1. yo @Art1s9n I grow in a 80x80 BBS V2.. I don't have much space and I love diversity so my runs are always overcrowded ^^ This is no demonstration... rather an humble first try with a No Till Gardening Setup... Come back in a few years for a demonstration I still have much to learn 😅 Thanks for the S/O man, I can't do anything but to encourage you to try NT by yourself ! You should also take a look at @NoMaD @Jim @Selrac , Elvirinix, KingKong7 and others who all experimented No Till before me Peace ------------------------------------------------
    2 points
  2. Ahah uaip meec c'est une tzar auto de @aladdinkhalifa Tcho
    1 point