
  1. animalxxx


    CannaWeedeur Confirmé

    • Points


    • Compteur de contenus

      9 959

Contenu populaire

Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 02/05/2017 dans Billets

  1. Je mets les 2 d'un coup, vu la taille énorme de celui de 91 Sensi Seeds 91: edit: catalogue en Anglais, merci Charly@SensiSeed. Oui c'était long hein^^ SENSI SEED BANK - Catalog '96 : Visitors to the Sensi seed Shop in Amsterdam will undoubtedly have noticed the large-scale renovation of the shop. A shop has meanwhile opened in the Groningen and the Sensi Seed Shop in Rotterdam has also been renovated. The condifence of our customers has enabled us to further fulfil the wishes of growers and other interested people. Gro
    1 point