
  1. thorus



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  2. Art1s9n



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  3. Beuze Z Hache

    Beuze Z Hache

    CannaWeedeur Confirmé

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      4 116

  4. penacho


    CannaWeedeur Confirmé

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Contenu populaire

Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 12/07/2021 dans Commentaires de l’image

  1. Saaaaaaaaalut Et du coup celle là aussi c'est une nouvelle box ? 😅 Tchu
    1 point
  2. yo @Art1s9n I grow in a 80x80 BBS V2.. I don't have much space and I love diversity so my runs are always overcrowded ^^ This is no demonstration... rather an humble first try with a No Till Gardening Setup... Come back in a few years for a demonstration I still have much to learn 😅 Thanks for the S/O man, I can't do anything but to encourage you to try NT by yourself ! You should also take a look at @NoMaD @Jim @Selrac , Elvirinix, KingKong7 and others who all experimented No Till before me Peace ------------------------------------------------
    1 point
  3. Yo Labbé2k! Héhé c'est une très belle jungle là dedans! C'est qui la grande du fond au milieu ? Est ce que tu as (ou va) pratiquer une défoliation ? ++
    1 point
  4. HI! A love when it is bushy as hell like that 😆 I was planning to do a 256L no -till in the future. Nice demonstration. Do your plants are all compact cultivars? Is it a 100x100 grow tent? Very NICE! Good luck for u grow and trimming. PEACE
    1 point
  5. yop labé , ça a pousser fort la dedans ,🤪 pas trop de concurrence entre les plantes? ++
    1 point