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De retour d'amsterdam avec entre autre qqes grammes de black bombay, je cherche des info sur la composition de ce haschich. Il me semble qil contient de l'opium?????au prix ou il coute(17,5e pr 2 grammes), j'espere!!

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copier coller d un smoker's guide d amterdam


aucune trace d opium!!!!!(fo arreter de croire que l on vous met des drogue dures dans votre matos!!!!lol)



Purchased: Highway




Origin: Northern India

Look: Not very soft and pliable. Looked like it had been pressed very heavily.

Smell: Spicy and sharp scent. The smoke was very grey-blue and dense. It hung in the air around the house for about an hour!

Taste: Very rich flavour left in the back of the throat. I thought it would be less oily than it felt; it wasn''t.

Effects: An immediate heavy-eyed effect surfaces after only one puff! A nice sense of well being follows directly

Overall: Lovely gear for dark hash. It was everything I was looking for in a chill-out session. One tip: Do NOT smoke this in an area you want to smell clear anytime soon; you'll be busted!

Copyright Dam I.T. 2000. All rights reserved ©

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