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  • Indi-Punky a changé le titre en L'histoire de la haze



Merci pour l'article ;)



Si quelqu'un sait qui est "Big Herb", qu'il me mette en contact


Alors si je me goure pas de pseudo, il postait pas mal sur le forum (enfin ça c'est sur) , et avait l'air d’être en Californie à l'époque si j'ai bien compris ( ça par contre c'est beaucoup moins sur, ptet un autre pseudo).

Il manque un paragraphe à la fin :




My passion for haze started as a young teen, growing up in New York City. At the time, the neighborhood I grew up in had many varieties of the most popular cannabis strains on the market. During 1998-2002 the best selections of haze frequented the area I lived in. There have been many slang terms threw the years to label specific haze selections such Uptowns, Puday, Church, Silvers and sometime after I was going uptown Piff or Piffington as some of the locals called it. Frankies was the most sought after haze variety to come out of New York City. The name Frankies derived from frankincense which is a trait that is unmistakable highly desired and cannot be forgotten by anyone who has just one toke. Derived from slang used by the older guys who kept the strain in circulation. It is thought of by anyone who was lucky enough to have the experience, simply as the best.
This lead my quest in search to find the source of Frankies, Washington heights known to the New Yorkers as the home of the haze. I have taken many trips on the A train and C train to the heights hot spots. I’ve sampled countless varieties of haze that range from good to amazing, Express Thai, Mexican and Colombian traits. The staples of taste and aromas of NYC haze are spice, incense, catpiss and what we call basement or leather. But nothing can compare to Frankies, growing up it was common and easy to find, these days it has become elusive. This legendary strain that us native New Yorkers know as haze is no legend. This is what we grew up smoking, just like the city there is nothing sweet about it this is what we know as haze.

“More incense and less nonsense” Big Herb


Je me permets de mettre l'article de mrnice, y'a 'quelques' pages à lire ;)


(croix rouge si je veux mettre le lien direct 😕 )




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  • 10 mois après ...

Bonjour , salut , etc...


J'adore les légendes et j'adore la Haze aussi pour ça : parce qu'elle a une histoire.


Bon par contre j'ai pas très bien compris c'est quoi un "retrocroisement punto rojo bagseed chanceux"

Dans la pratique, on fait comment pour rejouer cette partie de dés ?



Modifié par bob67
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