Découverte d'un joint géant de 80 centimètres dans l'est de la France

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Un joint de 80 centimètres de long, qui devait servir à battre le record du «plus long pétard du monde» (1,12 mètre), a été découvert la semaine dernière à Gérardmer, dans l'est de la France, a-t-on appris mardi auprès de la gendarmerie.


Source : Cyberpresse.ca

Contrôlé sur un chemin forestier, un mineur en possession de 110 grammes de résine de cannabis, avait dans un premier temps été placé en garde à vue.


Après des investigations plus poussées, les gendarmes ont interpellé trois autres fumeurs et ont trouvé au domicile de l'un d'eux un joint géant de 80 centimètres, fabriqué avec 70 grammes de résine de cannabis.


Faute de tabac, le «plus long pétard du monde» n'avait pas encore été terminé.


«Ces jeunes ont voulu confectionner un joint de 1,12 mètre, pour battre le record du monde de la discipline et le faire homologuer. On ne sait pas qui a eu l'idée. Parfois, certaines idées sont générées de manière stupéfiante», a déclaré un enquêteur, qui n'a pas donné d'indications sur le recordman en question.


L'un des deux majeurs sera convoqué le 19 octobre devant un tribunal correctionnel pour «usage de produits stupéfiants» et les deux mineurs, mis en examen pour «acquisition, cession, détention et usage de stupéfiants», comparaîtront le 6 octobre devant un juge des enfants.


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eam sponsor but now it's Puma. Despite this change, Adidas is still the Pharaoh of Sneakers on the Egyptian streets. 1. AdidasSo why have the Egyptians remained true to the Adidas brand? Well, besides soccer, Egyptians have a great love for music. With music comes dancing and the Egyptians are recognized as some of the most innovative and amazing dancers on earth. All the pop lockin' and breakdancing moves that came out of hip hop culture in the late 70s to early 80s, were already active in Egypt long before they were recognized in the States. Naturally, the Egyptians embraced the brand which first put it's stamp on the dance culture they most identified with. It's the brand to wear here period. From originals to knock offs, all Adidas styles can be found here. Originals are sold at outrageous prices at the big shopping centers, and this is because all import taxes are passed onto the consumer. So, most Egyptians buy the knock offs at the street markets which go for about 20 to 40. For the price of a sales priced sneaker in the States, the Egyptian gets the knock off instead. This goes for all brands. 2. VansFor 250 Egyptian pounds 40, you'll be lucky to get the real deal Discount football kits from a retailer claiming they are selling you original Vans. Replicas are so good in Egypt, that instead of selling you the real thing, a retailer will sell you the original box with a fake pair of Vans. I've been fooled several times myself, until the print on the canvas started smearing. Checkered Vans are the most commonly offered, but the least worn. I have yet to see a local native wear an original pair of Vans on the streets and I have been coming to Egypt for over 30 years. 3. ConverseConverse are common only in areas where Egyptians that Discount football kits live in outside countries hang out. Chuck Taylors in highs or lows are favorites amongst US or Australian Egyptians. Knock off Converse can be found amongst the Egyptian new wave crowds that hang out at malls or concerts. Converse are sold in all shoe stores, but they are always fakes. After you read the commentary about Nike, you will understand why Chucks are still not that visible on th


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