Pour en finir avec la guerre contre la drogue

Pour en finir avec la guerre contre la drogue
Par mrpolo ,

Lutter contre la drogue coûte cher. De plus, les drogues douces, répètent certains, sont inoffensives et devraient être décriminalisées. En 2001, c’est un peu ce qu’a fait le Portugal en dépénalisant la consommation de stupéfiants. Plutôt que d’aller en prison, les toxicomanes sont soignés – et la société en bénéficie.


Aujourd’hui, les Portugais peuvent acheter des «champignons magiques» et du hachisch dans des magasins spécialisés. Certains appellent ces commerces des smartshops de style hollandais, car on n’y vend officiellement que des psychotropes d’origine végétale. Mais si vous savez où trouver de la drogue ailleurs, vous pouvez en acheter sans craindre de vous retrouver en prison.


En fait, la police n’envoie même plus les toxicomanes en Cour. Elle les dirige vers le système de santé, où ils peuvent obtenir des soins psychologiques et médicaux. Il y a 11 ans, le Portugal a pris une décision radicale en dépénalisant la consommation de drogue, mais la possession et le trafic demeurent toujours interdits.


Selon les partisans de la légalisation de la drogue, la dépénalisation de la consommation devrait être adoptée dans d’autres pays. Dans une récente étude, Jeffrey Miron, un professeur d’économie de l’Université Harvard, estime que le gouvernement américain économiserait 41,3 G$ en frais de police, de justice et de prison s’il légalisait la drogue – et qu’il percevrait du même coup 46,7 G$ en recettes fiscales. «Le bénéfice assuré le plus important de la légalisation est la réduction des dépenses gouvernementales, tandis que les recettes fiscales sont plus difficiles à estimer», déclare-t-il à Métro.


Depuis que le Portugal a libéralisé sa loi sur la drogue, il a enregistré des progrès remarquables. La proportion d’utilisateurs de drogues injectables y a diminué de moitié, pour s’établir à 0,5 % de la population. La consommation globale de stupéfiants y est inférieure à la moyenne de l’Union européenne. En 2011, seuls 6,6 % des Portugais âgés de 15 à 24 ans fumaient du cannabis, comparativement à 29,7 % en République tchèque et à 23,9 % en Espa­gne. Et les tribunaux portugais peuvent aujourd’hui se consacrer au traitement de méfaits plus sérieux.


«D’importantes économies ont été réalisées et ont permis d’alléger le fardeau du système judiciaire, du système carcéral et de la police», explique le professeur Pedro Portugal, du département des Recherches économiques de la Banque du Portugal. D’un autre côté, le système de santé compte désormais des équipes multidisciplinaires de médecins, de psychologues, de juges et de travailleurs sociaux qui sont assez onéreuses. Mais il ne fait aucun doute que ce système, même s’il coûte cher, est une excellente chose.»


Toutefois, certains spécialistes, comme le Dr Carlos Fugas, un psychologue qui traite les toxicomanes à Lisbonne, sont préoccupés par les conséquences de la dépénalisation. «Les drogues végétales que les gens achètent dans les smartshops n’apparaissent pas dans les statistiques, dit-il. Et il y a eu une augmentation du nombre de toxicomanes depuis que la crise économique a éclaté.» À cela, le Dr Manuel Pinto Coelho, un spécialiste de la désintoxication, ajoute : «Quand les gens conduisent vite, on ne change pas la loi pour permettre la vitesse. Pourquoi doit-on accepter la consommation de drogue?»


Le Portugal est frappé par une grave récession. M. Miron demeure néanmoins persuadé que la légalisation de la drogue est une mesure sensée. «Que la drogue soit légale ou non, cela a une incidence sur la santé des gens qui en consomment. Le fait qu’elle soit illégale pousse ces personnes vers les milieux marginaux, où elles se retrouvent exposées à la criminalité. Cela a des répercussions sur l’ensemble de la société, même sur les gens qui ne consomment pas de drogue.»



Entrevue : «Plus de libertés sauverait des vies»

Quelle a été l’incidence de la dépénalisation de la consommation de drogue sur les Portugais?

D’un point de vue économique, toute libéralisation a une incidence positive sur les consommateurs et les contribuables. Cependant, au Portugal, seule la consommation a été décriminalisée; le trafic demeure illégal. Néanmoins, il y a moins d’arrestations liées à la drogue. Par ailleurs, il faut ajouter que les crimes violents sont surtout attribuables à la prohibition de la drogue, et non à la drogue elle-même. Bref, dans ce domaine, plus de libertés permettrait de sauver des vies.


Les partisans de la légalisation répètent que la lutte contre la drogue est un gaspillage de fonds publics.

De 2004 à 2010, le nombre de toxicomanes traités par le service de santé national est passé de 30 266 à 37 983. La santé est le secteur où les dépenses publiques liées à la drogue sont les plus importantes. Mais pour démontrer que cette politique est un succès sur le plan économique, il faudrait comparer l’évolution des coûts avec les dépenses liées à la sécurité, aux traitements des toxicomanes ainsi qu’à la population carcérale associée à la drogue. Malheureusement, ces données ne sont pas disponibles.


Le nombre de toxicomanes a augmenté au Portugal depuis que le pays est frappé par la crise économique. Comment analysez-vous ce phénomène?

Je ne peux penser qu’à l’alcool pour expliquer cette augmentation. L’alcool demeure la drogue la moins chère qui soit et il ruine bien plus de vies, détruit bien plus de familles et tue bien plus d’innocents que toutes les drogues illégales réunies.



Fabriqué en Californie. De la drogue produite localement force les cartels à fermer boutique

Depuis 1990, les Californiens souffrant d’une maladie chronique peuvent acheter de la marijuana. L’an dernier, l’État a voté une loi sur la drogue encore plus libérale. Les Californiens ont désormais le droit de se procurer jusqu’à 28 g de marijuana sans être inquiétés par la police. Ceux qui sont en faveur de la légalisation de la drogue voulaient que tous les stupéfiants soient légalisés, disant qu’une telle mesure réduirait les profits des cartels mexicains.


Des chiffres rendus publics par le groupe de réflexion RAND indiquent que la marijuana consommée en Californie ne représente que de 2 % à 4 % des revenus des cartels mexicains. Il reste que les Californiens peuvent chasser ces derniers du marché du pot : même taxée, la marijuana cultivée en Californie est moins chère que celle qui vient du Mexique. Et, plus intéressant encore pour les amateurs, elle est deux fois plus forte.



Prostitution. Le plus vieux métier du monde devrait-il aussi être légalisé?

Plus tôt cette année, un tribunal canadien a déclaré que le bannissement des bordels représentait un risque pour les prostituées, car cela les obligeait à proposer leurs services dans la rue. Au Canada, les prostituées peuvent donc désormais louer un appartement à des fins professionnelles et établir des relations d’affaires. À Amsterdam, leurs consœurs opèrent déjà librement, et en Espagne, le gouvernement les tolère.


De plus en plus de pays envisagent de légaliser le plus vieux métier du monde, en arguant que réglementer la prostitution réduirait la crimi­nalité et améliorerait la sécurité des prostituées.


Cependant, selon Rachel Lloyd, directrice de l’organisme new-yorkais Girls Educational and Mentoring Services et ancienne prostituée, il n’a pas encore été prouvé que légaliser la prostitution améliore la sécurité des prostituées.


Par Elisabeth Braw

Metro World News

Source: Journal Metro


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Knicks succumb to Vince Carter"It's personal, it's me Limited Tim Jennings Navy Jersey and Mike, okay," Gentry joked of the matchup with Mike D'Antoni, his former boss. "It just comes down to me and Mike, that's it. It doesn't have anything to do with the players, anything. It's me and Mike. I've got to be a better coach than Mike today, okay?"The Suns also held Stoudemire scoreless for the first eight minutes of the Elite Craig Robertson Browns Jersey final period after he had 33 points through three, giving them just enough defense Chris Myers Jersey in a matchup that not surprisingly was otherwise all about offense.Nash answered with a 3, Carter scored five straight for Phoenix, and Frye capped a 134 surge with another 3pointer that gave the Suns a 119110 lead with 2:39 remaining. The Black Larry Foote Authentic Jersey Suns stayed ahead with their excellent foul shooting, finishing 28 of 31.Stoudemire left Phoenix for New York in the summer when the Suns wouldn't fully guarantee him a maximum contract over concerns about the Game Brandon Carr Grey Jersey longterm condition of his knees. He scored at least 20 points for the 25th consecutive game and moved ahead of Bernard White Haruki Nakamura Womens Jersey King for the thirdlongest streak in franchise history, four shy of Richie Guerin's record set in 1962."I don't like to think of things in terms of retribution and payback, but it didn't feel good to get smashed at home, so it was a rewarding win today," Nash said.Former Knicks forward Channing Frye scored 18 points. It was the Suns' third consecutive highscoring performance Nike Matt Forte Jersey after a fourgame stretch in which they were held below 100, the first time that had happened since December 2005.Vince Carter scored 29 points, including the 20,000th of his Youth Brandon Graham Jersey career, and Phoenix ran past the New York Knicks 129121 on Monday to match a season high with its third straight victory."I think he's fine. I've been around Amare a long time. He can control it and hopefully he will," D'Antoni said. "I think we'll attack some problems before we attack that. White Joe Thomas Browns Jersey We've got some problems."Carter, who became the eighth active player to reach 20,000 points, also Kids Koa Misi Green Jersey added 12 rebounds. That Jan. 7 blowout loss was only his fifth game with the Suns after his acquisition from Orlando.He also picked up his 12th technical after he bumped Frye in the first half and is now four away from an automatic onegame suspension.Wilson Chandler scored 23 points for the Knicks, and Raymond Felton had 13 assists but another poor shooting night, going Kids Chris Houston Game Jersey 3 for 13 for seven points. The Knicks fell to 2218 after Black Darnell Dockett Limited Jersey a game that D'Antoni said "definitely should be a wakeup call.""I could probably get more than one, but I'm not going to say how many," Walsh said before the game. "But I'm confident I can get a firstround pick."Grant Hill added 25 points for Phoenix, which overcame a seasonhigh 41 points from Stoudemire and handed Limited Larry Fitzgerald Cardinals Jersey the Knicks their third loss in a row. Steve Nash finished with 15 points and 11 assists in a good start to a fivegame Eastern trip for the Suns."They beat us pretty good last time and it was still my first couple of games there, so I just felt like I could have given this team more," Carter said. "Now that I feel more comfortable, I see where I can Grey DeMarco Murray Elite Jersey get my shots or just Nike Michael Koenen Pink Jersey make plays for the team."One of those came 10 days ago during a 12196 loss in Stoudemire's return to Phoenix. But the Suns got revenge against him and former coach Mike D'Antoni and have scored at least 115 points in every game during their winning streak.Danilo Gallinari scored 17 points in his return to the lineup after missing six games with a sprained left knee, but the Knicks were without big man Ronny Turiaf because of a bruised right hip."We know that four games over .500 is unacceptable," Stoudemire said. "We had Orange Kyle Long Womens Jersey a chance to really take advantage of our situation and we didn't. So now we have to fight to get back to where we rightfully belong."Knicks president Authentic Kawann Short Womens Jersey Donnie Walsh Womens Maurice Jones-Drew Nike Jersey believes he could acquire at least one firstround pick if needed. The Knicks have long been considered to be running behind the Nets in the Carmelo Anthony chase, in part Stephon Gilmore Black Jersey because they have no pick to include in a trade with Denver."I know that thing about defense wins championships, but I still haven't seen a team yet win a game 00," Nike John Carlson Purple Jersey coach Alvin Gentry said. "You've got to be able to make shots and put it in the basket. That's the only way you're going to beat a team that's geared up to score."Hakim Warrick, essentially Stoudemire's replacement, scored six straight for Phoenix before Gallinari's 3pointer tied it at 106 with 5:29 left.Suns coach Alvin Gentry was impressed with Jets coach Rex Ryan last week and imitated Ryan's news conference in which he said the matchup with the Patriots came down to himself against New England coach Bill Belichick.

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With that, let just go to the transcript, thoughtfully Youth Eli Manning White Jersey Womens Ryan Mathews White Jersey typed by Youth Tyron Smith Limited Jersey Mike Prada at sbnationdc.:DeMaurice Smith tells Maryland grads want footballDeMaurice Smith, leader of the NFL Nike Dustin Keller Kids Jersey Players Youth Javier Arenas Nike Jersey Association was the keynote speaker at Youth Cordarrelle Patterson Limited Jersey the University of Maryland commencement Thursday.There was Bengals Reggie Nelson Black Jersey the usual inspirational message given to those about to come off the parental dole and amble off toward Life and Game Mason Crosby Green Jersey then it was time for the Nike James Casey Black Jersey Navy Lance Briggs Elite Jersey Big Wrapup. I believe Pink David DeCastro Limited Jersey is an adequate substitute.)His speech began with want football. Smith replied, Dez Bryant Youth Jersey want football, too. (Just like Commissioner what Navy Brandon Browner Kids Jersey Roger Nike Mychal Kendricks Eagles Jersey Goodell heard at the NFL draft. Everybody wants football, but no one more than sports journalists.)SMITH: If that wasn't Green Nick Folk Jersey cool enough, I Kids Jared Allen Authentic Jersey sat my daughter Gold Jarvis Jones Game Jersey on my knee, and the band started playing this Kids Clay Matthews Game Jersey song. We know it Cardinals Jonathan Cooper Elite Jersey as and Red Dwayne Bowe Authentic Jersey Roll Part 2. It went on and it went on, and the fans started to stand up. They started to cheer. And then they got to that part of the song where everybody is feeling tremendous, and I had to explain to my little daughter, are they saying You [stink].' And I said, it's because they love. today, with the profound respect of what today is, for one last time, I believe it's important for every student to sit back .

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The NFL and the players agreed to begin blood testing for HGH as part of their new collective bargaining agreement reached in late July Green Kyle Wilson Nike Jersey but only if the union agreed to the methods, which it has yet to do. The league was ready to begin collection next week, but on Tuesday, the union told the NFL to hold off.DETROIT ESPN is reporting that Detroit Lions running back Jerome Harrison has a brain tumor.Still, Fitzgerald says he's experiencing "no frustration at all" that he hasn't gotten the ball more. He says you can't let doubt "seep into your mind."In the letter to Red Darrelle Revis Womens Jersey California Rep. Darrell Issa and Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Control, Goodell says specimens would not be analyzed and players would not be subject to disciplinary proceedings until remaining issues about the testing regimen are resolved. Limited Justin Durant Youth Jersey Until that time, blood samples would be stored.HGH TESTING: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has sent a letter to leaders of a congressional committee outlining the league's plans for collecting and saving blood samples of players in hopes of eventually testing for human growth hormone.Lions' Harrison has brain tumorDolphins attendance has declined with the franchise's recent fortunes, Eagles DeMeco Ryans Nike Jersey Elite Lance Moore Kids Jersey but Miami has avoided any blackouts since the start of the 2001 season.The network cited two NFL sources it did Authenitc Adrian Clayborn Nike Jersey not Game Steve Johnson Bills Jersey identify in yesterday's report. It says the tumor was revealed when Harrison had a physical after being dealt this week by Detroit Limited Jared Allen Black Jersey to the Philadelphia Eagles in a trade that was voided by the discovery.The stats are Cheap Buffalo Bills Jerseys China tempered by the fact Arizona has played five games while others have played six, but the point remains White Greg Hardy Kids Jersey that he and new quarterback Kevin Kolb have yet to click the way the two had envisioned.TEBOW/DOLPHINS: Tim Tebow's popularity hasn't been enough for the winless Miami Dolphins to sell out Sunday's game, so they've agreed to buy any remaining tickets to avert a television blackout in South Florida.GONZALEZ/RECEPTIONS: Tony Gonzalez refuses to boast about himself as he moves Grey Jacoby Ford Womens Jersey closer Youth Dee Milliner Navy Jersey to becoming the NFL's No. 2 career Josh Gordon Nike Jersey leader in receptions.Those tickets will be given to seasonticket holders. The Dolphins also bought all unsold tickets for their most recent home game.FITZGERALD ANGRY? Arizona reciver Larry Fitzgerald has 27 catches this season, not enough to crack the NFL's top 20. His 427 yards receiving rank 12th in the league, 358 yards Womens Datone Jones Packers Jersey behind NFL leader Wes Welker.The Lions wanted to trade Harrison to Philadelphia for Ronnie Brown and a draft pick. Detroit needs help because Jahvid Best had his third concussion on Sunday.Tebow returns to Florida Womens D.J.Fluker Nike Jersey to make his first start of the season Elite Craig Stevens Blue Jersey for the Denver Broncos. Since the decision to Limited Dawan Landry Womens Jersey start him Elite James Jones White Jersey was announced last week, more than 10,000 tickets have Youth Paul Kruger Orange Jersey been sold.But as the Atlanta Falcons prepare to visit Green Kyle Wilson Kids Jersey Detroit on Sunday, Gonzalez is ready to acknowledge another accomplishment within his reach: He needs four catches to move past Cris Carter and Marvin Harrison with 1,103 catches.The 35yearold Gonzalez has 10 Pro Bowl bids and already owns most of the meaningful league records by a tight end. He was the first to reach 1,000 catches and 12,000 yards receiving.

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The skinny: The Bears are reshaping their offensive line for the second consecutive year after using the same five (TaitBrownKreutzGarzaMiller) for the three previous seasons. They're set to open with their third left tackle, Pace, and third right tackle, Williams, in as many seasons. Nothing is official but Omiyale, the newcomer in free agency, is expected to supplant Beekman at left guard giving the front a new look at 60 percent of the positions. Line coach Harry Hiestand has done a credible job with what he's been given, which for most of his tenure has been a veteran group with a handful of castoffs from other cities. Hiestand didn't break stride last season when Williams was lost on the second day of training camp, forcing him to play John St. Clair at left tackle when the plan was for the veteran to be at left guard. Now, general Womens Robert Woods Black Jersey manager Jerry Angelo is hopeful that his medical risk will pan out in a big way.That means they're going to have to keep the pocket clean for quarterback Jay Cutler, and that's something the offense has struggled to do this season against pass rushers far less accomplished than the Minnesota front Limited Koa Misi Nike Jersey four. Jared Allen leads the NFL in sacks since being drafted in 2004 with 68. He's got 10 1/2 this season and terrorized the Bears for 4 1/2 last season. The thinking in getting Orlando Paceand it's not like general manager Jerry Angelo had a bounty of options when John Tait surprised the team by surprisingwas that he'd definitely improve pass protection."If that's the case it's something I've been working for all year, starting with training camp and everything and right tackle's my position, I've been at for the last couple years, so that'd be great,'' Shaffer said. "I don't know what the situation is, I really don't. I know today I practiced with the ones, but what it is in the future I don't know.''More than 1,400 votes later (I'm pretty sure there are more than 1,400 of you out there to vote), the No. 1 concern (among the five responses we created) was how the defensive line will turn around under new coach Rod Marinelli.The Bears tied their season high with 10 penalties in Thursday's loss at San Francisco, and they have had nine or more penalties in four of the nine games. Entering Sunday's games, only one team had more penalties (61) and one team had more yards penalized (509) than the Bears, but obviously that changed with the action. We'll get a clear look at where they rank in the league after the fantastically unappealing Monday night tilt this evening between Baltimore and Cleveland. The Browns could use a break from prime time.Pace played a solid game last week vs. Philadelphia's Trent Cole, a compact, highenergy guy that some figured would give the lumbering Pace fits. Now, the bar is raised with Allen, the Vikings' right end. Pace has some familiarity with him. The Rams and Chiefs, where Allen came from, play every year in preseason. Pace has faced him once in the regular Bengals Reggie Nelson Elite Jersey season in 2006 in a game in which Allen had Elite John Carlson Purple Jersey two sacks of St. Louis quarterback Marc Bulger.Let's look at Authentic Reggie Bush Jersey the annual numbers:The left tackle of the future is the left tackle for now as Chris Williams will be moved to that position for Sunday's game against the St. Louis Rams with veteran Orlando Pace expected to miss with a groin muscle injury."Jared is having a good year,'' Pace said. "I've played him a few times. You know he's a guy who is going to give a lot of effort on every play. He's Eagles Brandon Graham White Jersey going to keep coming. So you have to really block him to the whistle. But he's having a really good year. He's a younger guy [when I played him before], so he probably gotten a lot better.''Certainly one of the things that jumped out also was that the Bears have nine offside penalties vs. the defense. That's the same type of a infraction as a false start for the offense and when a team has 24 of those combined, well, that's an issue. Smith has downplayed penalties to this point, and said they're uncharacteristic. If uncharacteristic means he understands they're Pink Michael Floyd Cardinals Jersey on pace for pretty much what they average under him, he's correct.Unfortunately, 30 of the Bears' 61 penalties count against the offense, a result of 15 false starts. Right tackle Chris Williams Blue Fred Jackson Jersey is credited with a teamhigh five penalties, four of them false starts Pink Marcel Reece Womens Jersey although Game Dawan Landry Pink Jersey there was one false start assigned to the team and replays showed it was likely he was the guilty party. Quarterback Jay Cutler has committed four penalties himself. The Bears have been called for six personal foulsfive unnecessary roughness call and one unsportsmanlike conductand they have also been hit with three facemask infractions.3. Umm, exactly who is going to line up at free safety? I'm not sure the team addressed this position during an eventful offseason. 19% (267 votes)Final results are in because, well, we decided it was time to close the Orange Adrian Clayborn Elite Jersey polls on our question that started our countdown to training camp last Wednesday.The Bears essentially swapped John St. Clair to the Cleveland Browns in free agency for Shaffer, who was released after he refused a pay cut. He had started 79 of the last 80 regularseason games for the Browns and Atlanta Falcons before arriving, and played the last two Kids Brandon Weeden Limited Jersey seasons in Cleveland as the right tackle. Before Pace was signed, it looked like the Bears would line up Shaffer at right tackle and Williams at left tackle.That's the spot the Bears were going to play the firstround pick from Vanderbilt at last season before he went down with a back injury on the second day of training camp and eventually required surgery. Frank Omiyale is expected to remain at left guard and veteran Kevin Shaffer will play right tackle.MINNEAPOLISAs bad as the Bears' running game has been this Elite Ziggy Hood Nike Jersey seasonthe joke going around this week was they no longer get off the bus running, they get off a minivan runningthey're going to have to be able to throw the ball this afternoon against the Vikings to have success.Here is a breakdown of all the penalties:Apparently no one has said anything to Kevin Shaffer, but he is the man who is expected to line up at right tackle Sunday against the St. Louis Rams at Soldier Field as Orlando Pace will be sidelined for a little while with a groin muscle injury.Spent some time before kickoffs to the games on Sunday taking a look at the Bears' situation with those pesky yellow flags the officials seem to be throwing on a more frequent basis.Chris Williams ArchivesThe question was posed We're in July! It's football season! What is the Bears' biggest issue heading into camp in Bourbonnais, Ill.?Ultimately, right tackle is not where the club projects Williams, the firstround draft pick from 2008, to be. But the hope is the team can squeeze a couple of Ruben Browntype years out of Pace. He missed 25 games over the last three seasons in St. Louis, but Pace started 14 games last season. One NFC scout said he still looks solid as a pass blocker and the issue for the former No. 1 overall pick is run blocking. Pace was in good condition during the offseason program and it could be that a change of scenery and escaping a struggling franchise will reinvigorate him. The Bears have covered themselves in the event that injuries happen as they have Shaffer in a swing tackle role, not to mention Omiyale, who can play outside. That type of flexibility on the line will be an asset and there is little doubt right now the team will go with eight linemen to open the season. That was the plan last year until Williams had back surgery in August. In choosing to keep him on the 53man roster, the Bears forced themselves to keep a ninth lineman. Omiyale should provide a little more bulk inside in replacing Beekman, and that was one of the stated goals early in the offseason. Womens Tony Scheffler Game Jersey Kreutz remains the anchor of the group and with the Bears certain to face fewer eightman fronts with Jay Cutler at quarterback, it will be interesting to see if the perception of him changes. Some have suggested the sixtime Pro Bowl performer has been in decline but with Cutler and Matt Gold Isaac Redman Nike Jersey Forte able to better keep opponents honest, the Bears' run blocking might look different.So here's what I found . with 61 penalties for 509 yards, the Bears are pretty much on pace for what their average is under Lovie Smith. The team had a low in the Smith era of 78 penalties for only 610 yards last season. The average in five seasons under Smith is 106 penalties for 836 yards. At the current pace, the 2009 Bears will finish with 108 penalties for 905 yards.I have a comprehensive breakdown of every Womens Jermaine Gresham Limited Jersey type of penalty and who committed what infraction below. But first, it's time to acknowledge some Womens Caleb Sturgis Jersey terrific work done by Greg Bedard at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Yes, the Green Bay Packers have been having their own penalty problems and entered Sunday's game vs. Dallas with 62 penalties, one more than the Bears with one less game played. He cited some work by the fine Purple Matt Cassel Limited Jersey folks at Football Outsiders that proved that there is very little to link a team's record and the accumulation of defensive and specialteams penalties. They found there was "almost zero" correlation between record and defensive or specialteam penalties. There was, however, a much stronger Kids Greg Olsen Pink Jersey correlation with offensive penalties."2. Jay Cutler is a Elite Da'Norris Searcy Jersey great addition, but it's about the defense. Can Lovie Smith the Play Caller turn around this unit that has struggled at times for two seasons? 32% (444 votes)4. Umm, Jay Cutler is going to throw the ball to who? I'm not sure the team can count on its wide receivers. 10% (144 votes)5. It starts in the trenches and from the looks of things the offensive line will have three new starters. Don't overlook the obvious. 4% (59 votes)Here is how voting broke down:1. It starts in the trenches and this team will not get any better defensively unless Rod Marinelli does indeed possess the magic touch with that line. 35% (493 votes)

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Paul Douglas on WeatherPS: this is the most terrifying file photo on my laptop. Look closely: she's on her cell phone reading a book in bumper to bumper traffic. Where's a cop when you need one?I'm watching model trends and continuity (consistency from run to run) carefully, and it now appears next week may wind up being the hottest week of summer for much of Minnesota, coming on the cusp of meteorological autumn.Bismarck Is Lovely This Time Of Year. Really. The thrust of this story (which makes a lot of sense to Nike Robert Woods Black Jersey me) is: people need to MOVE to where the jobs are! Easier said than done, with kids in school and care for parents, not to mention moving away from friends. Midland, Texas (3.7 Mens Shea McClellin Jersey percent) is remote. Minneapolis (5.1 percent) is cold. Honolulu (4.7 percent) is expensive. (4.5 percent) is small. unemployment rate champion, at just 2.8 percent to be remote, cold, expensive, and small all at once. Meanwhile, areas with even the most hopeless economies might offer good cause to stay. People may have relatives to look after in their hometown, or else depend on relatives to take care of their kids. People have friends and family. They have financial and personal commitments. Moving is expensive, and moving to a new pace where you don have a job lined up is scary. Ask any given person in any given Youth Owen Daniels White Jersey town why they don move to some other town, and the list of reasons will be endless."Image credit: Illustration by Licoln Agnew.is a nationally respected meteorologist with 33 years of television and radio experience. A serial entrepreneur, Douglas is Senior Meteorologist for WeatherNation TV, a new, national 24/7 weather channel with studios in Denver and Minneapolis. Founder of Media Logic Group, Douglas and a team of meteorologists provide weather services for media at Broadcast Weather, and hightech alerting and briefing services Pink Scott Chandler Game Jersey for companies via Alerts Broadcaster. His speaking engagements take him around the Midwest with a message of continuous experimentation and reinvention, no matter what business you're in. He is the public face of "SAVE", Suicide Awareness, Voices of Education, based in Bloomington.Photo credit above: "Still waiting". Reuters/Aly SongI'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm getting to the point where nothing shocks me anymore. A blizzard in southeastern Minnesota in May? Frost in Embarras in midAugust? Bring it on.7 Life Secrets Of Centenarians. Want to live to be 100 years old? Let me think about that. Here are seven secrets they cite for living a long and happy life.National Hurricane Center Gives Storm Surge Modeling A Major Boost. Here's a clip from an interesting story at The Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang: "The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is running an improved version of its old, reliable storm surge model on faster computers to help emergency managers update hurricane evacuation plans. NHC forecasters will use the improved, fasterrunning model to predict its surge. Hurricane forecasters know those who might be in a hurricane path tend to focus on the storm wind speed, which define its onetofive category. categories put a focus on wind; people are absorbed by wind, says Jamie Rhome, the NHC storm surge lead, but is what kills the vast majority of people. Evacuations are done for surge. credit above: "Storm surge from Hurricane Dennis in 2005." (USGS)What Your Ikea Chair Says About You. A forthcoming paper from researchers at MIT, Columbia, Northwestern, Harvard, and Berkeley investigates whether something as simple as the size of our chair or workspace can nudge us toward dishonesty. The study, entitled Ergonomics of Dishonesty: The Effect of Incidental Posture on Stealing, Cheating, and Traffic Violations, begins by citing academic research on the link between posture and thoughts, feelings, and social status. In a terrifyingly offhand manner, they also cite research showing that power to be linked to increases in a wide range of dishonest behaviors. The theoretical ground for their idea established, they ask whether manipulating the physical environment can induce people to act less honestly."Under this nearly stationary heat dome any storms will be isolated the air too hot dry for significant convection. Slight relief is possible late next week but the Dog Days of September may spill over into Labor Day.July: 341st Month/Row Of Warmer Than Average Global Temperatures. Meteorologist Andrew Freedman has the story at Climate Central; here's a clip: "The yeartodate has been the sixth warmest Jason Witten Jersey on record globally, and July was also the sixth warmest such month since global surface temperature records first began in 1880, according to new data released on Tuesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The figures show Authenitc Lance Moore Saints Jersey that July 2013 was the 37th straight July, and the 341st straight month, with warmerthanaverage global temperatures a more than 28year timespan that reflects the significant warming observed worldwide since the 1970s. That means that no one under the age of 28 has ever experienced a month in which global average surface temperatures were cooler than average (based on the 20th century average)."2. Diet Here's diet advice you may not have heard before: Eat like it's 1960. Our centenarians were critical of today's supersized portions; the majority advised just eating nutritious food in moderation. Only 20 percent said they had ever been on a specialized diet plan, although some had become vegetarians. Lillian Cox, 107, of Tallahassee, Fla., confided that in her 50s she became "quite heavy" but resolved to lose the weight, did so and kept it off by just eating less. The stylish former dress shop owner says, "I was a good advertisement for the merchandise I selected on my frequent buying trips to New York."Could A Hurricane Ever Strike Southern California? The answer is yes, although the risk is very low due to upwelling of chilly Pacific Ocean water. Generally water temperatures need to be 8081 F. for hurricane development. and San Diego. During an extreme El Nino it's conceivable that water could remain (just) warm enough to support a hurricane pushing into southern California. Here's an excerpt of a post from NASA: "There's an old adage (with several variations) that California has four seasons: earthquake, fire, flood and drought. East and Gulf coasters, every once in a while, Mother Nature sends a reminder to Southern Californians that they are not completely immune to the whims of tropical cyclones. Typically, this takes the form of rainfall from the remnants of a tropical cyclone in the eastern Pacific, as happened recently when the remnants of Hurricane John brought rain and thunderstorms to parts of Southern California. But could a hurricane ever make landfall in Southern California? The answer, Nike David DeCastro Steelers Jersey as it turns out, is yes, and no. While there has never been a documented case of a hurricane making Authentic Blair Walsh Pink Jersey landfall in California, the Golden State has had its share of runins and close calls with tropical cyclones. In fact, California has been affected by at least a few tropical cyclones in every decade since 1900. Over that timeframe, three of those storms brought galeforce winds to California: an unnamed California tropical storm in 1939, Kathleen in 1976 and Nora in 1997. But the primary threat from California tropical cyclones isn't winds or storm surge. It's rainfall sometimes torrential which has led to flooding, damage and, occasionally, casualties."Graphic credit above: "Does Wholesale Dolphins Jerseys Brevard have "Hurricane Amnesia?" : The last time Brevard County (Florida) endured hurricane force sustained winds was 1979 with Hurricane David. Are Brevard residents prepared for the 2013 hurricane season? The is an excerpt from the "Matt Reed Show". Posted Womens Doug Martin Red Jersey June 26, 2013."My dusty, faded Snap On Tools Calendar on the wall insists that it's late August Labor Day coming up. Then why do the maps for next week look like the 4th of July? Historically the hottest days of summer come 34 weeks after the Summer Solstice the heat usually peaks mid or late July. Not this year.Hollywood And Steroids: When AList Actors Go The ARod Route. I'm just waiting for a story to come out about steroid use in the meteorological industry. I have some questions about Al Roker. In the meantime here's an excerpt from a fascinating read at The Hollywood Reporter: "In 2005, a 30something actor on the precipice of superstardom began prepping Kids Lamarr Houston Elite Jersey for a lead feature role that required ample spotlight on his abs. The actor met with the film's trainer and outlined the performanceenhancing drugs, including human growth hormone (HGH), he already had been taking. The trainer, a firm believer that a chiseled physique should be achieved naturally, recused himself from working with the actor. "He told me that HGH made him feel like nothing else ever made him feel," recalls the trainer, who declined to be identified out of respect for trainer/trainee confidentiality. "He was basically addicted. I told him to find another trainer. He did."Atlantic Basin Primed For An AboveNormal Hurricane Season. Yes, it's very quiet out there and we have yet to see our first hurricane of the season in the Atlantic. Based on a variety of factors (less Saharan dust, warmer water temperatures, low wind shear) I suspect September will be a lot busier than August has been. who next? Probably plenty more, according to NOAA updated Atlantic hurricane season outlook. With five named storms already in the books this summer, the 2013 hurricane season is shaping up to be above normal, and there is a possibility that it could be very active during the peak of the season from midAugust through October. An additional 915 named storms are likely, of which 69 are predicted to become hurricanes, with 35 reaching major hurricane status. Among the climate factors behind the heightened activity? Heat. These maps show the tropical cyclone heat potential of the tropical Atlantic Ocean ramping up between May 24 (bottom) and August 4 (top). This heat potential depends not just on the surface Game Tony Romo Kids Jersey temperature, but on the depth of the warm water."California Hurricane? Highly Nike Deandre Hopkins White Jersey Unlikely, But Not Impossible. In fact it almost happened in 1997 with Hurricane Linda. Today's looks at why the West Coast doesn't see hurricanes (as a rule) and how an expanding heat bubble over the USA may ultimately increase the potential for Atlantic hurricanes by September: "WeatherNationTV Chief Meteorologist Paul Douglas goes over some late season hurricane climatology. Also, what are the chance that a tropical storm hits California? How does the heat bubble baking the Central Plains and Midwest play into late season tropical storms?"How Far Do You Run Playing Different Sports. By , during a typical pro basketball game, about 2.72 miles, compared with 1.25 miles for an average NFL football game (11 whole minutes of action!) Here's an excerpt of the story: "While watching sports, have you ever stopped (midway through a bowl of Cheetos) to wonder, "How far are those guys actually running?" It's a common question, one that's historically been subject mostly to guesswork, Game Justin Durant Kids Jersey Thanks to some recent technological developments, though, we can now actually apply some data to it. So which of Green John Cyprien Womens Jersey your heroes are putting in the hard yards? Welcome to Fitmodo, Gizmodo's gym for your brain and backbone. Don't suffer through life as a sniveling, sickly weakling up, man, get the blood pumping! Check back on Wednesdays for the latest in fitness science, workout gear, exercise techniques, and enough vim and vigor to whip you into shape."Enjoy one last day of relative comfort: dew points in the 50s under blue sky. The approach of a steamy hot front may set off Tstorms Saturday morning (yes, we need the rain). By Sunday highs surge into the 90s, ECMWF guidance Limited LaMarr Woodley White Jersey hinting at a few mid to upper 90s next week.Image credit above: "In September 1997, powerful Hurricane Linda, shown in this NASA rendering created with data from the NOAA GOES9 satellite, was briefly forecast to strike Southern California, most likely as a tropical storm, as shown in the inset forecast track from the Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division. The storm eventually turned westward away from land, but still brought rainfall to parts of Southern California and high surf." Main image credit: NASA/NOAA. Inset image credit: NRL/NCEP. Larger view2013 Hurricane Season A Bust? Not So Fast. It's a little premature Womens Nick Mangold White Jersey for complacency for anyone living in or near Hurricane Alley. But Craig Fugate, the federal government's top emergency manager, looks at things a little differently. His question: "Have we started playing college football yet?" Fugate and Bryan Koon, director of the state Division of Emergency Management, held a news conference Wednesday to reinforce the message that Florida is just entering the thick of hurricane season in late August and September which, coincidentally is when college football starts."Apple, Closer To Its Vision For A TV Set, Wants ESPN, HBO and Viacom, and Others To Brooks Reed Youth Jersey Come Along. Will Apple ever come out with a TV? Timing (and content deals) are everything. Here's a clip from a good story at Quartz: "Years of halting negotiations with cable companies haven gotten Apple much closer to its grand vision for television. But a newer strategy of talking directly to content providers seems more promising. Apple is negotiating with production studios and networks to provide content for a television set that would emphasize apps over cable TV, according to people Marcel Reece White Jersey familiar with those discussions. Some people cautioned that, with the TV industry in such flux, is talking with everybody. Any deal with an internet TV service like the one envisioned by Apple is likely to be under similar terms as the networks have negotiated with traditional cable companies."1. A Positive Attitude Trudi Fletcher of Tubac, Ariz., a lifelong artist, remains an innovative Kids Brandon Graham Jersey painter at 100 and recently had a gallery exhibition showing off her new style. She credits her creative longevity to "attitude, attitude, attitude." Almost all of the centenarians we spoke to \believe a positive yet realistic attitude is critical throughout one's life and described themselves as optimistic people.

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After World War II, the Air Station resumed normal operations under Coast Guard control after release from the Navy on June 30, 1946. The first helicopter stationed here in San Francisco was the HO3S1 White Corey Wootton Kids Jersey Dragonfly in 1947. In the early fifties Browns Trent Richardson Elite Jersey the Grumman HU16E Albatross replaced the air stations aging WWII fixed wing inventory. This general purpose amphibian, affectionately known Pink David Harris Womens Jersey as the "Goat", proved to be a highly adaptable platform for SAR and LE. Eventually, the Air Station received the HH52A Orange Joe Thomas Authentic Jersey Sea Guard helicopter in 1963 which was a significant improvement over its predecessor with its improved flight characteristics and capabilities.Coast Guard Air Station San Francisco (CGAS) located at the San Francisco International Airport is one of five air stations in the Eleventh Cameron Wake Authentic Jersey Coast Guard District. Currently, Air Steelers Le'Veon Bell Elite Jersey Station White Israel Idonije Womens Jersey San Francisco operates Mike Nugent White Jersey four MH65 Dolphin helicopters that provides its primary mission search and rescue. The air station operated a PBY5 Womens Greg Hardy Limited Jersey Catalina and two RD4 Dolphins. On November 1, 1941 the aircraft and personnel were placed under Navy command where they continued to conduct Search and Rescue and Coastal Patrols through the end of World War II. Coast Guard Air Station San Francisco was also tasked with aiding in the Men's Peyton Manning Game Navy Blue Jersey Womens Stevie Brown Authentic Jersey construction of the highly classified and secret Long Range Navigation (LORAN) stations in the North Pacific in 1943. Proving an invaluable asset in this important mission, the San Francisco Game Kevin Minter Cardinals Jersey based PBY5 Catalina was instrumental in the completion of the Aleutian LORAN chain by transporting personnel, supplies and building materials.Coast Gold Larry Foote Authentic Jersey Guard Air Station San Womens Tim Jennings White Jersey FranciscoAlso stationed at San Francisco were the C130s which when they were moved to the newly Pink C.J. Spiller Jersey constructed Coast Guard Air Station Derrick Johnson Pink Jersey Sacramento in 1978, ended 37 years of Coast Guard fixed Womens Tavon Austin Nike Jersey wing aviation in San Francisco. In 1991, Air Station San Francisco received its first HH60 JHawk to replace Youth Andre Johnson Red Jersey the H3 Pelican as the medium range Pink Maurkice Pouncey Limited Jersey Search and Rescue Helicopter. Restructuring in Coast Guard Aviation lead to a short stay of the HH60 in San Francisco and in June 1996, four HH65s were moved to Brandon Pettigrew Womens Jersey San Francisco from San Diego. In the fall of 2001, the Air Station transitioned to the HH65B, an upgrade in the avionics package. In the spring of 2006, the HH65B was upgraded to the HH65C after the installation of Turbomeca Arriel 2C2CG engines.While the airframes have evolved, the primary mission of Air Station San Francisco has remained unchanged for six decades, maritime Search and Rescue along 300 miles of coastline from Point Conception to Fort Bragg. In addition to SAR, Air Station San Francisco has expanded its missions to include Homeland Security, Maritime Law Enforcement, Environmental Protection, Aids to Navigation, Logistics, and Cliff Rescue.

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Browns reach agreement with kicker Billy CundiffCLEVELAND (AP) Billy Cundiff White Phillip Taylor Youth Jersey last kicking job with the Browns was temporary. He got a more permanent gig now.He wasn as consistent the following years, and is perhaps best remembered for missing a potential gametying 32yard field goal in the closing seconds of the 2012 AFC Championship against New England.Four years ago, Cundiff picked up the Game Tony Romo Grey Jersey slack when Dawson was hurt. He appeared in five games and made the winning field goal Youth Pierre Garcon Elite Burgundy Red Jersey against Buffalo in Week 5 as the Browns beat the Bills 63.Cleveland had planned to try out veteran Dan Carpenter, but he chose to sign with the Buffalo Bills after Orange Mike Williams Womens Jersey rookie kicker Dustin Hopkins was injured in practice on Monday.It Cundiff second stint with the Browns. He was with the club in 2009, when he made all six of his fieldgoal attempts while filling in for Phil Dawson, who was sidelined with a calf injury.Cundiff replaces the dependable Dawson, the best fieldgoal kicker in Browns history and secondleading career scorer who Black Drew Brees Jersey didn resign after last season and Harrison Smith Black Jersey is now with San Francisco.Cundiff has connected on Game Zach Ertz Jersey 139 of 184 (75.5 percent) career fieldgoal attempts.The 33yearold Cundiff auditioned Tuesday for the Browns along with Giorgio Tavecchio, who was released by Green Bay last week. The Browns have been looking Game Harrison Smith Black Jersey for a kicker since terminating veteran Shayne Graham contract Game Brandon Gibson Green Jersey and releasing rookie Brandon Bogotay last weekend as they cut their roster to 53.Cundiff, who has appeared Nike Tyvon Branch Game Jersey in 106 career NFL games Blue Haruki Nakamura Womens Jersey for five teams, made the Elite John Kuhn Youth Jersey Pro Bowl with Baltimore in 2010. He made 26 of Pink Denarius Moore Authentic Jersey 29 field goals and led the league with 40 touchbacks that season.Cundiff Elite Brandon Carr Nike Jersey was released by the Ravens in Youth Zach Brown Titans Jersey 2012 and kicked in five games for Washington last season, making 7 of 12 fieldgoal tries. Elite Jason Pierre-Paul White Jersey He went to training camp with the Womens Chase Blackburn Elite Jersey New York Jets this summer and made all three of his field goals during the exhibition season but Elite Robbie Gould Orange Jersey was Nike Sean Lee Navy Jersey released on Aug. 28.Cundiff reached agreement with Cleveland on Tuesday, filling an unexpected hole the Browns created with less than a week left before their season opener against the Miami Dolphins.To open a roster spot for Cundiff, the Browns placed offensive guard Jason Pinkston on the shortterm injured reserve list. Pinkston sustained a high ankle sprain on Aug. Youth Julius Peppers Navy Jersey 15 against Detroit and is still in a walking boot. He eligible to return to practice following Cleveland Oct. 20 game against Green Bay and is eligible to play in the Nov. 3 game against Baltimore.The Browns relied heavily last season on Dawson, who made 29 of 31 kicks, including all seven from beyond 50 yards.Graham and Bogotay split the kicking duties throughout camp and the preseason, and it was assumed one of them would win the job. But coach Rob Chudzinski said the Browns were not satisfied with their performances Bogotay also had a groin injury and the team opted to look elsewhere despite the opener being just a few days away.

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envoy to go to North Korea in effort to free ailing prisonerThe visit Green Luke Joeckel Elite Jersey by Bob King, the United States special envoy for North Korean human rights issues, will be the Kids James Harrison Authentic Jersey first public trip to Pink Doug Martin Elite Jersey North Korea by an administration official in more than two years and could provide an opening for an improvement in relations severely strained by Pink Antonio Cromartie Jersey Pyongyang pursuit of nuclear weapons.State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said King will request a pardon Youth Kendall Wright Navy Jersey and amnesty for 45yearold Kenneth Bae on humanitarian Womens Jared Allen Pink Jersey grounds. Bae, a tour operator and Christian missionary, was arrested in November and accused of committing hostile acts against North Korea. He suffers Navy Ryan Fitzpatrick Elite Jersey multiple Nike Michael Bennett Kids Jersey health problems and recently was hospitalized.We moderate comments. Our Cheap San Diego Chargers Jerseys China goal is to provide substantive commentary for a general readership. By screening submissions, we provide a space where readers can share intelligent and informed commentary that enhances the quality of our news and information.While most comments will be posted if they are ontopic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective. We will make them as carefully and consistently as we can. Because Elite Matt Giordano Womens Jersey of the Game Marquise Goodwin White Jersey volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers.We value thoughtful comments representing a range Youth Brandon Browner Nike Jersey of views Cardinals Patrick Peterson Nike Jersey that make their point quickly and politely. We make an effort to protect discussions from repeated comments either Tony Scheffler White Jersey by the White Russell Wilson Youth Jersey Nike Sheldon Richardson Navy Jersey same Melvin Ingram Game Jersey reader or different readers.We follow the same standards for taste as the daily newspaper. A few things we won't tolerate: personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence, proselytizing and SHOUTING. Don't include URLs to Web sites.We do not edit comments. They are either approved or deleted. We reserve the right to edit a comment that is quoted or excerpted in an article. In this case, we Authentic Randy Bullock Youth Jersey may fix spelling and punctuation.We welcome strong opinions and criticism of our work, but we don't want comments to become bogged down with discussions Grey DeMarcus Ware Nike Jersey of our policies and we Saints Darren Sproles Black Jersey will moderate accordingly.We appreciate it when readers and people quoted in articles or blog posts point out errors of fact or emphasis and will investigate all assertions. But these suggestions should be sent via email. To avoid distracting other readers, we won't publish comments that suggest a correction. Instead, corrections will be made in a blog post or in an article.

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"He does not want to go to jail at all. So now coming up in another couple of weeks we're gonna find out what's gonna happen. But my guess is that the city of New York is not gonna back off any kind of jail time."According to multiple reports, Giants radio playbyplay man Authentic Brandon Marshall Jersey Bob Pink Le'Veon Bell Game Jersey Papa said on his Sirius/XM radio show that Burress had Youth Alec Ogletree Jersey turned down Orange Mason Foster Elite Jersey a Authentic Zach Brown Navy Jersey plea bargain from the Manhattan DA's office that would have had him serve three months in jail and 1,500 hours of community service in Youth Le'Veon Bell Elite Jersey exchange for a guilty plea to a lesser charge Black Justin Blackmon Limited Jersey stemming Men's Wes Welker Game White Jersey from his accidental November nightclub shooting.The legal Limited Andre Smith Youth Jersey woes Bears Major Wright Limited Jersey of former Men's Von Miller Limited Grey Shadow Jersey Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress have been well documented White Jermaine Gresham Limited Jersey and now it's starting to sound like the former Pro Nike Tyson Alualu Pink Jersey White Bobby Wagner Elite Jersey Bowler is James Harrison Kids Jersey making things more difficult for himself than they actually need to be.Plaxico Burress shoots down plea offerPlaxico Burress has reportedly turned down a plea deal that would have him serve Kids Ben Tate Jersey three months of jail time and 1,500 hours of community service. (Staten Island Advance file photo by Rich Kane)"This Game Michael Floyd Nike Jersey is what I've been told and what I've heard. They worked out something Women's Fred Davis Game Burgundy Red Jersey where they had it down to about a threemonth jail term with actually only two months served and about 1,500 hours Pink Tyrann Mathieu Womens Jersey of community service. And I think his lawyers felt that they had a pretty good deal. He doesn't want to go to jail at all. He shot down the deal.Here's Russell Allen Youth Jersey an account of what Papa said, via the New York Post:

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Invité ArribeBeari


WinningIt's physical and emotional injury teachers are attempting to avoid by banning competitive games in schools and at recess, goes the claim."A parent looks at their son or daughter getting 'dress coded' for wearing something short, then they look at the cheerleading uniform and they say, 'What about that?'" Gay Schlereth, principal of a district high school, told the outlet.Some parents in a Florida school district are upset that cheerleaders are being prohibited from wearing their uniforms to class, despite Game Glover Quin Youth Jersey the fact that the uniforms are issued by the schools."If you have a schoolissued uniform that is a Womens Mike Wallace Limited Jersey Jets David Harris Kids Jersey swimsuit for the swim team or a wrestling uniform, you aren't allowed to wear that to class," Parra told the outlet.Bake SalesThough later overturned, a Massachusetts school attempted to ban bake sales on the basis of their lack of nutrition.Yoga PantsAn Ottawa school banned yoga pants last year unless the tight bottoms were covered up with long shirts.Skinny JeansAnd then there's the opposite end of the spectrum. Much like yoga pants, skinny jeans have been banned in schools all over the place, due to their lack of modesty and distraction factor for the opposite sex."If it's an approved school uniform which it was approved, by the administration, years Authentic Nick Fairley Kids Jersey ago why is Pink Geno Smith Youth Jersey it out of dress code?" Christine Johnson told the Tampa Bay Times. "It's been around forever and since it's a school issued uniform, since it was approved at that time, it should be approved for now."The 20132014 Pinellas District dress code holds that skirts must be "midthigh length or longer" and "all shirts, tops, and dresses shall have sleeves and cover the shoulders." While in the past the dress code was not thoroughly enforced for cheerleaders in some district schools, officials are now trying to eliminate the "double standard," the Tampa Bay Times reports.Silly BandzSilly Bandz are fun! Silly Bandz are cute! Silly Bandz are, apparently, a distraction in the classroom and should not be permitted. Schools all over North America have banned these collectables from class, but that sure doesn't keep them from getting trading at recess. Black Emmanuel Sanders Game Jersey schools, teachers are preventing children from Game Victor Cruz Blue Jersey making "best friends" in an attempt to save others' Womens Muhammad Wilkerson Navy Jersey feelings.According to officials at several Pinellas County schools, the uniforms are simply too revealing for students to wear during the day, as their sleeveless tops and short skirts violate school dress codes.Baggy PantsYou may have thought baggy pants were more of a '90s thing, but schools today are continuing to push for bans on the sagging pants, with some schools claiming it interferes Nike Josh Gordon Brown Jersey with learning, and others saying the style is related to gangs.Issued Cheerleading Uniforms From Being Worn In ClassAdditionally, district public information officer Melanie Marquez Parra pointed out that this issue is not unique to Game Donald Butler Jersey cheerleaders, according to local Pink Frostee Rucker Kids Jersey outlet WTSPTV.Holding HandsA bill passed Eagles Nate Allen Pink Jersey in Tennessee earlier this year declared handholding a 'gateway sexual activity,' with teachers facing firing Bears Julius Peppers Kids Jersey for even demonstrating the action.BookbagsThere's plenty of debate about the best possible bookbag for kids but one school in Michigan doesn't Limited Darren Sproles Womens Jersey allow bags Womens Tony Romo Limited Jersey into the classroom at all. Citing safety concerns in lunchrooms and classes, the high school asked students to keep returning Kids Sebastian Janikowski Pink Jersey to their lockers between classes to retrieve the appropriate books.NonMotorized TransportationYou'd think, with all the talk about childhood obesity these days, schools would be encouraging students to ride their bikes or skateboards to school. One New York said it was illegal for kids to have bikes, while another Orthodox school disagreed with the freedom afford by the two wheels.DodgeballDue to its "aggressive" nature, dodgeball has been banned in schools across North America, as it's frequently named the cause of injuries and fights. Adult dodgeball, on the other hand, has been enjoying a continued popularity.Black MakeupIn Ohio earlier this year, a 13yearold boy was sent home from school because of his black lipstick, eye makeup and nail polish (boy is not shown here). The school claimed it had a rule against "extreme or distracting" makeup.Ugg BootsIt might get chilly in Pennsylvania, but students there won't be allowed to wear their sheepskin Ugg boots into class, thanks to the potential for storing contraband like cell phones in the roomy footwear.MilkMilk was always seen as part of a wholesome school lunch, but now a group of Nike Ed Reed Jersey doctors wants it off the menu entirely.HuggingSurprisingly, the ban on hugging isn't Grey Jay Ratliff Game Jersey a oneoff rule at a select school, but a trend that seems to be spreading. Schools Nike Nick Perry Limited Jersey in Portland and Florida started instituting these rules in 2010, while administrations in New Jersey, Brooklyn and New Zealand took it upon themselves in 2012. For all, the reasoning appears to be the same: Respecting personal space and "unsuitable interactions" between students.BallsA Toronto school made headlines last year when it was announced it would ban hard balls from its premises, following a parent suffering a concussion after being hit by a ball.Schools in the district are enforcing the dress code in different ways. Cheerleaders are required to wear sleeved shirts below their uniform top in other schools, reports local outlet WTSPTV.PogsThere have been many toy bans in Game Alex Smith Kids Jersey schools, but Pogs those tradeable metal disks made a huge splash when their safety, and the competitive rush spurred by their very existence, was called into question by schools around the world.

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Before getting any large tattoos, the consequences of doing so should ugg kids bailey button triplet youth be considered fully, particularly in the case of something as visible as a full sleeve. For example getting many kinds of jobs will be a lot harder with full sleeves, as well as the fact that certain people might tend to react differently around you. Being searched more often by the police or at the airport should also be expected if you ugg leather boots for women size 12 have visible tattoos, which is also something to be aware classic ugg boots of before getting any.Tips for getting a full sleeve tattooWhen choosing a design it is a good idea to work with the artist that you have chosen in order to make cheap bailey button bomber uggs any changes that might be needed first. For example uggs classic tall black size 11 if you pick a design with large objects, but you have thin arms, then getting all of the detail on might be difficult. In cases like this working with the artist will enable you to make any changes before the day of the actual tattoo, and so avoid any surprises. Also different colors can also be chosen, although these can usually be chosen on the day if you have thought about it beforehand, as most artists stock a good range of colors.Often many people tend to take an existing full sleeve design that they have found, and add their own images to them, making them more personal to them. Good artists will be able to add and remove parts that you want or don't want, and should be able to sketch the overall design to give you some idea of that you will be getting. Allowing them plenty of planning time before you jimmy choo ugg kaia leopardwomens boots got something to say actually get the tattoo done is essential, and any artists who seem to be in a rush to get you under the needle should be avoided.Making sure that you choose a tattoo ugg jimmy choo discount shoes artist who you trust is also implicitly important, as a full sleeve is one of the largest and most obvious tattoos that you can get. To this end making sure that you have either had a tattoo from the artist before, or that at least you have seen some of his or her work is important. Also checking you that the shop itself is clean and safe is a also a good idea, although this isn't always easy to assess.A full sleeve tattoo is one of the largest and most visible tattoos that you can get, and so making sure that you are fully prepared before making a decision is very important. Many people tend to rush into getting tattoos before they have really weighed up the pros and cons of doing so, and can often end up regretting womens ugg bailey button triplet boots black it. Before getting anything either done or committed to, there are a number of important decisions that should always be made first, to ensure that your tattoo is everything that you wanted it to be.It uggs jimmy choo shoes is important ugg x jimmy choo mandah sale to make sure that you shop around before getting a full sleeve, as prices and availability of different artists will vary greatly. For example one tattoo shop might be able to fit you in over a two week period, and will charge a flat rate for christian louboutin daffodile shoes the overall tattoo. However other shops dillards ugg boots might tend ugg youth classic short black bob to charge per hour of work, which can either make it a lot more expensive or a lot cheaper. Working out the eventual costs before committing red bottoms no. 299 trash to anything is a good idea, as there are boots like ugg bailey button boots savings to be made if you know what you are doing.When getting the tattoo, you should always gold uggs make uggs classic short black size 8 sure that you aren't going to have to expose it to bright sunlight or submerge it in water ugg canada jimmy choo boots sora chocolate in the near future, which can cause distortion. Similarly before getting the tattoo itself you should also ugg x jimmy choo mandah sale johnson be prepared for the pain, which will be especially intense around the inside of the arm. Refraining from taking any aspirin or alcohol to how to care for cabela&s kangaroo leather boots dull the pain is also important as these contain chemicals which thin the blood, which in turn increases bleeding, making less of the ink take.

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