Anointing Oil (original recipe)

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hummm j'suis désolé mais c'est tout en anglais ... pas de traduction pour ca pour l'instant :(


recette original de la paumade au canna tiré de la bible et en dessous la recette simplifié :bigspliff:



Exodus 30, verses 22 - 30


Anointing Oil


22 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23 "Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels

of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250

shekels of fragrant cane, 24 500 shekels of cassia - all according to the sanctuary

shekel - and a hin of olive oil. 25 Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a

fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. . . .


30 "Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as



The chief unit of weight was the SHEKEL, called also the holy shekel or shekel of

the sanctuary; subdivided into the beka (i.e. half ), and the gerah (i.e. a grain ).












1/20 shekel

0.5 g

1/15 oz.



10 gerahs, 1/2 shekel

5 g.

3/16 oz.



1 1/2 bekas, 3/4 shekel

7 g.

1/4 oz.



2 bekas, 1 1/2 pims

10 g

1/2 oz.



75 pims, 50 shekels

500 g

1 lb.



60 minas, 3000 shekels

30 kg

66 lbs.



Converted into today's measurements:


liquid myrrh 500 shekels 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)

cassia 500 shekels 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)

cinnamon leaf 250 shekels 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)

cannabis flowers 250 shekels 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)

olive oil 1 hin 6.5 liters (1.72 gallons)


In the traditional method, all of these ingredients would have been mixed with

water and then boiled until all the water evaporated. The oil was then strained

and ready for use.





Myrrh Gum



Myrrh has many medicinal uses. In ancient times it was used for cleaning wounds

and sores. As late as the 19th century it was given as a treatment for worms,

coughs, colds, sore throats, asthma, indigestion, bad breath, gum disease, and

gonorrhea. Today it is still a common ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwash.




Until the invention of morphine and other modern painkillers, myrrh was a

common analgesic. In ancient times it was often mixed with wine to make the

drink more potent (Clarke's Commentary - Prov 9:4-5).




As was the custom among the Jews, Christ was offered "wine mingled with

myrrh" to ease the pains of the cross. However, He refused to drink it (Mk 15:23).




Today myrrh may be used in toothpastes, mouthwashes, cosmetics, and food





--- Medicinal Action and Uses --- Astringent, healing. Tonic and stimulant. A direct

emmenagogue, a tonic in dyspepsia, an expectorant in the absence of feverish

symptoms, a stimulant to the mucous tissues, a stomachic carminative, exciting

appetite and the flow of gastric juice, and an astringent wash.



It is used in chronic catarrh, phthisis pulmonalis, chlorosis, and in amenorrhoea

is often combined with aloes and iron. As a wash it is good for spongy gums,

ulcerated throat and aphthous stomatitis, and the tincture is also applied to foul

and indolentulcers. It has been found helpful in bronchorrhoea and leucorrhoea.

It has also been used as a vermifuge.



Myrrh is a common ingredient of toothpowders, and is used with borax in

tincture, with other ingredients, as a mouth-wash.



The Compound Tincture, or Horse Tincture, is used in veterinary practice for

healing wounds.

Meetiga, the trade-name of Arabian Myrrh, is more brittle and gummy than that of

Somaliland and has not its white markings.



The liquid Myrrh, or Stacte, spoken of by Pliny, and an ingredient of Jewish holy

incense, was formerly obtainable and greatly valued, but cannot now be



Cassia - Cinnamon Bark Oil (cinnamonum cassia)





---Medicinal Action and Uses --- Carminative, astringent, stimulant, antiseptic;

more powerful as a local than as a general stimulant; is prescribed in powder

and infusion but usually combined with other medicines. It stops vomiting,

relieves flatulence, and given with chalk and astringents is useful for diarrhea

and hemorrhage of the womb.




Cinnamon leaf oil (cinnamonum zeylanicum)



---Medicinal Action and Uses --- Stomachic, carminative, mildly astringent, said to

be emmenagogue and capable of decreasing the secretion of milk. The tincture

is useful in uterine hemorrhage and menorrhagia, the doses of 1 drachm being

given every 5, 10 or 20 minutes as required. It is chiefly used to assist and flavor

other drugs, being helpful in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and to relieve




The oil is a powerful germicide, but being very irritant is rarely used in medicine

for this purpose. It is a strong local stimulant, sometimes prescribed in gastro-

dynia, flatulent colic, and gastric debility.



--- Poisons and Antidotes --- It was found that 6 drachms of the oil would kill a

moderately sized dog in five hours, and 2 drachms in forty hours, inflammation of

the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane being observed.




Olive oil



---Medicinal Action and Uses---The leaves are astringent and antiseptic.

Internally, a decoction of 2 handsful boiled in a quart of water until reduced to

half a pint has been used in the Levant in obstinate fevers. Both leaves and bark

have valuable febrifugal qualities.



The oil is a nourishing demulcent and laxative. Externally, it relieves pruritis, the

effects of stings or burns, and is a good vehicle for liniments. With alcohol it is a

good hair-tonic. As a lubricant it is valuable in skin, muscular, joint, kidney and

chest complaints, or abdominal chill, typhoid and scarlet fevers, plague and

dropsies. Delicate babies absorb its nourishing properties well through the skin.

Its value in worms or gallstones is uncertain.



Internally, it is a laxative and disperser of acids, and a mechanical antidote to

irritant poisons. It is often used in enemas. It is the best fat for cooking, and a

valuable article of diet for both sick and healthy of all ages. It can easily be taken

with milk, orange or lemon juice, etc.







---Medicinal Action and Uses --- The principal use of Hemp in medicine is for

easing pain and inducing sleep, and for a soothing influence in nervous

disorders. It does not cause constipation nor affect the appetite like opium. It is

useful in neuralgia, gout, rheumatism, delirium tremens, insanity, infantile

convulsions, insomnia, etc.



The tincture helps parturition, and is used in senile catarrh, gonorrhoea,

menorrhagia, chronic cystitis and all painful urinary affections. An infusion of the

seed is useful in after pains and prolapsus uteri. The resin may be combined

with ointments, oils or chloroform in inflammatory and neuralgic complaints.




The action is almost entirely on the higher nerve centers. It can produce an

exhilarating intoxication, with hallucinations, and is widely used in Eastern

countries as an intoxicant, hence its names 'leaf of delusion,' 'increaser of

pleasure,' 'cementer of friendship,' etc. The nature of its effect depends much on

the nationality and temperament of the individual. It is regarded as dangerous to

sleep in a field of hemp owing to the aroma of the plants.






Recipe for the Holy Anointing Oil.



This is the recipe I have used. It is not exactly the same recipe that is listed in

Exodus, it has only one ounce of marijuana instead of fifteen ounces. However,

this recipe has been used on human beings and used with prayer, worked to

relieve pain. I have used this on a man suffering from Aids, another man with

severe upper back pain from a pinched nerve, on a woman with severe lower

back pain associated with her monthlys, on a man suffering from rheumatoid

arthritis and on myself for various pains and abrasions.


1 pint Organic Sesame Seed oil


1 pint Organic Olive Oil


.06 oz Cinnamon bark oil (Cassia) (1 eighth of a .5 oz bottle)


.06 oz Cinnamon leaf oil (1 eighth of a .5 oz bottle)


1 oz of Myrrh Gum


1 oz of Marijuana


This produces an oil that is much less powerful then the original recipe as 2

pints of oil, or one quart of oil, in the original recipe would have 15 ounces of

marijuana flowers, not the 1 ounce I have used. All these ingredients except for

the marijuana are available at the local health food store here in Fayetteville,



You need a cooking pot and a Pyrex 4 cup measuring cup. Use a cooking pot

with a liner/separator so that the container you cook the oil in is lifted off the

bottom of the cooking pot. You need a candy thermometer that will clip onto the

side of the pot. You need enough Canola oil to use as the heat transfer medium

in the cooking pot.


Place the pint of Sesame Seed oil in the container with the shredded Marijuana

and the Myrrh Gum.


Place the jar into the cooking pot, on top of the liner/separator.


Place the Canola oil into the cooking pot up to within 3 inches of the top of the

pot - or to the same level of the Sesame Seed oil in the jar - whichever is less.


Wrap Aluminum foil around the cooking pot lip and crumple it so that the space

between the cooking pot and the jar is covered with the foil. This helps cut down

on oil fumes and reduces fire hazard from the hot oil. Use an electric stove or

hotplate - never use any kind of open flame for this cooking.


Place the candy thermometer thru the foil and clip it onto the side of the cooking

pot so that the sensing tip is immersed in the Canola oil. The Canola oil transfers

heat from the stove to the jar at higher temperatures then boiling water at 212

degrees. You want to cook the oil for one hour at 300 degrees. This extracts the

active ingredients from the Marijuana and dissolves the Myrrh gum into the oil.


Remove from the heat and allow it to cool. The glass container is very fragile; do

not mess with it until it cools to skin temperature or it will break and you will lose

that lot of oil.


Strain the oil / herb mixture thru a cloth and discard the solids.


Add the Olive oil, Cinnamon Bark (Cassia) oil and the Cinnamon leaf oil to the

cooked Anointing Oil and bottle. Store the Anointing Oil in the refrigerator in a

dark colored bottle. Decant into smaller jars for use.









Cannabis Cream


this is a traditional quick method




280ml of pure hemp oil

1 block of beeswax

28 grams of cannabis bud

(any wastage from cannabis plants can be used as well, apart from roots)

1 Litre of water


the cream should be made in a slow cooker, alternatively a saucepan can be used, however, simmer only, DO NOT boil.


Add the oil, cannabis bud and water together in your pan or slow cooker.


Simmer for at least 4 hours, stirring every 30 minutes or so.

Cook ideally for 8-12 hours, allow cooling


Pour contents of the pan/slow cooker through a sieve into a clean, tall, clear jug or vase.


Press the cannabis bud which is left over in solid form, with the back of a spoon to force out As much oil as possible from the waste, discard whatever solid is left.

(A old t-shirt works well as you’re able to wring waste so it’s almost dry)


Place the water and oil solution in the jug, in the coldest part of the fridge. After 24 to 48 hours (if your fridge is at the correct temperature) you will find that the cold will separate the water from the oil.


The oil which you need floats and the water sinks. Use a syringe to carefully get oil from the top of the jug and place in a small saucepan, discard water left in jug.


Alternatively, the oil and water mix can be placed in the freezer to speed up results. Do not freeze!


You should now be left with green oil.


The oil you now have in the small saucepan needs to be reheated (simmer only) DO NOT boil to evaporate any excess water from the oil.


Add the beeswax (small pieces of wax dissolve quicker than one big piece), keep stirring until all the wax has fully dissolved.


Pour liquid into suitable containers, wide necked jars or margarine tubs are best, and allow cooling. Cream will thicken when set.


An application of the cream twice a day (morning and evening) seems to produce the most favourable results for all conditions.








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Tip Top exactement ce que je cherchais merci à toi.

Cette pommade entraine elle des "effets secondaires" type endormissement des mains etc

La personne pour qui c'est destiner conduit beaucoup et souhaiterais soigner son arthrose ainsi.


Autre question :

Une variété conseillez ou une grande ligne ?

Je dois avouer débuter complétement sur le sujets thérapeutiques et je lis tout ce qui passe mais là a part que le taux de cbd doit être élever.

Edit: Merci a toi ^^

Modifié par Indi-Punky
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effets secondraire ???!! ben n'étant pas médecin je dirais que tu peux être stone si t'en manges de trop ! :D


après faut quand même un avis médical parce que s'agirait pas d'avoir des interractions avec d'autres médicaments du traitements... le canna étant un médicament il en convient d'en parler à sont médecin pour qu'il en tienne compte dans sont traitement


pour ce qui est de la variété comme on peu le constater dans les anciens récit c'est plus une histoire d'association et de synergie entre les plantes qu'une histoire d'avoir THE bonne variété... bon c'est sur avoir une variété qui à une spécificité dans le domaine souhaité ca aide ...

mais c'est un peu comme comparer différentes sorte de vanilles ou de camomilles :siff:


donc bon dans ce genre de recettes avant de ce concenter sur le bon canna a prendre c'est mieux de se concentrer sur les autres plantes pouvant avoir une synergie interessante . Sinon en tout premier si tu cherches the bon strain pour cette préparation faut comparé une sativa, une indica et des hybrides... ou tu demandes à un marcel qui a des caisses pleines de fiches sur tout les strains si il a un truc avec une spécificité dans ce domaine :bigspliff:




Modifié par Artisan
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  • 6 mois après ...



merci pour cette recette!!


edit: je me pose une petite question, niveau maturation des trichomes? Ça peu changer quelque chose? Pour un effet anti inflammatoire ça vaux le coup que je récolte bien mûr? Ou ça changeras rien?



Modifié par cece_
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Invité minimoule




merci l'artisan pour la recette :respect:


1 bloc de cire d'abeille (entre 15-20% selon la consistance désirer )



tu parles de 15/20% du bloc?



il y a t-il une perte de cire pendant l'opération?




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Petit témoignage quant à l'utilisation de cette recette.


La recette que j'ai utilisée

- huile de coco ( environ 20 cl)

- Cannelle en poudre (3 cuillere a soupe)

- Myrrhe (15 gouttes d huile essentielle)

-4 g d huile de cannabis (3.5g d huile d herbe vaporisée (extraction alcool macération 24h), 0.5g d huile de têtes (lavage 15 secondes des têtes dans l'alcool)

Mélange de variétés : Nigeria x(Nepal x Jamaica), OG Train Haze principalement

Applications testées avec ma crème:


- Douleurs musculaires : pour certains de mes muscles du dos qui parfois sont tendus, soulagement complet de la douleur en 20 minutes après une application généreuse.


- Douleurs liés aux règles : application de la crème en massage aux endroits douloureux. Amélioration générale.


- Eczema : Calme la démangaison en 10 minutes, et en cas d'application journalière peut en résorber certains.


Je continue mes expérimentations ;) Mais déjà personnellement je peux difficilement envisager de ne plus en avoir dans mon placard à pharmacie !

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Hello Titoon


Merci pour cette recette, pourrais tu me dire quelles sont les principes actifs de la canelle et de la Myrhe stp, ou quel est le plus amené à cette préparation par l'ajout de canelle et de mirrhe


Best Vibes

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Hola a todos


Merci Indy pour le link (et en français pour une fois),


Salut Artisan, j'éspèrais en fait l'explication en français :-), la plus grande partie de ce que l'on trouve comme info intéressante sur le cannabis méd sur le web est dans la langue de shakspeare, tout le monde n'est pas forcément à l'aise en british , et les traducteurs...


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:bigspliff: ben moi j'espère toujours qu'une ame charitable me traduise les machins en français parce que moi non plus j'suis pas trop bon en anglais... j'fais semblant c'est tout :jumping:


Moi quand je tchatte avec un anglais la première chose que je dit c'est : just a moment please! time to open my translator :siff:


autant vous dire que je sait même pas comment j'arrive à me faire comprendre quand je discutes avec les copains Japonais quand tout les deux on parle pas notre langue :ptdr:

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pour faire ces recettes, faut il obligatoirement partir de pieds femelles, ou alors des pieds males ça peut marcher aussi? (j'en ai 3 qui sechent pour recycler ^^)


merci en tout cas, dès que j'ai ma réponse je me lance :P

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Tous les cannabinoides sont bons à prendre, donc la recette fonctionnera avec des mâles. Par contre, bien moins de résine donc de cannabinoides sur les mâles donc la crème sera moins efficace en proportion.

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  • 1 an après ...

Skuzez je sors mon tractopelle...



Bonsoir à tous ! 

je vais tester ta recette artisan j'ai tout les ingrédients et j'ai de l'huile essentielle de camphre, de basilic tropical, eucalyptus citron et gaulthérie pour faire une pommade multi-usages, me reste juste à trouver le dosage. Si quelqu'un à un tuyau je cherche mais je ne trouve pas.
Après je ne sais pas si je devrais en rajouter d'autres comme de la cannelle...
Pour la variété je vais utiliser la CBD Nordle, et je vais même faire une teinture à la glycérine.
Vive le GrowMed !
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je vais tester ta recette artisan j'ai tout les ingrédients et j'ai de l'huile essentielle de camphre, de basilic tropical, eucalyptus citron et gaulthérie pour faire une pommade multi-usages, me reste juste à trouver le dosage. Si quelqu'un à un tuyau je cherche mais je ne trouve pas.



bin les dosages sont donnés plus haut!!

A la fois par Artisan et Titoon.



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bin les dosages sont donnés plus haut!!

A la fois par Artisan et Titoon.





salut pieddeshit !



Je parlais des dosages en huiles essentielles celles que j'ai cité plus haut. Toutes les huiles ne se disent pas de la même manière.

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  • 5 semaines après ...
Invité tseug


pas mal la recette! mais je ne comprend pas,c'est quoi l'huile de chanvre? faut extraire de l'huile avant de faire le baume? 

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