Bio Nova

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Je suis actuellement le programme Bio Nova en terreau (soil supermix) et il est indiqué de régler le ph à 5,8.

Je vous avoue que je suis perdu :( Car normalement, les valeurs idéales du ph en terre se situent entre 6,4 - 6,8 non?

Si un grower qui l'habitude de tourner avec BN pourrait éclairer ma lumière ... Merci :)


edit: j'ai eu une réponse leur part




Thank you for using our products and forgive me to answer you in English.


Basically the pH can be in a broader range than we tell. 5,8 is just on the

safe side. Our ferts do not have any problems with a pH range between 5 and

7 and in most cases even broader.

pH has everything to do with solubility. We tackle that problem with

chelated trace elements. The chelates we use are working in the range of pH3

- pH9. So you do not need to worry about that number.

The main elements beside N, P and K like Magnesium and Ca are subject to

the solubility factor also, but are not chelated, because Mg and Ca chelates

are very expensive and not concentrated enough, so that would price us out

of the market.


I hope this answers your question.


Best regards,


Waldemar Boot


Modifié par ATN
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