TEAM CannaWeed 4 453 Posté(e) novembre 1, 2008 Partager Posté(e) novembre 1, 2008 Chimera Seeds Le breedeur de Chimera combine sa vaste expérience et sa passion pour l'herbe avec un apprentissage rigoureux de la science des plantes. Nous avons célébré notre 15e anniversaire cette année ... et depuis, nous avons vu s'installer d'innombrables start-up d'entreprises de semences et de nouvelles entrées dans le marché. La différence entre eux et nous que j'utilise des génétiques uniques et exclusivement sélectionnés à partir de plants que nous avons cultivé nous-même, dans de grandes populations, et non juste utiliser les mêmes clones dont la communauté mondiale a accès. L'autre différence étant que nous seront toujours là dans 15 ans ... c'est une vie de `travail qu'effectuer ceci par passion, et non pas pour le désir des richesses ... C'est pourquoi nous renvoyons nos bénéfices dans la recherche génétique moléculaire sur la plante que nous aimons tant ... et que, en dehors de la stabilité et l'uniformité dans notre seedlines, c'est ce qui nous distingue du reste des concurrents dans un marché sursaturé... Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
jeannoublie 56 Posté(e) novembre 1, 2008 Partager Posté(e) novembre 1, 2008 Yopla cannaweed! Je suis assez surpris de ne pas trouver de topic unique "chimera seeds". Ayant lu plusieurs fois Moricio en faire l éloge' date='j ai commandé il y a peu la mental floss ainsi que la C+. S il y a des retours d expériences,ça m interesse. Sinon je reviendrai d ici 6 à 8 mois vous donner mes impressions. A bientot[/quote'] salut saddhu, je connais pas, mais pour le topic unique, ben ça y est, tu l'as créé! :-D Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Milhouse 233 Posté(e) novembre 1, 2008 Partager Posté(e) novembre 1, 2008 Salut, je ne connais pas, mais je te félicite pour cette initiative Saddhu Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité Posté(e) novembre 2, 2008 Partager Posté(e) novembre 2, 2008 Salut, Lol jean,beh perfect alors:-P De rien milhouse Bon,d autres personnes qui connaitraient? Merci Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
djepassion 0 Posté(e) novembre 17, 2008 Partager Posté(e) novembre 17, 2008 bonjours a tous je voulais savoir ce que vous pense de la mental floss et de la c4 et c+ je recherche un truc fruite si possible merci a vous Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
djepassion 0 Posté(e) novembre 17, 2008 Partager Posté(e) novembre 17, 2008 personne ne connait je trouvé rien en faisant des recherche merci Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
djepassion 0 Posté(e) janvier 5, 2009 Partager Posté(e) janvier 5, 2009 un pti up Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
djepassion 0 Posté(e) février 16, 2009 Partager Posté(e) février 16, 2009 je vien de leurs prendre la grapfruit blueberry je vous tiendrais au courant vu que personne connais jais commande le 13/02/09 et reponse par mail le 16/02/09 out ouf stock degoute Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
ORANGE.BUD 107 Posté(e) avril 14, 2009 Partager Posté(e) avril 14, 2009 Slt les genetiques de chimera seeds tiré de icmag Chimera's Comprehensive Strainlist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having grown out several of Chimera's genetics with positive experiences, I have decided to try and document a brief summary of the man's strains. This is a work in progress (obviously) and any input is appreciated and will be updated periodically. Most of the information is from either my own memory of old Overgrow and C-world posts, and my notes on the subject. Strains and crosses : C4 (Cotton Candy x Shishkeberry Red) 45-55 days Frostbite (Cotton Candy x Northern Lights) 55-60 days Malibu (Californian x the Dom) 55-60 days Schnazzleberry (the Dom x Shishkeberry Red) 45-55 days Aurora (the Dom x Northern Lights) 55-60 days Calizahr (California Orange x Shishkeberry Red) 56 days SSS1 (Sweet Skunk x Sweet Skunk selfed) Sweetest Sativa (Sweet Skunk x DJ Short Blueberry) 63 days Grapefruit x DJ Short Blueberry Grapefruit x Shishkeberry Red 50-60 days Grapefruit x Northern Lights 50-55 days California Orange x Northern Lights Super Skunk x Shishkeberry Red Mental Floss #1 (??? x DJ Short Blueberry) 55-65 days Mental Floss #2 (??? x DJ Short Flo) ??? days C-Plus (California Orange x DJ Short Blueberry) 50-60 days Schnazzleberry#2 (the Dom x DJ Short Blueberry) 50-60 days Mountain Jam (Soulshine x DJ Short Blueberry) 55-65 days Sassyfrass (Superior Afghani Skunk x DJ Short Blueberry) 50-55 days Red-eyed Bride (bx1m1 x ???) Fighting Buddah (Burmese Sativa x DJ Short Blueberry) 55-65 days Highland Mexican x DJ Short Blueberry Vision Thai x DJ Short Blueberry Breeding Stock **Grapefruit - Grapefruit also known as Sweet Pink Grapefruit was introduced to the world by Breeder Steve when he started growing clones he found in Vancouver, BC. He got a tray of clones from an unknown breeder labeled “the only plant to grow” and used it in his breeding projects thereafter. She does excel in flavour and bag appeal, leaves some to be desired in terms of stature... but the yield is good if you get her dialed. She does have some of what I deem negative traits.... her floppy stature and tendency to pre-flower heavily when root bound being up front. Luckily, these often don't appear in hybrid crosses and are easily removed in downline selections given proper selection pressures are applied. - Chimera **Blue Domino - (Craig's Skunk x DJ Short Blueberry) Blue Domino by Spice of Life Seeds, line bred by Chimera before breeding with it. "Just to clear the air a little, the Dom was originally a Blue Domino F1.... these select female Dom used for the Schazz crosses were from a greatly improved and stabilized F3 line. Although the originals were purchased from SOL, the quality of the mothers was due to down line selections. -Chimera **Shishkeberry Red - A line bred Afghani from Spice of Life Seeds, heavily selected that yielded two distinct varieties, the Red and the Yellow. **DJ Short Blueberry - This Blueberry is derived from original Blueberry, an unreleased line that also fathered DJ Short True Blueberry. Chimera was given access to the room in which DJ Short's male selections were made. He chose several individuals personally, as well as the now deceased B130 male that DJ selected himself, and these selections are the pollen donors for the Joint Projects. "There is variation in every pack. You WILL find the one that you are looking for in each pack as everyone has differing tastes, the one will be different for everyone. I love the mutant factor! Some of the best resin has come off of the mutants in these current releases. As far as using these strains in breeding projects-GO FOR IT. Every cross that I have seen turns out spectacular. In these new hybrids the blueberry gene is very dominant. A classic example is Chimera's Fighting Buddha. This Burmese cross has heavy Blue line traits(foxtailing, purple stem...)." - Red from Legends Seeds The pollen inputs from DJ were selected by me from a set of plants DJ chose from the selection run that pre-dated the TBB, F13, GK, etc releases. These inputs came as cuttings, not pollen. The male known as B130 was but one of the plants who contributed pollen for the Chimera/DJ Short joint projects. I did make an S1 generation from B130. None of the plant from this generation have been used for any seed release. I hope that clarifies, -Chimera __________ *Super Skunk* - Superior Afghani Skunk - A low odor commercial strain. "The Sassy Frass is a hybrid oF DJ Short's blueberry and a clone I selected many years ago from an experimental cross of two well loved lines. We called her SAS; Superior Afghani Skunk (not to be confused with super skunk). This plant produced ample frosty lime green nuggets; in fact she's the clone I would share with my commercially minded friends who were concernned about the intense smell of the other clones I typically grew for sinse; wimps! This one became their commercial staple, since they didn't have to double up on the charcoal filters." -Chimera **Highland Mexican - The mexican used was indeed a stellar highland guerreran specimen selected from a true mexican circa '73 (if memory serves) landrace population -Chimera It's technically not an F1, as both parents weren't from stabilized lines. The blueberry pollen was from the F4 generation (orignal stock unique to DJ Short) and the female side was a select landrace Guererran circa '72 stock. Landraces are heterogeneous populations of heterozygotes, making the female likely heterozyous for various traits. As such, you'll find a small degree of variation within the line. -Chimera Burmese Sativa - "The burmese is a really special sativa lady that was selected from true land of origin stock a friend of mine picked up in his travels to the region years back. I'm puffing a bongload right now, and it's great pot imho! She's very fast for a sat, and finishes in approximately 55 days in most gardens." -Chimera Northern Lights - Chimera line bred Sensi Northern Lights to get his NL selection. Soulshine - Cannabis Cowboy among others was given this clone which he named Soulshine, it was also known as the LC cross. Genetics unknown. The Cannabis Cowboy named it Soulshine, previous it was known as "the LC cross" from those who discovered her and past it to the cannabis cowboy, among others. She's an indica-sativa hybrid, leaning mostly towards the indica profile in stature and flowering time. Mid-density nuggets, very similar to grapefruit (the BC sweet pink grapefruit) in scent, flavour and effect. More purpling in the flowers than graprefruit, showing purple striping on the calyxes. A friend sprouted the last of the seeds from the population of which the soulshine was chosen last growing season, and no outstanding keepers or similar plants were found. She performs best in a greenhouse situation with the photoperiod induced with a blackout tarping system, but is also suitable for indoor cultivation. Not suitable for northern climates but the jam has performed well in Oregon, California and latitutes closer to the equator. Definitely a good hash producer with the 90u, 73u and 45 being the most sought after grades... make sure to run your trim. Hope that helps, -Chimera "The soulshine also has some major colouration in the later flowering stages although more on the red/purple spectrum rather than the blue/purple of the BB. The Calyxes on the soulshine leaning variation should have a candy cane stripe once they are fully mature. I recommend cleaning all the small inside buds out early on for some truly trophy sized tips and tops" - Cannabis Cowboy on phenotypic variation in Mountain Jam California Orange - This is the legendary Aeric77 Calio, supposedly maintained in clone form for 25+ years. Cotton Candy - Federation Seeds. Reputedly composed of Afghani, Blueberry and possibly Haze genetics. Sweet Skunk - A Vancouver clone selected as superior by Breeder Steve from a large population. "A very small batch of these were made last winter and have barely seen the light of gardens except a small group of SS lovers. The Sweet skunk clone is in my opininion the finest and most unique sativa of the last decade, and the unbeatable #1 favorite in our group of cannabis cowboys." -Cannabis Cowboy "Sweetest Skunk...produces excellent herb very much like the SS clone." -Chimera Sweet Skunk was originally introduced by Spice of Life Seeds in 1994. The heritage was listed as Sensi Seed’s Big Skunk x Sweet Pink Grapefruit (a.k.a. Grapefruit) at the time, but Breeder Steve later speculated that the father was likely a NL x Haze male rather than a Big Skunk. This makes sense; the Southeast Asian “Hazey” bud structure is hard to ignore. Apparently, Steve had obtained two trays of clones for a grow, one labeled “Big Skunk” and the other “NL x Haze.” Upon planting and flowering the clones, one of the trays turned out to have a male that pollinated the crop, producing the seeds sold as Sweet Skunk. (Sometimes unplanned hybridization can yield outstanding individuals.) F1 seeds were planted, and an extreme sativa-leaning selection (SS #10) was chosen out of a roomful of indica-dominant girls. This clone is now known in BC as the original Sweet Skunk clone. Red-eyed bride - Chimera makes no claim to the Red Eyed Bride, other than to suggest an open pollination as opposed to the 1 to 1 cross that was going to be used to perpetuate the strain. It is a cross that was made by Cannabis Cowboy that he brought to their brief partnership. "It all goes back to a very special time in my budding hobby when i was in Switzerland working for Breeder Steve in his magnificent warehouse full of genetics from around the world. Of the thousands of plants i was blessed to witness there were two specimens that stood out to me more than any others, the bx1m1 and the bx2m4, both grapefruit crosses that steve was evaluating for future seed projects. Because the warehouse was a breeding facility there was pollen flying around and both were hit by a mystery dad that steve had in his collection, and trust me, the dads were all guys you'd be happy to marry your first born to. Both plants were lightly seeded and Steve knew how much i would value the children inside these magic beans. Fast forward a few months and i decide to take the plunge into wedded bliss with my soulmate of 10 yrs smack in the middle of the summer of 2001. Of course up to his eyeballs in buds and beans at the time Steve was unable to make it to our side of the world for the wedding, but sent along the best wedding present a spice loving bean fiend could imagine, all of the bx1m1 and bx2m4 seed that was produced by the mystery pollen. For the next couple of years i grew both these selections indoors and out with awe inspiring results, some of the frostiest easiest to grow seed i'd ever come across. It was sold medicinally as the koolaid and the mountain goo to the local med clubs with very favorable reviews. Soon I realized the stock was getting mighty low, 40 of each left, so i decided on an open pollenation of the bx1m1 as a preservation method more than anything, for myself as well as cannaphiles like you crazy fuckers. There are less than 1000 beans of it as well as a soulshine and a grapefruit i threw in for kicks. Should be lots of variation but look for the dark ass green with the silver flowers and you'll be on the right" - Cannabis Cowboy *bx1m1 - (grapefruit x ???) A mystery batch of seed by Breeder Steve Any information that can fill any of the blanks on the list would be especially appreciated. If I've left out any of his works, let me know of those, as well. a+ ORANGE.BUD EDIT : desole d avoir fais le boulet j avais pas trouvé le topic unique Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
djepassion 0 Posté(e) avril 14, 2009 Partager Posté(e) avril 14, 2009 merci pour ses info dommage que beaucoup soit out of stock de partout Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
the_farmers 0 Posté(e) septembre 24, 2010 Partager Posté(e) septembre 24, 2010 je commande un paquet de c-plus , on verra ce que ca donne, j'avais envie d'une petite weed d'apres midi avec un bon gout fruité . Selon eux c'est ca ,mais un cross de blueberry et d'orange bud ca doit quand meme etre assez puissant quand meme:siff:... Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
the_farmers 0 Posté(e) octobre 11, 2010 Partager Posté(e) octobre 11, 2010 germination 10 sur 10 pour les c-plus , pour l'instant ca pousse tout seul , je redonnerai des news au smoke Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
X-Dream 0 Posté(e) novembre 24, 2010 Partager Posté(e) novembre 24, 2010 salut, j'ai moi aussi commander des graines chimera C+ chez alien tient nous au courant de l'evolution de tes plantes. Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
X-Dream 0 Posté(e) novembre 30, 2010 Partager Posté(e) novembre 30, 2010 voilà un petit JDC avec de la c-plus http:// bon grow a tous ! Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
A.C.A.B 55 Posté(e) juillet 8, 2011 Partager Posté(e) juillet 8, 2011 Yop, j'ai moi aussi commandé de la C-plus, t'aurais pas un p'tit feedback à lacher the farmers STP. Merci d'avance Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
ORANGE.BUD 107 Posté(e) août 1, 2011 Partager Posté(e) août 1, 2011 Slt a tous chimera dans le top des meilleurs breeders pour le mag HIGH TIMES Il dit que c est des corrompu mais apprecie le geste Il a ecris aussi le passage de reproduction pour Jorges Cervantes ( jorges est venu lui demander ) et va ecrire sont prochain livres en co auteur avec lui bref respect a chimera des bonne strains chez lui si vous voulez de la bonne foncez son poste sur ICMAG: par CHIMERA SUR ICMAG Hi guys, First off thanks for posting those up Ralph. Fwiw, I did send HT some quotes but it looks like very little of it made the article. I really do appreciate Danny including us to the Seedbabnk Hall of Fame, it's nice to get a little recognition.... we dont participate in the big dollar cups and the reality is I'm not much of a scenester, and don't put much in terms of credence to cup results. We all know the stories of cups purchased or influenced by participants (at the Italian cup this year a famous coffeeshop/seedster that works for a company with almost 30 cups told me how they purchase 20 passes each year and vote for their own entries... and that they have to do so because everyone does it so they have to keep it fair LOL). Let's set the record straight about the article here: I did not create the Grape Krush for DJ short, that is his work alone I had absolutely nothing to do with it. The Geurilla Gold is original work by Breeder Brad- I've never grown them before, and the Mental Floss heritage isn`t correct.... it seems tough to dispell the myth on this one. I also wouldn`t call our seed releases small- we produce larger amounts in larger facilities than the vast majority of seedbanks.... perhaps our lack of advertising makes us seem smaller than we are. We surely don`t sell the $500,000 of seed yearly as some other banks do... so if that makes us boutique, then I guess we`re boutique, haha. What the article didn`t mention is that we celebrated our 15th anniversary this year... and in that time we`ve seen countless seed companies start-up and enter the market. The difference between them and us is I use unique and proprietary genetics selected from seedlings that we ourselves grew in large populations, and don`t just use the same community clones that everyone has access to. The other difference being we will still be here in another 15 years... this is a life`s work done out of passion, not desire for riches... which is why we return our earnings back into molecular genetic research on the plant we love so dearly... and that, aside from the stability and uniformity in our seedlines, is what sets us apart from the rest of the players in an over-saturated market. This passion is why I spent many years studying Cannabis and how it acts in the brain and body at a major university during my Neuroscience Degree. It`s also why when I graduated my undergrad I spent my time studying plant genetics, molecular genetics, plant breeding and biotechnology at a post-graduate level. The simple FACT is- there are no other commercial seedbanks with the same understanding of Cannabis and plant breeding as we have, period. We stay current on the literature, and use this information to aid in and improve our selections, but also to create better medicines for the patients we work with. This passion and understanding of Cannabis is why world-renowned marijuana author Jorge Cervantes asked me to write the breeding chapter for his most recent Marijuana Horticulture: the medical bible, and has asked me since to edit his next book in its entirety, and co-author portions of it.` Jorge knows everyone in the seed business... and many many players in the growth industries of nutrients, grow systems, etc. He could have asked any of these people to participate with his projects... but instead chose to work with`Chimera`... and to me that says somthing. Quite simply put- I`m interested in nothing short of complete cannabis freedom, where anyone is any country can grow as many plants as they wish, without fear of reprisal from so called àuthority... and we will be here to supply genetically healthy, improved seedstock, at reasonable prices, to anyone who is interested in this goal, or just wants to grow a few plants for their own medical or recreational consumption. Remember, it`s your evolution given right. Sincerely, Chimera Genetic Resource Management. __________________ More Agriculture Less Agro-Culture Bonne soiree a tous ORANGE.BUD 1 Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
ORANGE.BUD 107 Posté(e) février 18, 2012 Partager Posté(e) février 18, 2012 slt chimera devrait relancer des nouvelles chose avec des joint project notament avec tom hill , il a parler aussi de cannacopia bref a suivre sur icmag bon grow a tous ORANGE.BUD Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
coxnox 84 Posté(e) mai 6, 2012 Partager Posté(e) mai 6, 2012 salut, chimera c'est du good !! le mec est a la base de pas mal de pool genetique(d'autre breeder) comme par exemple SOL(rien que ça) dont il a crée la base de leur sweet tooth, je parle biensur du cross SPG x blueberry. dommage qu'il soit si peu connu ici !! Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
A.C.A.B 55 Posté(e) novembre 24, 2012 Partager Posté(e) novembre 24, 2012 Salut tout le monde quelques tofs de mes grapefruit X blueberry AKA sweet tooth #1.1 après environ 10 jours de cro et 65 jours de 12/12 : Une bien belle plante! Elle développe un stretch moyen à important et présente une dominance apicale assez marquée. Elle forme une tête principale bien massive et très dense et développe des petits "clusters" de calices vers la fin de flo (type foxtail mais toujours très dense). Les calices commencent à prendre une teinte légèrement bleutée laissant présager d'une sénescence assez jolie (je commence le rinçage aujourd'hui). Au niveau de l'odeur c'est très doux, sucré, agrume mais pas acide et avec une odeur plus "lourde" qui me fait un peu penser à de la noisette (faute de meilleure description...). A bientôt pour le cut prévu d'ici 10 à 15 jours! Ciao Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité Ankou Posté(e) février 25, 2013 Partager Posté(e) février 25, 2013 (modifié) . Modifié décembre 3, 2013 par Ankou Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
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