La Colombie dépénalise cocaïne et cannabis

La Colombie dépénalise cocaïne et cannabis
Par mrpolo ,

Une décision de la Cour Suprême colombienne, prise le 28 juin dernier, a décriminalisé la consommation personnelle de cannabis et de cocaïne. Si les débats sur la marijuana sont devenus chose courante, l'Etat colombien frappe fort avec la cocaïne, drogue dure, qui n'a jamais montré de vertu médicale... Est-ce un premier pas vers la légalisation? Quels sont les enjeux sous-jacents à cette décision?

La position du gouvernement La Colombie a décriminalisé la cocaïne et la marijuana, prétextant que les gens ne devraient pas être emprisonnés pour leur usage personnel de la drogue.


Désormais, quiconque possède moins de 20 grammes de marijuana, ou 1 gramme de cocaïne, à des fins personnelles, ne sera ni poursuivi ni détenu, mais pourrait seulement être suivi d’un traitement physique ou psychologique, en fonction du niveau d’intoxication, selon Colombia Reports. Le ministre de la Défense colombien Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno, a affirmé que les garants de la loi continueraient leur combat mené contre le trafic de drogue, mais n’a pas voulu faire plus de commentaire à ce sujet.


Un enjeu médical

D'autres pays, d'Amérique latine ou autre, sont aussi en faveur d'une décriminalisation, d'une manière ou d'une autre. Ainsi le Guatemala, le Costa Rica, l'Equateur et l'Argentine poussent leur législation vers cette direction.


Le modèle du mouvement pour la décriminalisation est... le Portugal, qui a voté la loi en 2001. Les effets constatés dans le pays européen sont plutôt positifs : baisse de la corruption des agents de police, qui peuvent se concentrer vers des affaires plus sérieuses, traitement du problème de l'addiction avec une approche médicale et non criminelle...



Dépénalisation mais pas légalisation : on joue sur les mots ?

La décision judiciaire du 28 juin remet en question la loi colombienne de sécurité du citoyen de 2011, qui stipule que quiconque possède jusqu’à 1 kg de marijuana ou 100 grammes de cocaïne (0,1 kg) devra écouler une peine de 64 mois de prison, selon Associated Press. Le procureur général, Eduardo Montealegre, a rappelé le 29 juin que décriminalisation ne signifiait pas légalisation.


La Chambre des Représentants a passé en mai la première version d’une loi qui viserait à décriminaliser les plantations illégales, de plus en plus nombreuses, permettant ainsi aux résidents de faire pousser des plantes de coca, de marijuana et des pavots à opium. Mais le représentant Hugo Velasquez Jaramillo s’est appliqué à justifier que même si les plantes étaient légalisées, « la mise en vente et le trafic de drogues resteraient toujours sujets à des peines criminelles. »



Des intérêts économiques à la clé

Selon une étude de l’Université des Andes à Bogota qui date de 2011, le trafic de la cocaïne colombienne bénéficie principalement aux banques occidentales. En effet, seulement 2,6% de tout l’argent généré par la production et le trafic de cocaïne reste en Colombie. Les 97,4% restant servent à enrichir les narcotrafiquants et les banques des États-Unis et d’Europe. La dépénalisation, si elle s'avérait être un premier pas vers la légalisation de la cocaïne, pourrait donc bien être un enjeu stratégique pour l’Etat.


Global Post / Adaptation Annabelle Laferrère - JOL Press


Photo: Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno, ministre de la Défense colombien, au World Economic Forum à Rio en 2011, parlant du trafic de drogue en Amérique du Sud - Photo World Economic Forum / Flickr cc


Source: Jolpress


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his is or isn't the case, be sure to specify. Will you be holding practice? If a game is at 9 a. m., what time ahead of time would you like the children to be there? Should they bring a ball? If you need parent helpers, this is the time to ask for them. If you have more volunteers than you need, consider implementing a rotating schedule so everyone gets a chance. Suggest items parents bring along to keep them comfortable on the sidelines chairs if there are Cheap youth soccer jerseys sale no bleachers, water, sunscreen, etc. If water and snacks will not be provided to the children, let parents know so they know what to bring. If parents are not permitted on the field, let them know. Show how the field boundaries are set up and explain where they are permitted to sit or stand. This isn't you being mean parents on the field during a game or practice cheap authentic soccer jerseys sale can be a safety hazard and can cause the players to be confused. Come up with a way to inform parents if a game or practice is cancelled due to weather or an unforeseen circumstance, whether it is a phone chain or mass email. Remind everyone to have fun! English German Sports Glossary Olympic and Sports Vocabulary Part 1 A L GLOSSARY A L M Z MORE Sport Names Fu szlig ball Soccer Olympics Sport Quiz Noun genders indicated by: r der, masc., e die, fem., s das, neu. Abbreviations: adj. adjective, n. noun, v. verb, pl. plural, sing. singular A amateur n. r Amateur, e Amateurin athlete n. r Athlet e Athletin, r Sportler e Sportlerin athletic, good at sports adj. sportlich athletics n., pl. e Athletik sing. only, r Sport sing. only B badminton s Badminton shuttlecock der Federball ball football jerseys custom r Ball r Fu szlig ball = soccer ball baseball n. r Baseball baseball bat r Baseballschl auml ger baseball cap r Basecap, e Baseballm uuml tze baseball base s Mal, s Base on second base auf Mal Base zwei baseball batter r Schlagmann baseball pitcher r Werfer, r Pitcher Baseball, a popular game in the US, Canada, Japan, Cuba and parts of Central America, is a rare game in Germany and Europe. But baseball caps Basecaps are very popular there. basketball r Basketball For the names of many different sports Sportarte


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WHERE IS OUR FRANCE OF 1998 AND 2000? Hopefully we will soon experience a revolution that will allow France to be proud of its team again. They won鈥檛 even get out of the group stage. No-one in the group has been outstanding, but I have hopes for Mexico and Uruguay, who up to now have shown more footballing ability!鈥滶ven the exit of the Swiss, despite having caused the first big upset of the World Cup with their 1-0 win over European champions Spain, was predicted by bapcules from Switzerland, immediately after the team鈥檚 shock victory: 鈥淲e have to be realistic.


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He said that there were no words to describe you and how you were out of this world, that in your heyday you could do things that defied the laws of physics blah blah blah. But I'm not interested in that side of things. I am a woman. The Reds have chalked up just one win in the group to date, though cheap nike nfl jerseys it was a notable one, a 1-0 home defeat of the Australians, with Al Hosni scoring the only goal after 18 minutes,That goal means a lot to me, especially as it came against a team like Australia and gave us a historic win, said the proud sharpshooter before turning his attention to his side's inability to score in their other games: "The strikers haven't been getting much service and when they have they've not been able to put the ball away. All the same we'll be doing all we can to qualify, Looking back on Oman鈥檚 campaign to date, he said: 鈥淭hings would have been different if we鈥檇 got a decent result in our first game against Thailand. That defeat demoralised us.鈥?On his travels.

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The doctor, Gao Yaojie, is due to receive a human rights award in cheap nfl jerseys china Washington on March 14, after officials lifted her detention and allowed her to travel to the United States.Here are some facts about HIV/AIDS in China's Henan province where an estimate 300,000 people were infected with the HIV virus through blood selling schemes in the 1990s:TAINTED BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS:- From the early 1990s until about 1996, commercial blood stations flourished in Henan. Some farmers who sold blood became infected with HIV because the stations used unclean equipment.- Sellers sold blood by volume, so to reduce payments and allow farmers to recover faster, the stations often re-transfused them with red blood cells left after the valuable plasma was taken. These red blood cells were first mixed in batches sometimes tainted with HIV, spreading the disease to recipients.TENS OF THOUSANDS INFECTED:- Henan province said in March 2007 that it had 35,232 cases of HIV infection at the end of 2006, including 21,828 that had developed into AIDS and 7,107 people already dead from AIDS.- But experts and officials believe the real number of HIV cases in China is much higher, as many people go undiagnosed.- Zhang Ke, an AIDS expert at You'an Hospital in Beijing, has estimated that 300,000 people in Henan may have contracted HIV.FREE HIV DRUGS:- From 2003, China began giving free drugs to fight HIV to rural patients who cannot afford such medicines

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鈥淲e were expecting between 2,000 and 2,500 visitors daily, and we have been averaging between 4,000 and 4,500.鈥漈he 2010 FIFA World Cup has brought an extremely high number of tourists to the Johannesburg region, and as such the Apartheid Museum has cheap replica jerseys featured prominently in the itineraries of fans. On 16 June, Youth Day, 6 300 people came and visited the museum.鈥淧eople are shocked after visiting the museum.聽The enormity of what they have seen coupled with the emotional journey means they leave exhausted.

Researchers at the University of California who followed nearly 5,500 elderly people over an 18-year-period found that those who reported brushing their teeth less than once a day were up to 65 percent more likely to develop dementia than those who brushed daily,Not only does the state of your mind predict what kind of oral health habits you practice, it may be that your oral health habits influence whether or not you get dementia, said Annlia Paganini-Hill, who led the study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.Inflammation stoked by gum disease-related bacteria is implicated in a host of conditions including heart disease, stroke and diabetes.Some studies have also found that people with Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, have more gum disease-related bacteria in their brains than a person without Alzheimer's, Paganini-Hill said.It's thought that gum disease bacteria might get into the brain, causing inflammation and brain cheap authentic mlb jerseys damage, she said.Paganini-Hill cheap nfl jerseys from china and her team followed 5,468 residents of a Californian retirement community from 1992 to 2010.

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Fabio Capello is happy to cope with the hype of an England FIFA World Cup鈩?encounter with Germany.The full extent of his side's failure to take their chances in Port Elizabeth last night became known a few hours later when cheap jerseys Mesut Ozil scored the goal that ensured Germany finished top of Group D.It set up a mouth-watering revival of a long-standing rivalry, and reignited memories of 1966, 1970 and 1990.Both countries are sure to be obsessed about the outcome, with Franz Beckenbauer already stirring the pot by claiming England have been "stupid" in allowing themselves to end up in a more difficult section of the draw.But for an cheap nfl jerseys outsider like Capello, the actual opponent was not as important as his team discovering their form again,For me, who we play is not important, he said,What was important was to rediscover our spirit and finish first or second.

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Moreover, the report indicates that the type of childcare makes a difference. For instance, children who receive care from a relative, friend, or neighbor, held at least occasionally in the child's own home, were more prone to obesity than those who received care at a daycare center or nursery school.Latino children, however, seemed to be the exception.

The goal proved the first of four in a 28-minute spell en route to a 2-2 draw.聽 20 goals without reply is the number Iran put past the Philippines on Tuesday to record the biggest victory in AFC Beach Soccer Championship history. The previous record in cheap nfl jerseys from china the competition, which serves as a qualifier to the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup, was Japan鈥檚 16-0 thumping of the Filipinos in 2006.

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The four-time K-League champions are only three matches away from winning their third continental title, having edged past Iran's Zob Ahan 3-2 on aggregate and into the last four of this year's AFC Champions League. Should they prevail against Al Sadd of Qatar over the two-legged semi-final, they will face either compatriots Jeonbuk Motors or Saudi Arabia?€?s Al Ittihad in a one-off final, with the victors to represent Asia in December's FIFA Club World Cup in Japan.

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Alam Shah, who had scored a hat-trick in the previous edition's semi-final against Myanma two years ago, went on to?? save his side's blushes against neighbours Malaysia in the semi-final first leg, his ninth goal of this year's event earning Singapore a 1-1 draw. Then, in the first leg of the final, he scored the Lions' opening goal before winning them a penalty, which Mustafic Fahruddin converted to seal a 2-1 victory.

Rizik?€?s stellar performances during his season-long loan spell with Al Khor prompted Al Sadd to recall him at the start of last year. It was to prove an inspired decision, with the 30-year-old instrumental in his side?€?s march to the quarter-finals of this season?€?s AFC Champions League.Back with a vengeanceHaving participated in five previous editions of Asia?€?s premier club competition, Rizik?€?s experience will be a crucial in Al Sadd?€?s quarter-final second leg clash with Iran?€?s Sepahan today, when Qatar?€?s most successful club will be seeking to reach the Champions League semi-finals for the first time cheap nfl jerseys in its illustrious history.As he told, Rizik thrives on the challenges presented by the tournament: ?€?Taking part in the Champions League is an honour for any player, and you learn a lot in the process.

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Finish games. Fortunately, Stanzi is expected back for Iowa's bowl game.Best game -- Iowa at Ohio StateA lot of us didn't feel it was a great game in the immediate aftermath because of conservative decisions by both head coa. Indiana wideout Andrew Means is a big fan of the no-huddle offense, though coach Bill Lynch thinks it needs more work, Chris Korman writes in the Bloomington Herald Times (subscription required).

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The biggest reason not to panic about Penn State's quarterback situation is the supporting cast that will surround unproven options Tyler Ferguson or Christian Hackenberg. Click the upgrade button to the right or learn more.UpgradeFAQsBig Ten BlogBlogs HomeCollege FB NationACCBig 12Big EastBig TenPac-12SECNotre DameStanford#sub-branding.presby, body.tier3 #sub-branding.presbywidth:205px;.post-wrapper.mod-content img,.post-wrapper.mod-content table vertical-align: none; margin-bottom: 6px; Video: Penn State begins healingprocessJuly, 14, 20127/14/1210:59AM ETBy staff | ESPN.comRecommend0Tweet0Comments0EmailPrintJeremy Schaap has the latest from Penn State, including the possibility of the school removing former coach Joe Paterno's name from the university library and taking down his statue in front of Beaver Stadium.Video: Penn State C Matt Stankiewitch - Big Ten Blog.

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Republicans want to rein in outlays and ward off any tax increases; Democrats are wary of cutting spending too deeply now.Bernanke offered a fig leaf to both sides, supporting lower taxes on the one hand while maintaining that short-term budget reductions should not be too radical,It's really a question of convincing the market that there's a long-term plan here, harve leger dress Bernanke said, adding that budget cuts should be done in a "growth-friendly" way.He said Congress should herve leger sale consider closing corporate tax loopholes to broaden the tax base so that the corporate tax rate could be reduced. He also repeated a warning about the dire consequences of not lifting the country's debt ceiling.Asked about the future of government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bernanke said government backing for the mortgage sector should be a last resort, not common practice.(Editing by Dan Grebler)Small BusinessMoney.

debt ahead of the U.S. public as Social Security retirement checks, tax refunds and most other government activities would likely grind to a halt if government borrowing authority ran out.Even if the amendment gets included in the bill in a vote on Thursday night or Friday, Democrats in the Senate are likely to block it.BORROWING AUTHORITYThe Obama administration wants much different legislation that would simply raise borrowing authority from the current $14.3 trillion limit.

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I respect the people that have won. 5) and Iowa (No. But the celebration ends pretty quickly because you realize next week is another championship week, and you've got to win it if you want to reach that ultimate goal,The Wolverines are hungry to hang another Big Ten banner after an unacceptably long -- for them -- title drought.

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Hope thinks Purdue's speed will be upgraded on both sides of the ball this coming season. I've never been a fan of college football fans wasting money on them, but I doubt the practice will stop.I'm sure Gee got a laugh out of seeing them. Triplett said he remembers that rumors circulated that SMU wanted to meet with Penn State to discuss the team not bringing its black players.

As Scott Dochterman detailed, Big Ten teams are spending more on recruiting than ever.It'll be fascinating to see how Meyer's challenge is received. at Wisconsin at Illinois Purdue at Penn St. ACDC's "Back in Black" is always played as players enter the field5.

opsided as it gets, but the Lions say that cheap football shirts history won't make them overconfident Saturday,However many years, we've had Temple's number, we can't let that affect the way we come into the game, running back Silas Redd said.The bottom line is that Penn State may need this game more than Temple, considering that it has already stubbed its toe once in what it hoped would be a breakthrough season,We can't let what happened last week become like a snowball effect, Redd said

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"His journey, it's unreal. To think that he was 6-4, 210 in high school and nobody recruited him, and now he's 6-6, 290, and everyone is telling him he should leave college early,What he's done is tremendous,Badgers linebacker Blake Sorensen remembers the first time he saw Watt.Both attended a football camp at the.

We don't do that. What we do is, we try to learn about the players, learn about their families, learn about what makes them tick and bring the right people to Penn State,O'Brien calls Penn State a "world-class" university and says "we need world-class people here,Some words that are never mentioned in the video, which runs for 3 minutes and 24 seconds: "bowls, "NCAA" and "scholarship reductions, Like any good recruiter, O'Brien knows he has to accentuate the positive and not dwell on the cheap replica jerseys negatives surrounding the program. That plan of attack has worked well for him so far.It's hard to imagine O'Brien's predeces.

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Penn State DT Jordan Hill also might end up on the first team by season's end.There are some tough choices at linebacker, but I would have put Illinois' Jonathan Brown ahead of one of Wisconsin's selections (Chris Borland and Mike Taylor). Brown not only put up ridiculous numbers in 2011 (19.5 tackles for loss, six sacks, forced fumble, interception, four pass breakups), but he could be even better this year.

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Reserve quarterback Joe Boisture is cheap jerseys from china leaving Michigan State's program. The impact? We might not know until 2012. The Spartans are in good shape at qu" Your Web Browser is no longer supportedTo experience everything that has to offer, we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version of your web browser. Click the upgrade button to the right or learn more.UpgradeFAQsBig Ten BlogBlogs HomeCollege FB NationACCBig 12Big EastBig TenPac-12SECNotre DameStanford#sub-branding.presby, body.tier3 #sub-branding.presbywidth:205px;.post-wrapper.mod-content img,.post-wrapper.mod-content table vertical-align: none; margin-bottom: 6px; Boisture's exit could hurt MSU downlineJanuary, 21, 20111/21/119:00AM ETBy Adam Rittenberg | ESPN.comRecommend0Tweet0Comments0EmailPrintReserve quarterback cheap nike nfl jerseys Joe Boisture is leaving Michigan State's program.The impact? We might not know until 2012.The Spartans are in good shape at quarterback this fall. Two-year starter Kirk Cousins returns along with backup Andrew Maxwell, a player the coaches really like. Wide receiver Keith Nichol, a former quarterback, also remains on the roster.Boisture's cheap replica jerseys departure could become a bigger factor once both Cousins and Nichol graduate. Maxwell is ex

But Jairus Jones, who moved from safety to outside linebacker this spring, is very much in the mix and drew praise from the coaching staff and teammates. Jones made a good transition to linebacker and helps an already strong position group.3. Man on the run: Riley Bullough's emergence adds a new twist to the running back competition, but nothing is settled entering fall camp. Nick Hill and Jeremy Langford took most of the reps with the first-team offense this spring but didn't separate themselves, and Hill underwen.

much. Evan Royster's going to be Evan Royster, and I think our strong point this year is going to be our wideouts. We have great depth at wideout, and I don't think cheap nfl jerseys from china anybody in the Big Ten is going to match it,McGloin said Jay Paterno mentioned the possibility of reducing the cheap authentic nhl jerseys candidate pool to three by the weekend, but a final decision on a starter isn't imminent,The best man's going to win, Newsome said.Penn State QBs sound off on tight competition - Big Ten Blog

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Ken Dominguez, a CDC epidemiologist and one of the authors of the report, said in a telephone interview.Infection through male-to-male sexual contact was more common among Hispanics born in South America herve leger sale (65 percent of HIV infection cases), Cuba (62 percent) and Mexico (54 percent) than among Hispanics born in the United States (46 percent), the CDC report said.A greater proportion of Hispanics born in the Dominican Republic (47 percent) or Central America (45 percent) were infected through high-risk heterosexual sex compared with Hispanics born in the United States (28 percent).Hispanics born in Puerto Rico had a greater proportion of human immunodeficiency virus infections due to injection drug use (33 percent) than those born in U.S.

Aubagio is one of the two multiple sclerosis treatments the French drugmaker is relying on to return to growth after the loss of several blockbuster drugs to generic rivals,In a clinical trial, the relapse rate for patients using Aubagio was about 30 percent lower than the rate for those taking a placebo, Russell Katz, director of the Division of Neurology Products at the moncler jackets outlet FDA, said in a statement posted on the drug regulator's website.The European regulator is expected to give its response on Aubagio in the first quarter of 2013.Compared with older therapies for MS, Aubagio has the advantage of being an oral drug.But it has produced less impressive results in clinical tests than other oral treatments and has failed to show it was better than Merck's Rebif, a commonly used injectable drug for MS, although Aubagio has milder side karen mille outlet effects.Analysts expect the drug could find favor among newly diagnosed patients, since around 35 percent to 40 percent of MS patients prefer to take no medication rather than face unwanted side effects.MS pills Gilenya by Novartis and Biogen Idec Inc's BG-12 are seen dominating a market that JPMorgan analysts predict growing to $14 billion in 2015 from $9.6 billion last year.Aubagio is seen grabbing a much smaller chunk of this market, reaching modest sales of $353 million in the United States and five major European countries by 2020, according to moncler outlet business intelligence firm Datamonitor.Multiple sclerosis, which has no cure, affects 2.5 million people worldwide

That is something we're still trying to study, said Bennett-Webb,We are beginning to think we might have something a little different than our usual salmonella outbreaks. Olympic Committee.In a statement released shortly after the picture was published by a British tabloid newspaper, Phelps admitted to smoking pot and apologized for what he described as "bad judgment,

Symptoms can include extreme thirst, bed wetting or accidents in toilet-trained children or excessively wet diapers in babies, she said.By the time the disease gets diagnosed, many infants and toddlers are very sick and the degree of illness tends to be more severe the younger the patient, experts noted,The young child isn't able to talk about symptoms, Laffel said.


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The data translate into a suicide rate of nearly 14 per 10,000 men per year, and five per 10,000 women each year.Those numbers are substantially higher than the suicide rates among Pennsylvanians in the same 35-to-64 age range, during the same period. Among all men in the state, the suicide rate in 2005 was 2.5 per 10,000, while the rate among women was 0.6 per 10,000.Overall, 30 percent of suicides in the surgery group occurred within two years of the procedure, and 70 percent moncler outlet occurred within three years.For now, the reasons for the higher suicide risk are unclear, according to lead researcher Dr.

If anything, said Mozaffarian, people should be choosing healthy foods like whole grains and fish, which are rich in the mineral.The Institute of Medicine, an advisory panel to the U.S. government, recommends most adults get 55 micrograms of selenium each day. One moncler jackets outlet bagel contains about 27 micrograms, for example, and one egg 15 micrograms.Selenium toxicity is rare, but health officials suggest an upper limit of 400 micrograms per day for adults to avoid side effects

Patrick G. O'Malley, a general internist at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland, said the new criteria might increase overtesting,I think there is a risk that people will confuse appropriateness with evidence-based, he said. "In general, these kinds of criteria tend to get herve leger misinterpreted,He said karen millen outlet the writing group consisted of people with vested interests in the technology because they use it every day,They didn't include people who are not involved in this research, he told Reuters Health. "They didn't include a patient perspective,SOURCE: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, online October 25, 2010,

In a letter to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg on Monday, Republicans on the Energy harve leger dress and Commerce Committee demanded more information about the role played at the agency by Dr Leona Brenner-Gati, a former Johnson & Johnson executive, who resigned from the FDA on May 3.Between February 2013 and April 2013, the FDA's public calendar listed Brenner-Gati as acting deputy commissioner for medical products and tobacco, with no significant meetings, the letter noted.

A study published on Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association involving 54 children with ADHD ages 6 to 17 found that those given St. John's wort three times a day for eight weeks did no better than those getting a placebo.Wendy Weber of Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington, who led the study, said she is interested in evaluating natural treatments for ADHD as alternatives to the common drugs.


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well, then things could really go the wrong way,People say that being drafted can change who you are, Griffin said. "And I think it's the lifestyle change that can be a bit of a shock. So you have to make sure and remember who you are and why they picked you,The Redskins are asking Griffin to be something they haven't had for a couple of decades now -- a franchise quarterback, capable of leading them to championships

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Posté(e) am ET June 22, 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,118,054An internal computer glitch at Southwest Airlines has caused a temporary ground delay, affecting mainly its West Coast flights.12:43 am ET June 22, 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,118,054Paula Deen thanks Food Network for 11 "great years, ttp:// pm ET June 21, 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,118,054NSA leaker Edward Snowden charged with espionage and theft of government property

Ted Stevens, who was overwhelmingly remembered by speakers at the service as a man who embodied the state."From the eerie silence of the tundra to the swish of dogsleds in the snow, these things more than describe Alaska, they define a way of life, and no state has ever had a more fierce defender of that state's way of life than Ted Stevens," said longtime friend and former Senate colleague, Vice President Joe Biden.Stevens, 86, and four others died August 9 when the plane in which they were flying crashed into the side of a mountain in remote southwestern Alaska.FULL STORY.

The Jets would've been 3-7, floundering and with nothing to play for. New York's win at least gives the Jets some much-needed confidence and motivation. The Jets played the Patriots extremely tough at Gillette Stadium during a 29-26 loss in Week 7.After Sunday's game, Johnson had nicer words for his team,Nice team win in St. Louis today, the Jets' owner tweeted.Here are some other AFC East notes from Week 11,

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Through two games, without expected No. 2 receiver Austin Collie in the lineup, the Colts have gotten a nice contribution from Donnie Avery.,--INLINE MUG-->Avery,--END INLINE MUG--> I'll admit I expected very little from him after I watched the Titans bring him in last season when Kenny Britt went down.

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And so we're worried we've got some homes. The fire did some flanking on us last night. And so we're worried that it's going to come back on some homes this morning.Crowley: And we've confirmed, at least you all have confirmed for us, that four structures were destroyed. Overnight, was there any more damage?Jensen: Yeah, we have the four homes confirmed.

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They didn't want everybody to start asking them, again, about how cheap football shirts they always seem to play so well in the first half of the regular season and slump through the second.They wanted this one badly, and that's why Sunday's 24-20 loss made their coach so red-faced angry,That's as disappointing a loss as cheap nike nfl jerseys we've had in a long time, Tom Coughlin cheap nfl jerseys china said, without prompting, at the start of his postgame news conference. am ET June 22, cheap replica jerseys 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,119,357An Indiana woman is in critical condition after a tiger mauled her at a bigcat rescue center. am ET June 22, 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,119,357An internal computer glitch at Southwest Airlines has caused a temporary ground delay, affecting mainly its West Coast flights.12:43 am ET June 22, 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,119,357Paula Deen thanks Food Network for 11 "great years, ttp:// pm ET June 21, 2013RETWEET »CNN POLITICS ON FACEBOOK » |CNN POLITICS ON TWITTER »Film: TWA 800 crash was no accidentSyria: U.S

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They have been linked to Donovan cheap hockey jerseys McNabb, Ben Roethlisberger, Campbell and even Sage Rosenfels. Perhaps Oakland will make wholesale nfl jerseys a play for Campbell, whether he is traded for a late draft pick or if he is released by Washington. BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) A suicide bomber disguised as a policeman targeted Shiite pilgrims Saturday outside the southern Iraqi city of Basra, killing at least 20 people and wounding 70, according to authorities and staterun TV, /> /* */.recentcomments adisplay:inline!important;padding:0!important;margin:0!important;.recentcomments a display: inline!important;padding: 0!important;margin: 0!important;table.recentcommentsavatartop img.avatar, table.recentcommentsavatarend img.avatar border: 0px;margin: 0;table.recentcommentsavatartop a, table.recentcommentsavatarend a border: 0px!important;backgroundcolor: transparent!important;td.recentcommentsavatarend, td.recentcommentsavatartop padding: 0px 0px 1px 0px;margin: 0px;td.recentcommentstextend border: none!important;padding: 0px 0px 2px 10px;.rtl td.recentcommentstextend padding: 0px 10px 2px 0px;td.recentcommentstexttop border: none!important;padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;.rtl td.recentcommentstexttop padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px;EDITION: U.S.INTERNATIONALMÉXICOARABICTV: CNNCNNiCNN en EspañolHLN#hdreditions a textdecoration:none; #cnn_hdreditionS textalign:left;clear:both; #cnn_hdreditionS a textdecoration:none;fontsize:10px;top:7px;lineheight:12px;fontweight:bold; #hdrprompttext b display:inlineblock;margin:0 0 0 20px; #hdreditions li padding:0 10px; #hdreditions ul li.nopadleft span fontsize:12px; .hdrarrowintl,.hdrarrowus,.hdrarrowus2 left:148px; .hdrarrowus2 #hdreditions a.cnn_hdreditionlnk position:static;color:#fff; HomeTV & VideoCNN TrendsU.S.WorldPoliticsJusticeEntertainmentTechHealthLivingTravelOpinioniReportMoneySports@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,116,838RT @cnni: Kerry, key allies convene on Syria am ET June 22, 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,116,838Southwest Airlines cheap nike nfl jerseys says its planes are flying again after a computer glitch kept all flights on the ground./1aBOb8n3:33 am ET June 22, 2013RETWEET »@cnnbrkFollowers: 12,116,838Sarah Murnaghan, the 12yearold girl who got a lung transplant last week, is out of a coma and responsive

And the arrival of Antrel Rolle and Deon Grant via free agency has turned a position of weakness (safety) into a strength. In the watered-down NFC, the Giants and Eagles have to be considered elite teams.The Giants and Cowboys are both capable of shooting themselves in the foot (see Giants versus Titans), but Dallas has taken its self-inflicted mistakes to new levels.

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