La Colombie dépénalise cocaïne et cannabis

La Colombie dépénalise cocaïne et cannabis
Par mrpolo ,

Une décision de la Cour Suprême colombienne, prise le 28 juin dernier, a décriminalisé la consommation personnelle de cannabis et de cocaïne. Si les débats sur la marijuana sont devenus chose courante, l'Etat colombien frappe fort avec la cocaïne, drogue dure, qui n'a jamais montré de vertu médicale... Est-ce un premier pas vers la légalisation? Quels sont les enjeux sous-jacents à cette décision?

La position du gouvernement La Colombie a décriminalisé la cocaïne et la marijuana, prétextant que les gens ne devraient pas être emprisonnés pour leur usage personnel de la drogue.


Désormais, quiconque possède moins de 20 grammes de marijuana, ou 1 gramme de cocaïne, à des fins personnelles, ne sera ni poursuivi ni détenu, mais pourrait seulement être suivi d’un traitement physique ou psychologique, en fonction du niveau d’intoxication, selon Colombia Reports. Le ministre de la Défense colombien Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno, a affirmé que les garants de la loi continueraient leur combat mené contre le trafic de drogue, mais n’a pas voulu faire plus de commentaire à ce sujet.


Un enjeu médical

D'autres pays, d'Amérique latine ou autre, sont aussi en faveur d'une décriminalisation, d'une manière ou d'une autre. Ainsi le Guatemala, le Costa Rica, l'Equateur et l'Argentine poussent leur législation vers cette direction.


Le modèle du mouvement pour la décriminalisation est... le Portugal, qui a voté la loi en 2001. Les effets constatés dans le pays européen sont plutôt positifs : baisse de la corruption des agents de police, qui peuvent se concentrer vers des affaires plus sérieuses, traitement du problème de l'addiction avec une approche médicale et non criminelle...



Dépénalisation mais pas légalisation : on joue sur les mots ?

La décision judiciaire du 28 juin remet en question la loi colombienne de sécurité du citoyen de 2011, qui stipule que quiconque possède jusqu’à 1 kg de marijuana ou 100 grammes de cocaïne (0,1 kg) devra écouler une peine de 64 mois de prison, selon Associated Press. Le procureur général, Eduardo Montealegre, a rappelé le 29 juin que décriminalisation ne signifiait pas légalisation.


La Chambre des Représentants a passé en mai la première version d’une loi qui viserait à décriminaliser les plantations illégales, de plus en plus nombreuses, permettant ainsi aux résidents de faire pousser des plantes de coca, de marijuana et des pavots à opium. Mais le représentant Hugo Velasquez Jaramillo s’est appliqué à justifier que même si les plantes étaient légalisées, « la mise en vente et le trafic de drogues resteraient toujours sujets à des peines criminelles. »



Des intérêts économiques à la clé

Selon une étude de l’Université des Andes à Bogota qui date de 2011, le trafic de la cocaïne colombienne bénéficie principalement aux banques occidentales. En effet, seulement 2,6% de tout l’argent généré par la production et le trafic de cocaïne reste en Colombie. Les 97,4% restant servent à enrichir les narcotrafiquants et les banques des États-Unis et d’Europe. La dépénalisation, si elle s'avérait être un premier pas vers la légalisation de la cocaïne, pourrait donc bien être un enjeu stratégique pour l’Etat.


Global Post / Adaptation Annabelle Laferrère - JOL Press


Photo: Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno, ministre de la Défense colombien, au World Economic Forum à Rio en 2011, parlant du trafic de drogue en Amérique du Sud - Photo World Economic Forum / Flickr cc


Source: Jolpress


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There herve leger dress is a hearing in Virginia Monday on the merits of a separate suit against the healthcare overhaul.On October 7, a Michigan District Court judge upheld the portion of the healthcare law requiring Americans to obtain coverage. The Michigan judge, in a ruling noted by moncler outlet Vinson, said Congress had the authority to enact the law under the Commerce Clause of the U.S.

Bartlett, U.S. Supreme Court, No. "Japan will be bypassed. That is the real nightmare scenario,Japan's Nikkei index has slid about 9 percent since the tsunami while TEPCO shares have fallen almost 80 percent.THOUSANDS STRUGGLE TO REBUILD LIVESTEPCO will test sprinkling synthetic resin in some areas of the Daiichi complex to prevent radioactive dust from flying into the air or being washed into the ocean by rain.

Here are some of the proposed actions in the report:To encourage healthier eating:* Use tax credits, grant and loan programs, small business and economic development programs to attract supermarkets and grocery stores to underserved neighborhoods.* Realign public transportation to serve grocery stores and supermarkets.* Use grants or loans to help small retailers buy refrigeration equipment to store fruits and vegetables.* Require calorie information on restaurant menus. Offer incentives for restaurants that promote healthier options.* Encourage farmers markets to accept food stamps and other vouchers.* Tax soft drinks.To encourage exercise:* Adopt a pedestrian and bicycle master plan.* Plan, build and maintain a network of sidewalks and street crossings.* Plan, build and retrofit streets to reduce vehicle speeds, accommodate bicyclists, and encourage walking.* Increase destinations within cheap bandage dresses walking and bicycling distance.* Collaborate with school districts and developers to build new schools within walking distance of homes.* Adopt community policing strategies that improve safety of streets, especially moncler jackets outlet in higher crime neighborhoods.* Build and maintain parks and playgrounds that are safe and attractive.* Improve access to public and private recreational facilities.* Create after-school activity programs such as dance classes.(Editing by Todd Eastham)

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Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology in Massachusetts,I really hope this is the end of this political football game, agreed Michael West, who once headed ACT and Geron Inc and is now chief executive officer of a California-based biotech firm called BioTime.Stem cells are primitive, long-living cells that are the source of all other cells in the body. When taken from days-old embryos they are virtually immortal and can give rise to all the other cells and tissues in the body.Supporters say they can transform medicine and have been working to use them to repair severed spinal cords, regenerate brain cells lost in cases of Parkinson's Disease and restore the tissue destroyed by juvenile diabetes.Dr.

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No patients younger than 40 got lung cancer during those 5 years of follow-up.The researchers calculated moncler canada that if all patients had been given a chest X-ray soon after pneumonia treatment, 1.7 percent of them would have been diagnosed with lung cancer. If doctors limited chest X-rays to patients 50 and older, just one case of lung cancer would have been missed and close to 3 percent of chest X-rays would have found cancer in the older population.That suggests chest X-rays should only be done on pneumonia patients 50 years and older in order to reduce the number of X-rays done on people who are very unlikely to have lung cancer, the authors write in Archives of Internal Medicine.They add that the cost of a chest X-ray in Edmonton is about $35, so imaging only the patients over 50 would cost $1,250 "per lung cancer detected, versus $2,125 when all pneumonia patients get X-rays.Guidelines recommend that pneumonia moncler outlet patients be checked for lung cancer because the two may be closely linked,One of the reasons people get pneumonia is because their lungs aren't draining properly, because there's a cancer hidden there, and it's like a sewer backing up, Majumdar told Reuters Health.But in reality, the findings show that lung cancer is very rarely the cause of pneumonia, he said.Mortensen said that the extra radiation given by a single chest X-ray is not a lot, but that it might as well be avoided if possible.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prolonged exposure to antimony can cause lung and heart problems, ulcers and diarrhea.The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) said in a statement that it was looking into the Zhu Zhu toy and that it would complete its review swiftly.Zhu Zhu pets are interactive hamster toys that respond to noise and touch.Cepia LLC disputed GoodGuide's findings and said in a statement that the group's testing methodology was "inferior,Zhu Zhu Pets are made in China for Cepia, which is based in St. Louis, Missouri.Cepia said its Mr. Squiggles toy was "absolutely safe" and that it was "confident" Zhu Zhu toys complied with all U.S

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But the main event was, as many had expected, a confrontation between South America and Europe. The stage was set, thousands packed the Yokohama arena with both sides bringing plenty of vocal support. In the cheap nfl jerseys Toyota Cup and its predecessor, the Intercontinental Cup, clubs from South America had a very slight edge in head-to-head duels but, with the extra days to acclimatise and an incredible run of 11 matches without bulls christmas jersey conceding, Rafa Benitez's European champions kicked off the final as favourites.

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There will be a mixture of familiar faces and new names when the draw for the seventh UEFA European Under-19 Championship is held in Prague on Sunday evening.Experience versus enthusiasmJoining hosts the Czech Republic, who reached the semi-finals in 2003 and 2006, are four-time winners Spain, the first side to claim the U19 crown in successive seasons following their triumph in Linz, Austria, last July. Also involved are Germany, runners-up in 2002 and twice semifinalists, and 2007 finalists Greece. The last two berths were claimed on Saturday, with England 鈥?runners-up in 2005 but who have not qualified since then 鈥?drawing with Belarus to win Group 1 while Italy came out on Canada nhl sports top in the meeting of the only christmas gifts two sides other than Spain to win the U19 crown, defeating France 2-0 to win Group 6 and qualify for the first time since 2004. In contrast Hungary and Bulgaria are both in this final tournament for the first time, although the former did qualify for the European U17 Championship in 2006 and were European champions at U18 level in 1984.Draw detailsThe draw, which starts at 20.00CET this evening, will split the eight finalists into two groups of four, with the tournament kicking off on 14 July. The top two teams in each section after all three group games have been played will progress to the semi-finals, to be played in Plzen and Mlada Boleslav on 23 July, with the final taking place in Jablonec three days later. Full coverage of the draw, and Mission San Diego the final tournament, will be available on

"Whoever loses will effectively say goodbye to the tournament. Therefore I think it will be an open game with a lot of chances,聽and whoever makes fewer mistakes and better World Cup Market use of their聽opportunities will take the victory. I hope that will be Poland, Hopeful signsThe former SC Corinthians Paulista聽and CR Flamengo man聽replaced the injured Maciej 呕urawski at half-time against Germany and could start in the captain's stead tonight.

With three more spots still up for grabs, the last round of semi-final qualifiers is bound to be tense 聟 but not for this cool, comfortable trio. Making quick work of the penultimate stage, Mexico, the USA and Guatemala can all experiment with tactics, un-tested players and take it easy in their remaining matches.

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Kengo Nakamura's goal with only five minutes to go have should have put the game beyond doubt, but Bahrain refused to throw in the towel, getting one back through Salman Isa before reducing the deficit to a solitary goal thanks to Tulio Tanaka's own goal. A nervous Japan held out for the final few minutes to claim a crucial victory.

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Drinking alcohol may increase tumor aggressiveness, the researchers say, or make people less likely to comply with treatment recommendations.Men who were resistant to the effects of the blood-sugar-processing hormone insulin, which is a warning sign of diabetes, were also more likely to die after a cancer diagnosis.However, the researchers found, people with a high body mass index (a measure of weight in relation to height) were at lower risk of death from cancer overall, and from head and neck or esophageal cancer specifically. Heavier patients might fare better after a cancer diagnosis because they are better nourished and thus more able to survive the rigors of treatment, the researchers note,Our findings suggest that groups at high risk of cancer need to be educated continually to improve their health behaviors -- not only to prevent cancer, but also to improve prognosis, the team concludes.SOURCE: Journal of Clinical Oncology, November 1, 2006,

Vegetarians, on average, were 3 years older than the meat-eaters,Even though they're older, they're in better shape, Rizzo said. "That's something I found quite interesting,SOURCE: Diabetes Care, online March 16, 2011, Institute of Medicine, which advises government on health matters.Seasonal flu causes bronchitis and other upper respiratory disease. But Zaki, the chief infectious disease pathologist at CDC, said the new virus had burrowed into the lungs of the moncler outlet 90 or so people he examined after they died, and they had huge amounts of the virus in their blood,This is almost exactly what we see with avian flu, Zaki said

There was a strong suspicion, he said.Spanghero denied the accusations and said it firmly believed what it was selling was beef. "There is an inquiry under way which will determine whether there was negligence or not, a spokeswoman said.The privately-owned company, founded by two brothers of 1970s French rugby star Walter Spanghero, produces thousands of metric tons of herve leger dress processed meat, sold in nondescript cheap bandage dresses blocks, and jars of regional dishes like cassoulet from its premises in Castelnaudary.HORSEMEAT PROFITSThe moncler jackets outlet scandal, which has triggered recalls of ready meals and shattered confidence in Europe's vast and complex food industry, erupted last month when tests carried out in Ireland revealed that meat in some "beef" products was up to 100 percent horsemeat.The British government and the European Union have called for moncler jackets a high-level meeting to investigate, and the issue will be on the agenda of a February 25 farm ministers meeting.The European moncler jackets canada Commission has proposed increased DNA-testing of meat products to try to establish the scale of a scandal which has exposed just how many countries a portion of mince may have travelled through before ending up in a frozen lasagne.EU legislation states that horsemeat can be sold in meat products on the condition it is declared on the label.

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Within hours you can stop the itching if you keep an animal on it. It's time for all of us to "get grounded, In fact, it was only the eating style the research team labeled the "Prudent" diet -- the one loaded with fruits and veggies -- that dramatically decreased heart attack risk.Dr.

Apply to learn more, In reality, it doesn't even prevent them from catching the flu. "If there remains any law in America, that law must be applied to the TSA agents themselves, who must now be arrested, indicted and prosecuted for multiple felony counts of sexual assault against innocent travelers.

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A deficiency, as you probably know, causes cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, osteoporosis and many lululemon pants other diseases. Well, it works much better with piperine from black pepper and heated slightly with a healthy fat, like coconut oil.Okay chocolate lovers, add in some organic apple slices (unpeeled) with that 70% or more cacao dark chocolate to lululemon pants combine the apple peel's quercetin with cacao's flavonoids for improved heart health.You can even melt the chocolate and use it as a dip for the apple slices, which must be organic because non-organic apples are very heavily sprayed.There are more synergistic food combinations in sources (1) and (2) below,

(NaturalNews) In the wake of legislation passed by voters in Colorado and Washington State which legalized marijuana in defiance of federal drug laws, President Obama told Barbara Walters that he had instructed his Justice Department not to prosecute anyone smoking pot in these states,We've got bigger fish to fry, Obama stated.


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The bill is being reintroduced by Sen. Chamomilla is used to calm the excessively agitated child who cannot sit still for one minute and literally wears himself out to the point of tears. (NaturalNews) A California doctor accused of carelessly dispensing prescription drugs to patients who may not necessarily have needed them is facing murder charges following the deaths of several of these patients

Kolvekar is quoted as saying, "By banning butter and replacing it with a healthy spread the average daily fat intake would be reduced by eight grams. The only healthy, aware, critically thinking individuals I know are all 100% free of pharmaceuticals and processed foods (and watch no television, either).Remember those seven facts and you'll know more about health and disease than most people.

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I got lucky. This number is astounding, considering that back in 2001, the federal government possessed a mere 15 million doses of smallpox vaccine,Is it appropriate to stockpile it? Absolutely, Dr. lululemon yoga Rather than a list of gun owners, what we really need is a list of all the criminal lawmakers who vote to destroy the Bill of Rights and strip citizens of their freedoms.


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Jim's original title was going to be "Zombie Nation" which I think is actually a better title because the book talks about "zombie banks" that are steeped in debt, "zombie politicians" who are totally controlled by a corporate agenda, and even "zombie people" who are lululemon sale drugged up on psychiatric medications.

The 10.1-inch tablet is, well, a tablet, but with it you can get a keyboard dock, which has a trackpad and a built-in battery. But, one of the classes was outside of the one-mile radius I had specified. Unhealthy reliance or addiction25. The curious persistence of doubts about proven scientific and historical events can provide a wealth of examples of the surprising power of peer pressure when measured against the power of concrete evidence.Source:,

(NaturalNews) If agri-giant Monsanto gets its way, the company will destroy all genetic diversity in Mexico's lululemon sale corn crops by replacing it with genetically modified (GM) corn.Outgoing Mexican President Felipe Calderon is considering approval of a proposal by Monsanto, along with fellow agribusiness behemoths DuPont and Dow, to plant some 2.5 million hectares (about 6 million acres) of "transgenic or GM maize" in the country's heartland, Digital Journal reported recently, noting that the lululemon amount of land is approximately the size of the country of El Salvador,According to ETC Group, the consequences will be devastating for the heart of the center of origin and diversity for maize, and also globally, the online publication said.Ending Mexico's biodiversity of maize as we know itIf approved by Calderon, "this parting gift to the gene giants will amount to a knife in the heart of the center of origin and diversity for maize, said the ETC Group, an organization that works to address the socioeconomic and ecological issues surrounding new technologies that could have an impact on the world's poorest and most vulnerable people, in a statement published on its website.The consequences of Calderon's decision "will be grave - and global, ETC Group warned, because planting so much GM maize would essentially wipe out all biodiversity, as well as the various local varieties of corn, developed over the course of the past 7,000 years.The ETC Group says it has appealed to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and also to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), because they "are mandated to support food security and biodiversity, DJ reported,If Mexico's government allows this crime of historic significance to happen, lululemon yoga pants GMOs will soon be in the food of the entire Mexican population, and genetic contamination of Mexican peasant varieties will be inevitable, said Veronica Villa from ETC's Mexico office

They may actually be correct at some level on that, but I believe that people have a right to know what's really going on. It is strongly associated with a diet high in sugars and fats, and is strongly linked to obesity and cardiovascular disease.A growing body of researchThe study was conducted on 126 adult First Nations Canadians living in the rural Okanagan region of British Columbia.

Horowitz, Charlotte Gerson, Dr. (NaturalNews) The antioxidant flavonoid compounds found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits offer protective benefits against blood clot-related strokes. land and coastal borders.The spreading inland of border search powers and the suspension of Constitutional rights is part of a broad expansion of powers that have the potential to affect the lives of the majority of American citizens, many of whom have never lululemon sale been outside the U.S.

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Sometimes We Want an Easy Kids Yoga ClassTwo days before the Teaching Kids Yoga Training Workshop, I had a class in a daycare that I go to every other week. Case has dedicated his life to exposing the myths and lies perpetrated by modern medicine and the mainstream media.

The government does not like paying out money to anyone injured by vaccines and they will fight tooth and lululemon outlet nail lululemon against the unfortunate families who have been devastated by their vaccines.The panel did find convincing evidence, lululemon pants its highest category of proof, that vaccines have been linked to adverse effects, including seizures and inflammation of the brain.

You can also find some of the most powerful super foods on the planet including raw chocolate, purple corn, and many others, (NaturalNews) Note: This article has been updated to reflect the accurate number of the legislation in question, which is H.R.

federal code, defines Schedule I drugs as: "Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation, which contains any quantity of the following hallucinogenic substances,(1) 3,4-methylenedioxy amphetamine.(2) 5-methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy amphetamine.(3) 3,4,5-trimethoxy amphetamine.(4) Bufotenine.(5) Diethyltryptamine.(6) Dimethyltryptamine.

As I've stated before here on NaturalNews, our survival depends on the collective survival of the species in our world's oceans. This trend, in my opinion, is a direct consequence of the rise of the pharmaceutical industry. Teens Accused of Killing Aussie Baseball Player for, lululemon yoga pants

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Commemorative plaques were awarded to mark the event, along with the screening of the new official film of the 1930 FIFA World Cup. Read on as brings you the thoughts and views of some of the participants on what was an historic day for the country,

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Jurgen Klinsmann - and the entire German nation - is hoping this encounter in Leverkusen will settle a few pressing selection issues, although Robert Huth and Philipp Lahm will be absent for the hosts. Michael Ballack should return but Klinsmann is again likely to include Werder Bremen playmaker Tim Borowski, excellent in Saturday's 7-0 demolition of Luxembourg.

Many of their players are already holding their own at the highest level, and even though Cristiano Ronaldo is likely to join up with the full lakers christmas jerseys squad, there are still plenty of others such as Hugo Viana, Tiago, Helder Postiga, Ricardo Quaresma and players who have already made the first team for Porto and Sporting, Young, yet experiencedMidfielder Hugo Viana (Newcastle) and forward Ricardo Quaresma (FC Barcelona), who is has often been compared to fellow countryman Luis Figo, bring the unparalleled experience of major European leagues to the squad. Their presence bolsters the winning character and mentality of a side eager to accomplish great things

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Throughout the team's group games, which featured wins over Costa Rica (1-0) and Buffalo Bills Brazil (2-1) and a draw with Chile (1-1), goalkeeper Diego Barreto was outstanding, as World Cup Jerseys Market indeed was their captain, the irrepressible Carlos Gamarra. Up front, Nelson Haedo, who came to prominence at the FIFA World Youth Championship UAE 2003 and recently nfl jerseys cheap won the Bundesliga with Werder Bremen, earned rave reviews for his movement on and off the ball.

Deportivo Cuenca revived their Group 2 hopes with a 1-0 home defeat of Boca Juniors, the only goal of the evening coming from substitute Edison Preciado. Boca's surprise reverse leaves everything hanging on next week's final round of matches. Despite losing their unbeaten record, the Argentinians remain favourites to top the section, while the Ecuadorians now have an excellent chance of pipping Deportivo Tachira to second Mission San Diego place.

SOS Children's Villages spokesman Georg Rodenbach was also delighted by the Costa Ricans' initiative. "It's fantastic to see the commitment of Alvaro and other footballers to this project, he declared. "It's totally in line with FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter's desire to send out a strong signal underlining world football's commitment to social responsibility. Our partnership is an especially praiseworthy aspect of FIFA's operations,

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Talk may be cheap, yet for La Comadreja (The Weasel) it echoes a growing motivation at the heart of this Costa Rica team, who have been steadily re-establishing themselves in the CONCACAF region after losing their way for a while. "We had to pass from one generation to another and that takes time, explained Ruiz, christmas gifts already a father and as shy as he is ambitious. "The team is more mature Buffalo Bills now. The mix between the older players and the younger ones is good, we've grown up and we're at the same level as the USA and Mexico now,

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Of course, this is not the only reason why Argentina are taking this fresh clash very seriously indeed. "We're aware that if we take the three points, we'll be virtually qualified. That means I could rest a few players in the last game. But I don't want to jump the gun, we have to win first, says the straight-talking coach,

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Spurs and PSV are among five former UEFA Cup holders still in contention along with Leverkusen, Bayern and Anderlecht.2007/08 UEFA Cup Round of 16First leg: 6 MarchSecond leg: 12/13 MarchRSC Anderlecht (BEL) v FC Bayern München (GER)Rangers FC (SCO) v Werder Bremen (GER)Bolton Wanderers FC (ENG) v Sporting Clube de Portugal (POR)Bayer 04 Leverkusen (GER) v Hamburger SV (GER)Getafe CF (ESP) v SL Benfica (POR)ACF Fiorentina (ITA) v Everton FC nhl jerseys cheap (ENG)Tottenham Hotspur FC (ENG) v PSV Eindhoven (NED)Olympique de Marseille (FRA) v FC Zenit St. Petersburg (RUS) Related Items**NEWSLETTER: FAKE NEWSFluent Sporting brush Basel asideClinical Viola cruise to victoryProlific Buffalo Bills Everton set up Fiorentina tieTottenham withstand Slavia surgeMarseille scrape through after cheap san diego padres jerseys scareRuthless Leverkusen rout GalatasarayHamburg set up all-German meetingTimely Novo nudges Rangers onwardBayern hit five to progress in style.

His own struggle to forge a career in Europe began around the age of 20, upon arrival on French soil. "With hindsight, I would have loved to have been better advised. When you're discovering a new country, when you're injured, when you're at the end of your tether, you're alone because you're far away from your family - you're left to fend for yourself.."

We felt we missed an opportunity in the first half after playing so well, FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih 2-2 FC Dnipro DnipropetrovskHaving lost both their first two games in Group D, Dnipro went close to what would have been a valuable victory at Kryvbas in the Ukrainian Premier League, but let slip a two-goal lead and ultimately had to be content with a single point.

Silvia Neid has made five changes for Germany's final qualifier against Wales on 29 May with a view to her side's Olympic campaign in China this summer. Related ItemsGermany first to FinlandNeid pleased to cross Finnish lineOlympic tournament drawOlympic considerationsWith German already qualified for UEFA WOMEN'S christmas jerseys gifts EURO 2009鈩?in Finland with a 5-0 win in Belgium, Neid has brought in Bianca Rech (FC Bayern Munchen), Babett Peter (1. FFC Turbine Potsdam), Lena Goessling (SC 07 Bad Neuenahr), Martina Muller (VfL Wolfsburg) and Petra Wimbersky (1. FFC Frankfurt). Frankfurt's Saskia Bartusiak, SC 07 Bad Neuenahr duo Isabelle Bachor and Celia Okoyino Da Mbabi plus 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam pair Jennifer Zietz and Anja Mittag are rested. Squad question"I want to take a closer look at some players again, said Neid. "I will soon have to decide which players to select in preparation for the Olympics and this will not be an World Cup Jerseys Market easy task, Germany, whose Olympic bests are the 2000 and 2004 bronzes, have been drawn in Group F for their return to China, where they won the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup. There they meet Brazil, who they beat 2-0 to retain the World Cup last September, their 3-0 quarter-final victims Korea DPR and Nigeria

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Six days into the FIFA Futsal World Cup and the race to secure a second-round place is slowly but surely hotting up. Sunday's intriguing encounters in Groups C and D could go a long way Mission San Diego towards deciding matters in both sections. In the two Group C matches taking place in Brasilia, Argentina take on Ukraine, while China PR meet Egypt. An all-European duel in Group D, sees world champions Spain square up to Czech Republic in Rio de Janeiro, while in the same section Egypt's game against China PR is a clash of the reigning African and Asian champions.

Eintracht have forged a policy of nurturing local talent and, with academy graduates Patrick Ochs, Jan Zimmermann, Daniyel Cimen, Christopher Reinhard, Marco Russ, Mounir Chaftar, Christoph Preuss, Albert Streit, Jermaine Jones and Faton Toski all in the squad, this is bearing fruit.Useful additionsGreek internationals Ioannis Amanatidis and Sotirios Kyrgiakos and 23-year-old playmaker Alexander Meier have been signed nhl maritime to supplement their promise, and with the World Cup having bequeathed Eintracht a fabulous new stadium, the mood is positive.

I don't believe Milan are already out of the Scudetto race, even if they are nine points behind Juventus, Spinelli praiseMeanwhile, Livorno president Aldo Spinelli has only words of praise for Donadoni following their brilliant start to the campaign: "I think he has something of [Arrigo] Sacchi and something of [Fabio] Capello, his coaches as a player. World Cup Market

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They're a hard side to play against. They usually perform very well and they play attractive, open football. They made life hard for us last year in the Confederations Cup and we need to be very focused against them. We have to make sure we don't make any errors because if we do, we'll be on cheap san diego padres jerseys the plane home. canada hockey maritime We're confident nfl jerseys cheap we can get it right though.

After scoring four goals in a 6-0 win against lowly Pieta Hotspurs FC at the weekend, Malta captain Gilbert Agius has given Valletta FC's title hopes a timely boost. Valletta thirdThe 32-year-old scored in the 37th, 46th, 79th and 82nd minutes as Valletta - who last claimed the championship in 2000/01 - ran amok against Pieta at the National Stadium, taking his overall league tally to 148 and leaving his side third in the table.

Struggling 1. FC Nurnberg have appointed Hans Meyer to replace Wolfgang Wolf while Hannover 96 have parted with coach Ewald Lienen. Tough jobThe 63-year-old Meyer, who has previously worked at Hertha BSC Berlin and VfL Borussia M枚nchengladbach, will have a tough job on his hands at Nurnberg, with the Bavarian side lying bottom of the Bundesliga having taken just six points from their first 12 matches. Other namesNurnberg had been linked with moves for Peter Neururer and Jurgen R枚ber, while fan power is reported to have prevented an approach for former Buffalo Bills Jerseys Germany star and current Hungary coach Lothar Matth盲us. Wolf left at the beginning of last week following a 4-1 defeat by 1. FSV World Cup 2014 Market Mainz. Poor formMeanwhile, Lienen departed Hannover after a run that saw just six points collected in eight games, leaving them 13th. The 51-year-old had been in charge since March 2004, but struggled to meet the club's expectations of qualifying for European competition. Hannover said: "A coaching change could make an important impact on the team, Related ItemsNeururer's high hopes for HannoverLeverkusen land KiesslingMeyer earns Nurnberg respectNurnberg show Wolf the doorHannover bolstered by Brdaric

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Having been denied a league Informecanica gifts licence for 2006/07 on 24 April, Mouscron put their financial EKC CUP WORLD house in order in time to win an appeal against relegation and are now after an even bigger prize.'Non au racisme'"Thanks to getting this licence, the club can approach Saturday night's game calmly and with the hope of winning the first trophy in the history of Excelsior, said a club statement. Mouscron will wear special shirts with the slogan 'Non au racisme' as part of their anti-discrimination campaign.Late staggerZulte-Waregem have also never won a trophy, having only been World Cup Jerseys Market promoted to the top flight last season. They seemed set for a top-four finish before falling apart in the run-in and will be eager to grab their second chance of European qualification against Mouscron.Three more finalsIn Saturday's other finals, AEK Larnaca FC play APOEL FC in the Cypriot Cup decider while FC Ameri Tbilisi and FC Zestaponi contest a UEFA Cup spot in the Georgian Cup.

A few meters Mission San Diego away, a girl of about 18 excitedly shows her friend a photo she has just managed to get with Leandro Benitez. "El Chino comes in for a lot of criticism but he was born here and loves the club. In Brazil he'll show them all just how committed he is, she declared, while a nine-year-old boy listens on before adding: "We're better off putting in high crosses as if we're accurate nhl maritime enough we can win聽with aerial superiority,

The last game of the South Buffalo Park American U-19 qualifiers promised to be a mouth-watering clash between reigning champions Brazil and young pretenders Paraguay. With both teams coming into the game on maximum points, this was for all intents and purposes a final. At stake was the continent's coveted berth at the FIFA U-19 Women's World Championship,

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The qualifying draws for the 2007/08 UEFA Women's Cup are made on Thursday 5 July at 11.45CET with a record 45 clubs aiming for the title claimed last World Cup Market season by Arsenal LFC.First qualifying roundArsenal, along with former winners Ume氓 IK Buffalo Park and 1. FFC Frankfurt plus Br酶ndby IF and Kolbotn IL, are excused the first qualifying round as christmas nba gifts seeds. The 40 other sides, including for the first time representatives from Georgia and Malta, will be split into ten groups of four, representing one of three geographical sections

"We had the pride and sense of dignity to straighten things out. It was a team effort and we just want to dedicate this wonderful victory to the fans. On the strength of tonight's performance, I think Canada nhl sports we can keep our dreams alive of attaining our difficult goal, said a clearly satisfied Reinaldo Rueda.

The hosts almost levelled shortly after the restart when Eugen Trica's powerful strike from five metres out was somehow kept out by Arian Beqaj and from the ensuing counterattack William Cleite Boaventura made it 2-0. Lukasz Sosin scored a third on 59 minutes before Trica salvaged some hope of a comeback with a penalty ten minutes later.AC Omonia 1-1 PFC CSKA SofiaOmonia suffered an immediate setback when CSKA's Brazilian striker Aparesido Claudinei scored one of the fastest cheap san diego padres jerseys goals in UEFA Cup history with a 30-metre lob over goalkeeper Antonis Georgallides after just 18 seconds. Home captain Kostakis Kaiafas replied with a blistering strike of his own into the top left-hand corner on 14 minutes and the Cypriot side missed a glorious chance to take the lead on 58 minutes when Guilherme Weisheimer shot wide.

A Be艧ikta艧 statement said Ailton had joined Hamburg, second in the Bundesliga, on loan for the rest of the season with jerseys workshop a view to a 鈧?.75m permanent transfer. Productive spellThe forward previously enjoyed seven productive campaigns in the German top flight, registering 89 goals in 169 league games for Werder Bremen - 28 of them in 2003/04 when the Weserstadion team won the title. The goals continued to flow following his switch to Schalke, with Ailton netting 14 times in 28 starts to earn a 鈧?.5m move to Be艧ikta艧.

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"It's about performing at the right moment. It's important to keep learning and improving, however long you've been around, and I'm enjoying my role a lot more now, Kak谩 partnershipSeedorf is particularly savouring the UEFA Champions League this term, scoring in the second legs of the Rossoneri's quarter-final Buffalo Bills Jerseys and semi-final ties and setting up Filippo Inzaghi and Kak谩 in both matches with clever assists. His partnership with the Brazilian, in particular, is proving effective.

"It's not the first time we are together and this means a lot, because we stay together and we are a group of friends actually, Key relationshipJust like the national teams here at the EURO, the referees have their own support christmas gifts group, including physical trainers, masseurs and even a psychologist in addition to the experienced former officials in the UEFA Referees' Committee. The key relationship when it comes to teamwork, however, is that between the referee and his assistants. This air jerseys is the second European finals where each referee has arrived accompanied by two linesmen from his own association and De Bleeckere, who will take charge of聽Thursday's Croatia-Germany fixture,聽said: "I think that refereeing is really a team effort now

European joyAZ and Mission San Diego champions PSV, in second and third, World Cup 2014 Market know victory in Alkmaar will take them into pole position should Ajax slip. Both are coming off excellent European results: PSV won 2-1 at Galatasaray SK on Wednesday and look odds-on to reach the UEFA Champions League last 16; AZ beat SC Braga 3-0 to make early progress in their UEFA Cup group. Nonetheless, nhl jerseys cheap AZ coach Louis van Gaal wants to keep his players' feet on the ground, recalling the equivalent fixture in February.

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The next canada hockey maritime speaker was Pedro Galán, one of FIFA's most respected international referees. Having finished an exemplary refereeing career at the Chinese Taipei Championship, Galán was the ideal candidate to provide a concise history of Futsal refereeing. Fernando Tresaco-Gracia, also from the Refereeing Department, closed the session by explaining by way of a video presentation how the refereeing was being carried out at the Taipei Championship,

People said we would never win in Milan and we did it, so we will just keep on doing what we do best and we are sure we can do something there. It's going to be very difficult at Anfield because they have a good team and they defend very well, but as players we just have to keep our confidence high. We have the quality and we know we have the mental strength to come back and win at Anfield

Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink headed an added-time winner to break the resistance of ten-man Rangers FC and revive Celtic FC's Scottish Premier League title hopes.Late winnerThe Dutch forward was in the right place to head in Scott McDonald's knock-back across the face of the visitors' goal to seal a 2-1 victory, and move Gordon Strachan's side to within a point of their Old Firm rivals, EKC CUP WORLD though Rangers do have two games World Cup Market in hand.McGregor cheap san diego jerseys saveAllan McGregor had earlier saved a christmas nba gifts second-half penalty for the Light Buffalo Park Blues which was awarded after Carlos Cuellar handled Shunsuke Nakamura's goalbound effort. The Spanish defender was then dismissed but the hosts could not capitalise as McDonald's spot-kick was tipped on to??the post by McGregor, who was then substituted through injury on 77 minutes. Celtic??pressureCeltic had taken the lead after twenty minutes when a swerving Nakamura effort from distance capped a concerted??spell of pressure from the hosts.


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In a few studies, the researchers measured participants' potassium levels from urine samples.Individually, the studies came to conflicting results. But with the results combined, D'Elia's team found that for every 1,640-milligram increase in people's daily potassium intake, the odds of suffering a stroke declined by 21 percent.There was no strong link overall between potassium intake and heart disease risk, though a few individual studies did find that people with higher intakes had a lower risk.The 21-percent reduction in stroke risk would translate into as many as 1.15 million fewer stroke deaths worldwide each year, D'Elia's team estimates.But whether potassium is actually the reason for the lower stroke risk is not clear.In most of the studies, researchers tried to account for other factors in stroke and heart disease risk -- like overall health, weight, exercise habits and dietary fat intake. But people who get a lot of potassium could still have lifestyle habits or other characteristics -- herve leger sale like more education or higher incomes -- that might explain the lower stroke risk.Still, D'Elia and his colleagues write, boosting potassium intake -- especially by eating more fruits and moncler outlet vegetables -- is in line with existing recommendations for preventing or managing heart disease and stroke.There are some people, however, who may need to be careful about potassium intake and should ask their doctors before consuming more of the mineral

The new biometric technology employed by New York University's Langone Medical Center was expected to speed up patient check-ins and eliminate medical errors.Studies have shown that hospital errors are behind as many as 98,000 deaths a year in the United States,The primary reason we actually got into this was patient moncler canada safety, Bernard Birnbaum, the center's vice dean and chief of hospital operations, said in a telephone interview on Wednesday.The system also has the virtue of not requiring the patient be conscious at the time of check-in, as is sometimes the case in emergency rooms,The benefits so greatly outweighed the disadvantages it was a no-brainer to implement, Birnbaum said.The scanners are made by the technology services company Fujitsu and exploit the principle that, as with fingerprints and iris patterns, no two individuals' palm-vein configurations are quite the same.Using near-infrared waves, an image is taken of an individual's palm veins, which software then matches with the person's medical record. The initial set-up for a new patient takes about a bandage dress cheap minute, the hospital said, while subsequent scans only take about a second,We can then just ask one question: Has your insurance changed, Birnbaum said. moncler jackets "If 'no', you don't have to fill out a single form,Since some 250 scanners were installed at the hospital in early June at a cost of about $200,000, more than 25,000 patients have had their palm-vein patterns registered in the system, he said.The hospital logs about 1.7 million patient visits in a typical year and is in the process of getting as many of them as possible to agree to inclusion in the system.Registration into the new system is optional, but less than 1 percent of patients have demurred, Birnbaum said.


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Werder Bremen stretched their lead at the top of the Bundesliga on Saturday as a last-gasp Frank world cup jerseys Baumann effort sealed a 2-1 victory away to Borussia Monchengladbach. The home side had gone in front shortly after the break through Czech striker Vaclav Sverkos, but Ivan Klasnic levelled just three minutes later. The league leaders were reduced to 10 men on 72 minutes when Serbia defender Mladen Krstajic collected a second booking for retaliation, but Werder remained undeterred and Valdez, Klasnic and late substitute Ailton, omitted from the starting line-up because of flu, all could have scored before Baumann's clincher at the death. Bayern move ahead of Stuttgart Second-placed VfB Stuttgart slipped up away to bottom club Hertha BSC Berlin on Sunday evening, for whom Germany striker Fredi Bobic snatched the only goal two minutes from time. Stuttgart left Swiss newcomer Hakan Yakin out of Sunday's squad and lacked aggression in the German capital to slip back to third in the table. Bayern Munich moved up to second thanks to a 3-1 victory over Hanover 96 on Sunday evening

FIFA granted two Goal Projects to Ghana, the cheap nba jerseys first one being a technical centre for youth football development. The first project was finished in 2004 and is part cheap san diego padres jerseys of the recent success of the national team. In 2005 FIFA decided to grant a second project the National Association Headquarters that will be built in Accra, close to the National Training Centre, with the objective to fulfil FIFA President Blatter's vision of a World Cup 2014 Jerseys House of Football for every national association by 2006,

Benin were beginning to look their skilful selves and on 37 minutes they got their love bucket baking reward after a horror giveaway by Japan captain Shingo Hyodo in midfield gifted the ball to Coffi Agbessi who roared into space to feed Maiga. Cutting to his right, the CAF qualifying sensation made just enough room to slam past the keeper at the near post and send the large pockets of Benin fans into wild celebrations. (1:0, 37').

Early chancesBayern began in an unexpectedly offensive fashion and could have had their opponents in trouble with two clear chances inside four minutes. But Roque Santa Cruz's header and a decent Roy Makaay shot missed the target, and moments later Juventus goalkeeper Christian Abbiati was able to parry Michael Ballack's 18-metre free-kick to safety. Nedv臎d outmuscledThe Bianconeri, sporting an all-yellow change strip, had no midfield space to get into the game, with Pavel Nedv臎d and company being outmuscled by Demichelis in the centre.

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Between Sevilla FC's raucous joy and CA Osasuna's crushing disappointment, there was precious little nuanced emotion at the Estadio Ram贸n S谩nchez-Pizju谩n on Thursday. Perhaps only Julien Escude found himself torn between extremes. Cautioned in the closing minutes, the French defender will now miss cheap jerseys the UEFA Cup final through suspension.Related ItemsPride accompanies Osasuna's fallSo near but so far for RicardoSevilla to get more of Mart铆Ramos revels in show of classAdriano fit to face EspanyolHard work still to come for ZigandaSevilla aiming for another finalIrresistible Sevilla march onSoldado gives Osasuna the edgeMixed feelingsAlone among the six Sevilla players a booking away from a ban to see yellow, the 27-year-old fell foul of referee Graham Poll with just three minutes world cup jerseys to go in the semi-final second-leg

The South African-based NGO Grassroot cheap nfl jerseys Soccer empowers young people from disadvantaged African communities especially with the knowledge and skills to live HIV-free. Educating young women is particularly important because they are shown to be at highest risk of HIV infection. In township communities, such as Khayelitsha, football is used as a tool to provide many young women in Africa with the confidence, self-respect and support they need to make the right choices.

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Captain Johann Vogel received an unexpected birthday surprise today when he was dropped from the Switzerland squad with no chance of a speedy return.Related ItemsSwitzerland out to turn cheap nba jerseys the tideInler helps end Swiss losing streakSwitzerland announce US friendliesChapuisat savours Swiss roleGerman success inspires SwissSwiss secure Oranje friendly'No unity'Coach Jakob Kuhn said in a statement that he was planning for UEFA EURO 2008鈩?without the Real Betis Balompie midfielder, having omitted Vogel from a 24-man squad to play friendlies against Jamaica and Colombia in the United States later this month

Russian teams are currently investing heavily in an attempt to catch up, but Joan admits they are not quite there yet.'Russia getting stronger'"I guess we don't have as strong a team as Boomerang in Russia, they are very good from a tactical point of view, Joan said. "The Spanish league is one of the world's strongest leagues.

With the draw for the finals of the FIFA U-17 World Championship only days away, the excitement is palpable in the host nation Peru. Known across the continent for its rich and diverse culture, the Andean nation has shown once more how sport and the arts can reach out to world cup jerseys the people with cheap nfl jerseys the National Schools' Poster Competition organised by the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and the Ministry of Education. Thanks to this initiative, thousands of school children were able to take part in the competition to design the tournament's official poster. Now, after the judges have examined the many entries, the winner has been announced: Jesus Rivera Flores from the Jose Olaya Balandra School in Chorrillos.

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Draw procedureThe three teams entering the competition in the Elite round have been seeded 1-3. Also in Pot A are the sides ranked 4-7, while Pot B includes the teams in positions 8-14, Pot C features sides ranked 15-21 and the teams seeded in slots 22-28 will be put in Pot D. The 28 associations will be drawn into seven groups of four countries, with each comprising a side from Pots A, B, C and D, and the teams will be allocated to a group in such a way as to ensure that, as far as possible, sides who met in qualifying will be kept apart

Overall, the so-called minnows of Europe have been making substantial gains. Two of them, Andorra cheap nike nfl jerseys and Liechtenstein, even celebrated notable successes. Marc Bernau's winning goal against Macedonia on October 13 clinched Andorra's first-ever win in a qualifier.

"Our batteries were run down at the decisive moment, said coach Soliman Mohamed Emad Hag. "Six games in ten days was simply too 2014 world cup jerseys much for us,And their lack of fitness in that Argentina match has a probable second reason behind it. During the tournament, Ramadan began - the Muslim month of fasting.

For me, it would be the very first time to be in such a situation. Although Brazil represents my home country, I would just look on it cheap nfl jerseys as our next opponent because I'm the coach of Japan now. I don't think it would be a problem. Which Japanese players should fans watch out Brazil 2014 World Cup Jerseys for in the tournament? It's too soon to say at the moment; I don't know who is going to start for us.

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At the global bonanza, the AFC nations played a more influential role than ever before, both as hosts and competitors. Korea enjoyed their best ever finish thanks largely to Ahn Jung-Hwan, custom world cup jerseys whose crucial goals against the United States and Italy cheap nike nfl jerseys helped his team reach unknown semi-final heights. The Koreans' fairytale run was only stopped cheap nfl jerseys after they ran into eventual runners-up Germany (0-1).

The United Brazil 2014 World Cup Jerseys States and Canada comfortably earned places in next year's FIFA Women's World Cup China PR 2003 finals after defeating Costa Rica and Mexico respectively in the qualifying CONCACAF Women's Gold semi-finals in Seattle. A 22-minute hat-trick from Cindy Parlow helped USA to a comprehensive 7-0 victory over their regional rivals. Further goals were added by Shannon MacMillan, Angela Hucles and Kristine Lilly with Cinthis Lopez putting through her own net

It was my second penalty save in this tournament 鈥?the first was against Russia in the second qualifying round. I think it's a lot of luck because it is very hard to save a penalty, Testing timesAs well as catching the eye, the goalkeeper from Polish club UKS "Victoria SP 2" Sian贸w is also enjoying herself in Iceland. "It is a very good organisation out here and I am liking the tournament a lot, she said.

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