LaTruffe 121 Posté(e) mars 7, 2013 Partager Posté(e) mars 7, 2013 Bon c'est pas en français alors je sais pas si je vais ètre modéré, mais c'est une bonne analyse des effets pervers de la wietpass entre autres: Ever More Deaths From Cannabis in the Netherlands Published March 6, 2013 | By Nol van Schaik Yes, you read that correctly! The number of deaths due to Cannabis has been rising steadily over the last few years in Holland. Don’t misunderstand me though…they’re not dying from inhaling this benign & non-toxic herb. These deaths are actually caused by the fatal shootings and drive-by attacks by people who’ve had disagreements with their victims over the distribution or disappearance of a shared illegal cannabis grow-op. Just to be clear: No-one has ever died from the use of cannabis. For that to happen, 1 person would need to ingest around 14 kilo’s of weed within fifteen minutes! It’s not only the sheer volume that makes this impossible either. After eating 20 grams of marijuana, those people – who are supposed to be committing suicide with their 14 kilo’s of marijuana – would fall into a deep sleep and wake up 4 hours later without no permamanent damage. Cannabis illegality promotes Murder The fact is, these deaths are not down to the weed itself, but are down to the illegality of this herb, which is freely available in the Netherlands. This illegality, born out of a union between prohibition and justice, is a deadly phenomenon. That’s because illegality doesn’t simply make illegal goods disappear! It makes the “illicit” more appealing for those who profit from the trade in prohibited goods; the criminals. In our country too, even the registered and tax-paying cannabis businesses – at first sight, part of a legal industry – have fallen on the assembly line of victims, all because weed is still illegal. And the concerns are growing. Because of the witchhunt on home growers and small-scale grow operations which supply the coffeeshops, the modest and peace-loving growers have simply stopped growing. Of course, no-one wants to be evicted from their home, and to end up in prison because of a plant that has been declared “illegal” by ignorant authorities. Back to the “pre-Nederwiet Era” of gangs and guns It’s as a direct result of the intervention by the Dutch Hemp Task Force that the ruthless criminals now only engage in large-scale cannabis cultivation, and there’s even weed being imported from Spain, Belgium and Germany, as well as the former Eastern-Bloc countries. If this continues, the criminal gangs which supplied the coffeeshops will again gain the upper-hand, as was the case during the pre-“Nederwiet-Era” – You are no doubt still aware of some of the bosses’ names from the hospitality industry; the lawsuits over the assassinations from this period are still ongoing and are in the press daily. Back then – around 1995 – the small home growers managed to reduce the share of imported hashish and marijuana from 100% to only 20% of the sales turnover in a coffeeshop. The large hashish transportations to the Netherlands became almost superfluous. The small home growers did not get a medal for this feat, but they did manage to achieve something that was impossible for police and the justice system. The organised crime at the backdoor of the coffeeshops diminished due to the supply of a better quality cannabis product – Nederwiet. Not only has this gone completely unnnoticed by the Dutch police and justice system; they have actually been waging a fierce war against the small growers that supplied the coffeeshop, and now it’s worked. There have been countless growers caught in recent years, and many who, due to the intimidatory tactics of Max Daniel and Ivo Opstelten, have simply stopped. Nowadays, we see much larger and more professional grow operations being regularly busted, the kind of which are operated by groups of bandits and gangs of die-hard criminals – people whose interests in growing this innocent plant, are purely financial. Justice department contribute to growing gang culture in Holland Due to these developments, there are more and more victims within the illegal cannabis growing scene whose deaths are caused directly by their involvement in this scene. This is set to rise, with the increasing amount of “Nederwiet” transportations coming from the countries surrounding us. The bigger the financial benefits, the bigger the guns wielded by the gangs. The justice department isn’t just watching as weed criminals slaughter each other. They are actively inciting the assasinations themselves. Aran de Jong was murdered by his ”business partners” after the justice department secretly emptied a van with 75 kilos of weed that was under his responsibility. As far as I’m concerned, the blame for these deaths belongs to the rigid persistence to prohibit the legal production and import, to supply the Dutch coffeeshops. Our current and previous governments have been quite satisfied to take the tax from the numerous kilos of hash and weed sold by the coffeeshops. On the other hand, they shun any responsibility for regulating the supply of the many tolerated coffeeshops in the Netherlands. The Dutch government knows exactly how many kilos of weed and hash is sold by the 650 Dutch coffeeshops, by simply looking at the tax payments and adminstrational papers of the coffeeshops. Despite this knowledge, our government will not allow the cultivation or import of the well-documented kilos of Nederwiet, and therefore are knowingly maintaining the illigality which surrounds cannabis. Ministers refuse to regulate the back door and cause more deaths The deaths of those people who have died and who are going to die in the future – because the cultivation and import of weed to a coffeeshop remains prohibited and taboo- can be credited to the Dutch authorities. The Rutte Cabinet No. 2, with the hypocritical Samsom, who has completely forgotten the PvdA’s “Weedshop Plan,” will continue to cause more deaths, and will contribute to an enormous increase in criminality surrounding the import of cannabis from abroad. The deaths caused by the many fires in grow rooms, and the tampering of electricity meters to illegally obtain power, are also the result of illegality. They too are victims of our bizarre laws. With his plans to eliminate the Dutch tolerance policy and our coffeeshops, Minster Opstelten has now even made a huge contribution to the appearance of criminality at the front-door of the coffeeshops as well, by keeping it closed to foreigners in Limburg, North-Brabant and Zeeland. There too, weapons are being wielded on the streets by (youth) gangs, who supply the foreign cannabis consumers with weed and whatever else they need. All these phenomena are the result of a massive lack of insight and unprecedented arrogance from our rulers. They are turning the Netherlands into a criminal nation, not the coffeeshops and their mind-expanding product. We have a murderous government, literally. Why? Because they willingly and knowingly allow the murders within cannabis production to continue unimpeded and, as a direct result of their thoughtless actions, the number of deaths caused by the illegality of cannabis in the Netherlands continues to rise. Oh, Oh – The Hague. What have you done now? Nol van Schaik. 1 Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité K1ller Posté(e) mars 7, 2013 Partager Posté(e) mars 7, 2013 Salut à tous, Il faut savoir qu'aux pays bas, les douaniers font partie intégrante du trafic, pourquoi ? Pour mieux le contrôler ! Ils peuvent même vous menacer de mort et vous tirez dessus si vous leur faite trop concurrence ! Pourquoi ? Il perdrait l'accès aux fameuse informations de ce qui se passe ou non sur le marché noir là-bas ! Pourquoi ? pars ce que l'information n'a pas de prix pour contrôler le marché ! Pourquoi ? Pour que le trafique ne dégénère pas en guerre générale de gangs aux ordres du grand banditisme ! Effet pervers de toute chose illégale ! 1 Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
manzion 425 Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 Partager Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 Hep, Le gouvernement battave a trouvé un remède bien pire que le mal à traiter......quelle décisions insensée que d'introduire le weedpass......ils l'ont voulu, ils l'ont eu..... Effets : baisse du chiffre d'affaires pour la plupart des commerçants / chômage pour les employés des coffees / sentiment d'insécurité en forte hausse / les bouchons sur l'autoroute continuent (et continueront, on met pas de feux rouges sur une autoroute et on la fait pas passer par le centre ville) / les trafiquants se tirent dessus à qui mieux mieux.......que du bon et du positif quoi...... Bientôt on dira que Maas est une ville sinistrée........merci les réacs de base...... Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Manuel de la gavotte 106 Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 Partager Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 Salut! quelle décisions insensée que d'introduire le weedpass......ils l'ont voulu, ils l'ont eu..... .... Le weedpas est laissé à la discrétion des communes. Il ne concerne d'ailleurs pas tout à fait les mêmes problèmes puisque le weedpass est la pour lutter contre les méchant touristes français qui viennent dans le sud fumer et foutre le bordel. Le problème que Nol soulève ici relève d'un soucis encore plus ancien et grave. C'est toujours le même problème en Hollande depuis la cannabiswet (loi du cannabis le séparant de fait des autres drogues) puisque les coffeeshops ont le droit de vendre mais pas d'acheter. Les morts sont donc les victimes du manque d'effort de la part des politiques pour demander une révision de la CUS. De même qu'à travers le monde aucun état n'a osé demandé a réviser ce texte totalement débile et utopique... Et après on parle des fumeurs de pets comme des doux rêveur alors que ce qui vivent dans le rêve de l'ONU sont le pire cauchemar de l'humanité! En tant qu'activiste propriétaire de coffeeshop, Nol veux montrer à son gouvernement que le problème reste entier, et que la désinformation est un outil complexe et très bien utilisé par les grands groupes de média. (d'où son titre) Bref, wietpas ou pas, le problème reste encore et toujours les organisation internationales qui font du business sur le future de l'espèce humaine. Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Lamic-Tal 3 359 Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 Partager Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 De toute façon depuis le début c'est : - Bon les gars , on fait une loi pour "autoriser" la mafia à produire du cannabis et à le vendre dans des magasins. Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité Néocanna Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 Partager Posté(e) mars 11, 2013 Salut, Donc si je vous comprend bien (mieux que l'anglais), les morts à cause du cannabis sont ceux avant que le cannabis arrive en coffee shop ? Et ils le font passer sur le compte et pour la propagande "anti-cannabique => BOUHH, le commerce du cannabis c'est de la drogue qui tue des gens" ? Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
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